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Best Movies I have seen All Time


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Currently my top list of movies I have seen.  All are quality films to see, some better than others and did divide them into genre as well lower down.  Running low on my own Netflix queue so hopefully I can get some new ones to see!     ....


*The Assassination of Jesse James 
*Good Will Hunting
*Blade Runner
*Meet Joe Black
*Glory (1989)
*The Shawshank Redemption
*The Perks of Being a Wallflower
*To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
*Mad Max Fury Road
*Napolean Dynamite
*Scarface (1983)
*The King's Speech
*Tommy Boy
*The Bourne Identity
*A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
*Diner 1982
*Dances With Wolves
*The Hurt Locker
*Let the Right One In (2008 Foreign) 
*A Time to Kill
*Wind River
*Cool Hand Luke
*Robin Hood Prince of Thieves 1991
*The Rider
*Stand By Me
*Scent of a Woman
*Dead Poets Society
*No Country for Old Men
*The Talented Mr. Ripley
*Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
*Star Wars Empire Strikes Back V
*Mississippi Burning
*The Fall
*The Matrix
*The Wailing (2016)
*Dark City
*Hoop Dreams
*A Lesson Before Dying (1999)
*Silence of the Lambs
*Dumb and Dumber
*The King (2019)
*Money Ball
*On the Waterfront
*Fried Green Tomatoes
*Glengarry Glen Ross
*Blood Simple
*The Wizard Of Oz
*A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
*The Fugitive
*Ford V Ferrari
*Before Midnight
*Black Swan
*Pan's Labyrinth (Foreign)
*Star Wars Return of the Jedi VI
*A Nightmare on Elm Street
*The Exorcist
*The Shining
*Jurassic Park
*The Evil Dead (1981)
*Cape Fear (1991)
*The Body Snatcher (1945)
*Pet Semetary
*The Blair Witch Project
*The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
*Blood Diamond
*Rachel Getting Married
*A Beautiful Mind
*Step Brothers
*The Sandlot
*Little Miss Sunshine
*Free Solo
*Happy Gilmore
*Sweet Country (2017)
*The Color of Paradise  (Foreign)
*Monty Python and the Holy Grail
*Batman The Dark Knight
*Reservoir Dogs
*The Pelican Brief
*Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)
*Enter The Dragon
*Brokeback Mountain
*Aquirre: The Wrath of God (Foreign)
*Malcolm X
*Mission Impossible (1996)
*There Will be Blood
*The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Foreign)
*What's Eating Gilbert Grape
*The Godfather
*Star Wars A New Hope IV
*The Producers (1967)
*Tess (1979)
*Saving Private Ryan
*Sing Street
*Aliens 3
*Lion (2016)
* Snaatch 2000
*The Celebration (1998 Foreign)
*The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
*Beautiful Girls (1996)
*Spinal Tap
*Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
*Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
*The Good the Bad and the Ugly
*Hell of High Water
*12 Years a Slave
*Mary Magdalene
*My Octopus Teacher
*North Country
*Apollo 13
*Leon The Professional
*What Dreams May Come
*Little Women (2019)
*My Life (1993)
*Stalker (1979 Foregin)
*Eyes Wide Shut
*500 Days of Summer
*Wait Until Dark (1967)
*We Are Marshall
*Wedding Crashers
*The Notebook
*Magic (1978)
*Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2006)
*Pulp Fiction
*Spencer (2021)
*Storm of the Century
*Along Came Polly
*Upgrade (2018)
*The Insider (1999)
*Locke (2013)
*Blade (1998)
*Death at a Funeral (2007)
*Field of Dreams 
*Hell or High Water
*The Godfather: Part II
*Jacob's Ladder
*Fracture (2007)
*Shane (1953)
*Tender Mercies (1983)
*Die Hard
*October Sky
*Lord of Illusion
*Doctor Sleep
*Devil in a Blue Dress
*Animal Kingdom
*Apocalypse Now
*Born on the 4th of July
*Just Mercy
*Videodrome (1983)
*The Chaser
*The Other Guys
*The Two Popes
*The River Wild
*All the President's Men (1976)
*Winter's Bone
*Sound of Metal (2020)
*The Goodbye Girl (1977)
*The Pumpkin Eater (1964)
*The Remains of the Day (1993)
*Man Down (2016)
*Clay Pigeons (1998)
*The Bad Seed (1956)
*The Intern
*You've Got Mail
*Serendipity (2001)
*Jack of the Red Hearts (2016)



Divided by genre

*The Assassination of Jesse James 
*To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
*The Shawshank Redemption
*Dances With Wolves
*The Hurt Locker
*American Beauty
*Black Swan
*The Rider
*A Few Good Men
*On the Waterfront
*Hearts in Atlantis
*Stand By Me
*A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
*Rachel Getting Married
*A Beautiful Mind
*What's Eating Gilbert Grape
*The Godfather
*Dead Poets Society
*12 Angry Men
*A Lesson Before Dying (1999)
*There Will be Blood
*Coming To America
*Wait Until Dark (1967)
*Rabbit Hole
*Just Mercy
*Saving Private Ryan
*The Hustler (1961)
*The King's Speech
*The Elephant Man (1980)
*Magic (1978) 
*Blood Diamond
*Apocalypse Now
*My Life (1993)
*Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (1991)
*The Celebration (1998 Foreign)
*Apollo 13
*My Left Foot (1989)
*Casualties of War (1989)
*A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
*The Wrestler
*Zero Dark Thirty
*The Pelican Brief
*The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Foreign)
*Hell or High Water
The Godfather: Part II
*12 Years a Slave
*Schindler's List (1993)
*Glory (1989)
*Lord of the Flies (1963)
*The Grapes of Wrath
*My Fair Lady
*Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
*Paper Moon (1973)
*August Rush
*Sweet Country (2017)
*Quiz Show (1994)
*The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
*The Descendants
*Rain Man
*The Social Network
*Million Dollar Baby
*Revolutionary Road
*Aquirre: The Wrath of God (Foreign)
*Mary Magdalene
*Dead Man Walking
*The Company Men
*The Girl (2009 Foreign)
*The Hunt (Foreign)
*Marriage Story
*Blue is the Warmest Color
*Key Largo (1948)
*Win Win
*Tess (1979)
*Spencer (2021)
*A Separation (Foreign) 
*Born to be Blue
*Danny Collins
*Free State of Jones
*Lion (Foreign)
*Man Down (2016)
*What Dreams May Come
*Manchester by the Sea
*Children of Heaven (Foreign)
*The Good the Bad and the Ugly
*Silence (2016)
*The Insider (1999)
*The Prophecy (1995)
*Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot
*The Color of Paradise (Foreign)
*Terms of Endearment
*We Are Marshall
*Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
*The Blind Side
*North Country
*Born on the 4th of July
*The Color of Money (1986)
*Fracture (2007)
*October Sky
*The Pumpkin Eater (1964)
*Eight Grade (2018)  
*Locke (2013)
*Richard Jewell
*The Grand Budapest Hotel
*The Mauritanian (2021)
*Taps (1981)
*The Incident
*Anna (2019)
*Sound of Metal (2020)
*13 Conversations About one Thing
*Denial (2016)
*A Brilliant Young Mind
*The Intern
*Jack of the Red Hearts (2016)
*Oasis (2002)

*Malcolm X
*Ford V Ferrari
*Schindlers List
*Walk the Line
*Straight Outta Compton
*The King (2019)
*The Two Popes
*The Ten Commandments
*The Miracle Worker
*Spencer (2021)
*Rebel in the Rye (2017)
*Love & Mercy (2015)
*Mary Shelley (2018)

*The Wizard Of Oz
*Pan's Labyrinth (Foreign)
*The Fall
*Jurassic Park
*Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
*The Green Mile
*Stalker (1979)
*The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
*Hero (Foreign)
*Lord of the Rings
*The Truman Show
*The Cell
*Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
*Conan The Barbarian
*The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
*Conan The Destroyer
*What Dreams May Come
*The Lighthouse

*No Country for Old Men
*The Fugitive
*Mississippi Burning
*Blood Simple
*Reservoir Dogs
*Wind River
*Michael Clayton
*The Talented Mr. Ripley
*The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
*Wait Until Dark (1967)
*Dial M for Murder (1954)
*Glengarry Glen Ross
*Animal Kingdom
*The Deer Hunter
*The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
*All the President's Men (1976)
*Dolores Claiborne
*Little Children
*The Imitation Game
*The Dead Zone (1983)
*Winter's Bone
*Knives Out
*The River Wild
*Clay Pigeons (1998)
*The Mothman Prophecies
*The Sweet Hereafter
*Shotgun Stories
*In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
*Chapter 27
*One Hour Photo
*True Story
*Frozen River
*Old Boy
*The Bad Seed (1956)
*Lore (Foreign)
*Dog Day Afternoon
*Place Beyond the Pines
*Marathon Man 
*The Killing (1956)

*Hoop Dreams
*Free Solo
*A Man Named Pearl
*My Octopus Teacher
*Gleason (2016)
*Note By Note
*Athlete A
*Senna (Foreign)
*The Cove
*Girl Model
*Supersize Me
*The True Cost
*I am Chris Farley
*Bowling for Columbine
*Sound City
*Life Itself
*King Richard
*Art and Craft

*Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
*Silence of the Lambs
*A Nightmare on Elm Street
*The Exorcist
*The Shining
*The Evil Dead (1981)
*The Wailing (2016)
*Manhunter (1986)  
*Frankenstein (1931)
*Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)
*The Body Snatcher (1945)
*Lord of Illusions
*Nosferatu (1922)
*Cape Fear (1991)
*Alice Sweet Alice
*The Bride of Frankenstein
*Pet Semetary
*Jacob's Ladder
*The Blair Witch Project
*Interview with the Vampire
*Storm of the Century
*A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
*Funny Games
*Rosemary's Baby
*Paranormal Activity
*Friday the 13th
*REC (2007 Foreign)
*Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nacht
*Blue Velvet
*The Purge
*Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
*The Witch (2015)
*It Follows
*Altered (2006)
*Doctor Sleep
*Mary Reilly (1996)
*The Ring
*It Comes at Night
*From Dusk Till Dawn
*House of Wax (1953)
*The Little Girl who Lives Down the Lane
*Super Dark Times
*The Ghost of Frankenstein 



*The Assassination of Jesse James 
*Dances With Wolves
*No Country for Old Men
*Shane (1953)
*Sweet Country (2017)
*The Rider
*Hell or High Water
*The Good the Bad and the Ugly
*The Revenant 
*Once Upon A Time in the West
*The Hateful Eight
*Bone Tomahawk
*Django Unchained
*Seraphim Falls (2007)
*The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
*Tombstone (1993)
*3:10 to Yuma (2007)
*True Grit (2010)
*The Magnificent Seven (1960)
*Hostiles (2017)
*Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
*Rio Bravo
*The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
*High Noon
*Jane Got a Gun


*Mad Max Fury Road
*The Bourne Identity
*Kill Bill I 
*The Matrix
*Enter The Dragon
*Predator (1987)
*Kill Bill II
*Scarface (1983)
*Mission Impossible (1996)
*Die Hard
*Mad Max Road Warrior
*Batman The Dark Knight
*Robin Hood Prince of Thieves 1991
*Seven Samurai (1954 Foreign)
*Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome
*Blade (1998)
*Terminator 2
*True Romance
*Leon The Professional
*John Wick
*The Equalizer
*The Hitcher
*State of Grace
*Anna (2019)
*The Chaser
*The Terminator
*District 9
*The Great Silence
*The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)


*Tommy Boy
*Dumb and Dumber
*Step Brothers
*Napolean Dynamite
*Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
*Happy Gilmore
*The Waterboy
*Along Came Polly
*Coming To America
*There's Something About Mary
*Monty Python and the Holy Grail
*The Birdcage
*This Is Spinal Tap
*Robin Hood Men in Tights
*The Producers (1967)
*Office Space
*The Other Guys
*Mean Girls
*The Sitter
*Celtic Pride
*A Night at the Roxbury
*Blazing Saddles
*21 Jump Street
*Burn After Reading
*Little Miss Sunshine
*Cool Runnings (1993)
*The Sandlot
*Death at a Funeral (2007)
*Tropic Thunder
*A League of Their Own
*Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
*Major League
*Austin Powers 2
*Everything Must Go
*We Are the Millers
*Daddy's Home
*Grumpy Old Men
*Spy (2015)
*Groundhog Day
*Beavis and Butthead Do America
*Hot Shots! Part Deux
*Waynes World
*The Hangover
*Dumber and Dumber To
*Grumpier Old Men
*Anchorman 1
*National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
*The Heat (2015)
*Austin Powers 3
*Old School
*Hall Pass
*Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
*Canadian Bacon
*Hot Shots!
*Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
*Get Hard
*Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
*Mrs. Doubtfire
*Mighty Ducks
*The Promotion
*Cedar Rapids
*This is the End
*Wayne's World 2
*Meet the Parents
*Austin Powers 3
*School or Rock
*Uncle Buck
*Scary Movie
*Wet Hot American Summer



*Meet Joe Black
*Pretty Woman (1990)
*Scent of a Woman
*Breakfast at Tiffany's
*The Notebook
*The Perks of Being a Wallflower
*Tess (1979)
*Crazy, Stupid, Love
*Beautiful Girls (1996)
*Sleepless in Seattle
*Little Women (2019)
*Roman Holiday
*The Holiday
*Children of a Lesser God (1986)
*Splendor in the Grass
*Officer and a Gentleman *You've Got Mail
*The Fault in our Stars
*Some Kind of Wonderful
*The Proposal
*Before Sunrise (1995)
*Let the Right One In (2008 Foreign) 
*Eyes Wide Shut
*Fried Green Tomatoes
*Vanilla Sky
*Tender Mercies (1983)
*One True Thing
*Last of the Mohicans
*Candy (2006)
*Before Midnight
*Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
*The Graduate
*Before Sunset
*The Bridges of Madison County
*Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
*Biutiful (Foreign)
*The Virgin Suicides 
*The Remains of the Day (1993)
*The King and I (1956)
*He's Just Not That Into You
*A Tale of Winter


*Wedding Crashers
*Crazy, Stupid, Love
*The Goodbye Girl (1977)
*Lars and the Real Girl
*Beautiful Girls (1996)
*Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
*Love And Other Drugs
*10 Things I Hate About You
*Sing Street
*The Big Sick
*Moonrise Kingdom
*500 Days of Summer
*Punch Drunk Love (2002)
*Forgetting Sarah Marshall
*Serendipity (2001)
*Whatever Works
*50 First Dates (2004)
*Some Kind of Wonderful
*The Proposal
*Yesterday (2019)
*In the Land of Women


*Good Will Hunting
*Money Ball
*Death and a Funeral (2007)
*Back to the Future
*Cool Hand Luke
*Marvin's Room 
*One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
*Snaatch 2000
*Everything Must Go
*Inglorious Bastards
*Oceans 11 (2001)
*Winning Season
*Diner 1982
*Patch Adams
*Lady Bird
*Dr. Strangelove (1964)
*The Way Way Back
*Back to the Future II
*Forest Gump
*The Kids Are All Right
*The Savages
*Honey I Shrunk the Kids (1989)
*Field of Dreams 
*Green Book
*The King of Staten Island


*Blade Runner
*Mad Max Fury Road
*The Matrix
*District 9 
*Dark City
*Star Wars Empire Strikes Back V
*Star Wars Return of the Jedi VI
*12 Monkeys
*Star Wars A New Hope IV
*Blade (1998)
*Mad Max Road Warrior
*Aliens 3
*Under the Skin
*Videodrome (1983)
*Dredd (2012)
*Upgrade (2018)
*Moon (2009)
*Ad Astra
*Predator (1987)
*The Terminator
*The Fly
*Terminator 2
*The Stepford Wives (1975)
*Mad Max
*Donnie Darko
*Men In Black
*Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome
*Planet of the Apes (1968)
*World War Z
*Dune (1984)


*Blade Runner
*Glengarry Glen Ross
*Blood Simple
*True Romance
*Dark City
*The Matrix (1999)
*The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
*A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
*Lord of Illusions
*Blade (1998)
*No Country for Old Men
*The Pelican Brief
*Devil in a Blue Dress
*Cape Fear (1991)
*Reservoir Dogs
*To Live and Die in LA
*Sin City
*Pulp Fiction
*Only God Forgives
*Red Rock West
*Videodrome (1983)
*Leon The Professional
*Blue Velvet
*Night Moves
*Wild At Heart
*The Neon Demon
*Angel Heart
*Lone Star
*The Hit
*My Blueberry Nights
*Black Rain
*Sea of Love


*Beauty and the Beast 1991
*The Little Mermaid 1989
*Toy Story 1995
*Aladdin 1992
*Robinhood 1973
*One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1961
*The Land before Time
*The Lion King
*Finding Nemo
*All Dogs of to Heaven
*Snow White 1973
*Chicken Run
*The Jungle Book 1967
*The Fox and the Hound 1961







Edited by Ozzy
as I remember...
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28 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

*Napolean Dynamite
*The Blair Witch Project
*Brokeback Mountain
*Aliens 3

Lot of good movies on your list, I just highlighted the ones I personally disagree with, with Aliens 3 being first and foremost on that list. Might be the worst David Fincher film, period.

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14 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Lot of good movies on your list, I just highlighted the ones I personally disagree with, with Aliens 3 being first and foremost on that list. Might be the worst David Fincher film, period.

It is not amazing but I liked Aliens 3, I thought it was a cool idea and something a little different and is arguably better than most the trash Sci Fi movies put out now a days.  Charles S Dutton was great in it, Charles Dance was pretty cool and Ripley was great as usual.  Like the idea of a prison planet etc...  As for Napolean Dynamite that movie is boarderline historic in terms of comedies.  Being that successful with no nudity, no swearing, no real sex or violence of any kind outside of a steak being thrown, in this day and age, wow.  But yeah it is not for everyone, I just thought it was wonderfully unique and original.


And saying it was David Fincher's worst film is basically saying nothing, pretty much what his first real film he has not made and all of them are pretty solid.  So sure it is his worst in a good group of movies not including the video short crap which he made a S ton of.

Gone Girl
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Social Network
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Panic Room
Fight Club
The Game
Alien 3



10 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Death to Smoochy?

The Big Lebowski ?

Never liked the idea of Death to Smoochy, and The Big Lebowski is good in terms of loser dude quality.  But could argue the funniest characters Steve Buscemi and John Goodman are not nearly in the movie enough.  Jeff Bridges as "The Dude" never did much for me, had some good parts just overall was lacking somethings, might have to walk it again sometime, have not seen it for awhile.  




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30 minutes ago, Bullet Club said:

You put Alien on there twice, along with Aliens. Ever seen either of the John Wick's or Die Hard?

Thanks I corrected that Alien issue, even though it is good enough to be one there twice.   John Wick I liked but did not love the movie, the entire concept of all these hit men or women all stay in this one Hotel that is knows what they do, that seems pretty stupid to me and way to cartoon/comic book like.   Never saw the second one, is it worth watching?  Cool action shots but as a movie overall is a little lacking I think in depth, still cool for a TV watch but did lack a true villain.  Die Hard I like but not as much as most, Alan Rickman as a villain is great but there is a cheesy factor in that which is pretty large, all the one liners and such.  I would say Bruce Willis was better in 12 Monkeys than Die Hard.


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7 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

Thanks I corrected that Alien issue, even though it is good enough to be one there twice.   John Wick I liked but did not love the movie, the entire concept of all these hit men or women all stay in this one Hotel that is knows what they do, that seems pretty stupid to me and way to cartoon/comic book like.   Never saw the second one, is it worth watching?  Cool action shots but as a movie overall is a little lacking I think in depth, still cool for a TV watch but did lack a true villain.  Die Hard I like but not as much as most, Alan Rickman as a villain is great but there is a cheesy factor in that which is pretty large, all the one liners and such.  I would say Bruce Willis was better in 12 Monkeys than Die Hard.


Chapter 2 is one of my favorite movies ever, definitely worth a watch. I'm glad The Equalizer made the list, that's a great action movie. As far as 12 Monkeys goes I've actually only seen the TV show.

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6 hours ago, Ozzy said:


Never liked the idea of Death to Smoochy, and The Big Lebowski is good in terms of loser dude quality.  But could argue the funniest characters Steve Buscemi and John Goodman are not nearly in the movie enough.  Jeff Bridges as "The Dude" never did much for me, had some good parts just overall was lacking somethings, might have to walk it again sometime, have not seen it for awhile.  





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5 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:



This is arguably the best scene in the movie, and it is not because of "The Dude".  Could argue Kingpin is a better comedy bowling movie in terms of straight laughs throughout, way more I would say if you count them all.  But really the "loser" character is always more funny then the 'cool' character, same with that movie.  



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Just now, Ozzy said:


This is arguably the best scene in the movie, and it is not because of "The Dude".  Could argue Kingpin is a better comedy bowling movie in terms of straight laughs throughout, way more I would say if you count them all.  But really the "loser" character is always more funny then the 'cool' character, same with that movie.  



This is the greatest movie ever to me. I was just teasing with you. But Kingpin is no where close. Not even remotely.

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10 minutes ago, WizardHawk said:

How does one not have something from Arnold in action/sci-fi.

Good call, it is a ever changing list and I did forget some Arnold movies.  I really like Conan, kind of cheesy but all of his movies are and those are unique and cool, and The Predator is a great movie as is the Terminator.  Just not any are a all time favorite of mine but worth being included, thanks for reminding me...


Conan the Barbarian 

The Predator

The Terminator


I also notice I forgot Back to the Future II, another sweet movie and very close to as good as the original.  

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19 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

This is the greatest movie ever to me. I was just teasing with you. But Kingpin is no where close. Not even remotely.

Yeah I think ultimately again in terms of funny count Kingpin would win, I laughed more consistently in that, The Big Lebowski has long periods of nothing and more than once but maybe that is just me. 


What you think of that remake 'It' movie?  Based on your logo you like it, honestly I thought that face was creepy and original but that movie was not all that good and took a ton from the older one obviously.  Solid child character development especially for a remake, had a Stand By Me young kid youth in the summer all teamed together as losers vibe going for it.  But the "scary" parts were not scary and honestly I like the original clown more by Tim Curry, seemed more creepy because it was not so herky jerky.  Sure that movie was way too long and boring at times, but the Clown parts were gold and were easily taken in this new remake especially the boat scene.  Still with that fast camera work to make scares, not a fan of that but that is all anyone does it seems.  

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