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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Then immediately drive about 10 minutes to Franklins BBQ. You need to get there by about 8:30 am for lunch. That was voted best BBQ in the *WORLD*. 


What lol?  I'm not sure any food is worth waiting around 3-4 hours for...

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

They normally sell out by 11am. If you get there after 9, some of the meats will already be gone. 

So i assume it's mostly tourists then?  Hard to see locals skipping out on work to wait around hours for food.

Or do they bring out your lunch at 8:30 in the morning?

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1 minute ago, theJ said:

So i assume it's mostly tourists then?  Hard to see locals skipping out on work to wait around hours for food.

Or do they bring out your lunch at 8:30 in the morning?

Downtown workers typically will send one dude to wait in line and order for the entire office. Its really good. How good you ask?

Last time Obama came to Austin he had it. He showed up at 8am and stood in line like everyone else for a couple hours to get it. It was a huge spectacle having the POTUS standing outside in line waiting for BBQ. 

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

why wouldnt they just open at 11 am then?

Franklin smokes all the meats like 18 hours. So he only works from like 8- noon everyday. Throws the meat on at noon, its ready to start slicing the next morning at 8am. At least, thats what I have been told. 

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20 minutes ago, theJ said:

I'm not sure there's much you can do short of asking them nicely to put an effort into cleaning it up.  They probably won't.  Laziness is what puts properties into that kind of distress, not being bad people.  You can't cure their laziness.

Pretty suck-tastic situation.  Neighbors are important to your home value.  And you can't do a damn thing about them lol.

Thanks. I actually texted him and gave the attached comments from our prospective buyers about their house. He profusely apologized and said he’d clean it up. Hopefully he does. I really don’t want to have to go to the city. That won’t end well. 

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Franklin smokes all the meats like 18 hours. So he only works from like 8- noon everyday. Throws the meat on at noon, its ready to start slicing the next morning at 8am. At least, thats what I have been told. 

So do people get there at 8 and wait until 11 to get food?  Or do they get it fairly quickly, and just eat it "leftover" at a proper lunch hour?

This whole thing is bending my brain lol.

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Thanks. I actually texted him and gave the attached comments from our prospective buyers about their house. He profusely apologized and said he’d clean it up. Hopefully he does. I really don’t want to have to go to the city. That won’t end well. 

You could always offer to help. Think of it as an investment. A weekend helping clean/fix the outside of their house could be worth thousands to you. And you get to help a neighbor who you seem to like. Win/Win.

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Franklin smokes all the meats like 18 hours. So he only works from like 8- noon everyday. Throws the meat on at noon, its ready to start slicing the next morning at 8am. At least, thats what I have been told. 

throw the damn meat on at 2 pm then.

start prepping at 10, and open at 11 am


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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

You could always offer to help. Think of it as an investment. A weekend helping clean/fix the outside of their house could be worth thousands to you. And you get to help a neighbor who you seem to like. Win/Win.

That’s actually exactly what I did. Hopefully he takes me up on it!

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6 minutes ago, theJ said:

So do people get there at 8 and wait until 11 to get food?  Or do they get it fairly quickly, and just eat it "leftover" at a proper lunch hour?

This whole thing is bending my brain lol.

People start lining up outside super early (like 7am), but as long as you get there by ~8:30 you will be fine. About 9am they start going down the line and asking what you want. They know how many pounds of each meat they have; so if the dude at the front of the line orders 15#s of brisket, the 30th guy in line might not get any. The guys at the end of the line basically take whatevers left over. 

IIRC the doors open at 10 am. You grab what you ordered + any sides/drinks/whatever.


Think of it as an Apple store whenever there is a new iPhone. Except it happens everyday of the year, excluding Mondays (they are closed on Mondays).

Edited by Matts4313
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57 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

People start lining up outside super early (like 7am), but as long as you get there by ~8:30 you will be fine. About 9am they start going down the line and asking what you want. They know how many pounds of each meat they have; so if the dude at the front of the line orders 15#s of brisket, the 30th guy in line might not get any. The guys at the end of the line basically take whatevers left over. 

IIRC the doors open at 10 am. You grab what you ordered + any sides/drinks/whatever.


Think of it as an Apple store whenever there is a new iPhone. Except it happens everyday of the year, excluding Mondays (they are closed on Mondays).

That is insane.  Good for Franklin.  Good for him.

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