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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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13 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Not a lot. But one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s socially acceptable for fat people to say you’re too skinny. But talk about their weight and you’re a monster. 

I can work all day and not get tired and have perfect bowel movements. But tell me again how you’re the healthy one 

And riding around on the scooters at the grocery store even though they’re not disabled 

I would say the number of people who are ok with saying someone is too skinny compared to the number of people who either don't care about people calling out fat or skinny people or only have a problem with calling people fat is like 5 to 95. And even then, it's exclusively used against women which is an entirely different topic.

And I would hesitate to put grocery store cart rides in the "priviledge" category when those people still get shamed and bad looks the same as a healthy person would for riding it, and anybody can limp into a grocery store and sit down on one of them.

Like I said, none of those really fit the same level we see from male or female priviledge.

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Just now, TXsteeler said:

I assume your being hyperbolic but I'm still gonna point out that there are plenty of diseases like gigantism or ALS or even just being paralyzed which can make it literally impossible to be "fit". And of course you are simplifying it by saying people who don't work harder to overcome their own personal health issues are just being lazy. 

There have been 100 cases of gigantism in the United States.  Is this even something worth mentioning, or do you have so few counterpoints you have to point to something as rare as this?  We aren't talking about ALS or disabled people you insufferable whiner. 


Ever heard of a "food desert"? No, of course you haven't, most people haven't. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_desert there ya go.

There I go what?  You think you just made a point?  A calorie is a calorie is a calorie, especially when it comes to the difference between being obese and healthy.  If you're stuck in a food desert,





I'll also take this time to point out that you are completely ignoring the nutrition side of eating, sometimes less isn't always best when your already vitamin defficient. 


You can literally order food online.  Your excuses are all crutches, and they're perfect examples of why people are unhealthy.  "I live in a food desert, so I'm fat."  "You can order really cheap food and vitamins online in bulk."  "I don't have a comeback ready for that, standby..."


And sure walking is free, but many people work in offices where they have to spend 8 hours a day (or more) sitting at a desk and an hour or two driving to and from work.

Nope, offices promote healthy work habits and no office in the country would fire someone for standing up every once in a while.  There are literally thousands of ways to exercise at work.  8 hours, plus a two hour commute is 10 hours.  You sleep for 8.  That leaves four hours to do a sit-up or two during a commercial break.  Kids?  You're using kids as an excuse not to exercise?  Exercise with your damn kids instead of letting them follow in your same lazy lifestyle. 


You've also still managed to ignore how mental health factors in and nobody's mentioned the fact that most people spend the first 18ish years of their lives with someone else totally in control of their nutritional options, and many parents don't set their kids up with the best options and teach them the best ways to live their lives.

Mental health factors?  Please.  You're grasping at straws.  99% of Americans have no mental health excuse to be fat.  Blaming your parents is an excuse for habits.  You want to be healthy?  It's up to you to break those habits.  Like I said, everybody has their obstacles.  It's up to a person to overcome those obstacles.  When all you do is blame other things and go about life with a defeatist attitude blaming everybody else or everything else for your own unhealthy lifestyle, you will always be unhealthy. 


Like I said before, thin privilege is obviously not a real thing in any meaningful sense, but people who disparidge fat people or act like the difference between being fat and being fit is as simple as you make it out to be are being completely disingenuous.

It is as simple as I make it out to be.  There will


be opportunities to live healthier.  It's up to each individual whether or not they want to take those opportunities or find comfort in excuses. 

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1 hour ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Not a lot. But one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s socially acceptable for fat people to say you’re too skinny. But talk about their weight and you’re a monster. 

I can work all day and not get tired and have perfect bowel movements. But tell me again how you’re the healthy one 

And riding around on the scooters at the grocery store even though they’re not disabled 

Living the dream I see.

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34 minutes ago, NS922 said:

It's trolling just because you don't agree with it?

Your trolling because you are claiming reality doesn't exist. You may as well say that the only reason Stephen Hawking never took gold in the 100m dash is because he was too lazy.

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Just now, TXsteeler said:

Your trolling because you are claiming reality doesn't exist. You may as well say that the only reason Stephen Hawking never took gold in the 100m dash is because he was too lazy.

What you're doing is listing reasons why people don't have healthy lifestyles. I said that if you do have a healthy lifestyle, all the other stuff is irrelevant. And btw, we're not talking about people with severely debilitating medical conditions. We're talking about why people are overweight.

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26 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

There have been 100 cases of gigantism in the United States.  Is this even something worth mentioning, or do you have so few counterpoints you have to point to something as rare as this?  We aren't talking about ALS or disabled people you insufferable whiner. 

There I go what?  You think you just made a point?  A calorie is a calorie is a calorie, especially when it comes to the difference between being obese and healthy.  If you're stuck in a food desert,



You can literally order food online.  Your excuses are all crutches, and they're perfect examples of why people are unhealthy.  "I live in a food desert, so I'm fat."  "You can order really cheap food and vitamins online in bulk."  "I don't have a comeback ready for that, standby..."

Nope, offices promote healthy work habits and no office in the country would fire someone for standing up every once in a while.  There are literally thousands of ways to exercise at work.  8 hours, plus a two hour commute is 10 hours.  You sleep for 8.  That leaves four hours to do a sit-up or two during a commercial break.  Kids?  You're using kids as an excuse not to exercise?  Exercise with your damn kids instead of letting them follow in your same lazy lifestyle. 

Mental health factors?  Please.  You're grasping at straws.  99% of Americans have no mental health excuse to be fat.  Blaming your parents is an excuse for habits.  You want to be healthy?  It's up to you to break those habits.  Like I said, everybody has their obstacles.  It's up to a person to overcome those obstacles.  When all you do is blame other things and go about life with a defeatist attitude blaming everybody else or everything else for your own unhealthy lifestyle, you will always be unhealthy. 

It is as simple as I make it out to be.  There will


be opportunities to live healthier.  It's up to each individual whether or not they want to take those opportunities or find comfort in excuses. 

So much anger and resentment. Again I'm not making any of these excuses for myself, I'm just stating that it isn't as simple as you make it out to be but your claiming everything I'm saying is BS and are unwilling to even admit the situation is anymore complex than fat people could all eat less and not be fat.

But you are a climate change denier so I don't know wth I was thinking trying to approach you rationally. Just ignore me man.

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1 minute ago, NS922 said:

What you're doing is listing reasons why people don't have healthy lifestyles. I said that if you do have a healthy lifestyle, all the other stuff is irrelevant. And btw, we're not talking about people with severely debilitating medical conditions. We're talking about why people are overweight.

I know we're talking about why people are overweight. You are straight up claiming that there is no way a person's mental health could effect that, amongst other blatant examples of disregarding facts.

Saying "if a person already has a healthy lifestyle..." Is an irrelevant statement in and of itself, we aren't talking about people with healthy lifestyles. Congratulations though, it's not yet noon and you've already done the most worthless thing you will do all day by making that point for no reason.

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2 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

So much anger and resentment. Again I'm not making any of these excuses for myself, I'm just stating that it isn't as simple as you make it out to be but your claiming everything I'm saying is BS and are unwilling to even admit the situation is anymore complex than fat people could all eat less and not be fat.

But you are a climate change denier so I don't know wth I was thinking trying to approach you rationally. Just ignore me man.

Working in healthcare, in my experience, fat people are almost universally fat due to poor lifestyle choices.

Sure, some folks are disadvantaged, but many are not.  Plenty of folks with a house in the burbs, car, job, etc. who are just gluttonous and lazy.  That’s who we’re talking about here.

Working at a desk and having a commute isn’t a reason for being lazy, it’s an excuse.  Eat better and exercise for 20-30 min and weight comes off, it’s not rocket science.

Imo, most folks look for the “reasons” you listed because feeling as though this isn’t entirely manageable and due to their actions/behaviors is easier than admitting their failures. Losing weight is also tough, and many folks don’t care to put in the work.  It’s easier to watch TV and eat McDonalds than it is run for 20 min and prep food.


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1 minute ago, TXsteeler said:

I know we're talking about why people are overweight. You are straight up claiming that there is no way a person's mental health could effect that, amongst other blatant examples of disregarding facts.

Saying "if a person already has a healthy lifestyle..." Is an irrelevant statement in and of itself, we aren't talking about people with healthy lifestyles. Congratulations though, it's not yet noon and you've already done the most worthless thing you will do all day by making that point for no reason.

I did not say there weren't reasons why people don't eat right or exercise. But these outliers that you're referencing aren't usually the reasons. Most of the time it is laziness. I get tried of hearing about genetics, for example. If you eat right and exercise even a little bit, that's when excuses like "genetics" become irrelevant.

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