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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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I really hope the next episode goes heavy on Bran, what he was doing during the battle, and his interactions with the NK. It looked like Bran and the NK were having some sort of moment before Arya showed up. They really need to tie up some backstory here.

I also hope they go into more detail on how Arya got that close to the NK without anyone noticing. It seemed pretty obvious that Arya would be the one to kill the NK, but I assumed it would be more interesting than that.

More of the main characters should have died, or maybe they will die next episode considering how many injuries they had, but it felt really cheap to show how badly everything was going for and then... everyone is just fine.

Between Bran not doing anything + the disappointing NK death (I'm OK with what happened, just not enough detail/drama), Theon having the most cliche death ever, and all the main characters miraculously being fine, it all came away very hollow and disappointing. I don't have a problem with what happened, just the way they did it. 

They spent so long on all the big battle scenes, but then all the important moments at the end with Theon, Bran, NK and Arya were just.... weak. Definitely one of the best episodes of TV ever produced, but the writing left a LOT to be desired.

The entire ending scene with Theon getting his redemption/approval from Bran and running at the NK with no purpose just to die, and then the NK doing the cliche slow walk to victory and *shock* getting killed was the epitome of lazy, cliched writing. That entire time it was obvious what was going to happen, and they did absolutely nothing to make it interesting.

While I was watching I was so bored and just wanted it to be over. Why waste our time dragging it out if they are just gonna pack it in? Going from 60+ minutes of some of the best TV ever produced, to the most boring, predictable ending possible was such a letdown.

I thought Dexter had one of the worst endings ever, but at least they did something unexpected. This was worse.

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4 hours ago, JonStark said:

He gets into the tree no problem because Bran is marked. If you kill him right away, you have no way of getting inside that tree. By the time the old man died and Bran was officially the new #ER, he was already on the move. I'm not sure why people think the NK let him escape, but that diminishes Hodor and Summer's sacrifice, Benjen/Coldhands minimal appearance, and Meera Reed's entire storyline.

When has the NK ever ran after anyone? He sent a ton of wights after them like we've seen him do plenty of times. He didn't just let him get away.

Hodor holding a door is all it took to hold off the Night King? He could’ve easily killed the 3ER and then pursued Bran in the forest. Bran was so important to him he came in alone to deal the final blow but not important enough for him to chase in the forest? After he killed the 3ER he should’ve pursued Bran. Hodor holding the door and Summer carrying him on a sled was enough for him to escape? Give me a break. It’s bad writing. 

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6 minutes ago, pwny said:

The entire point of the way they did the whole lead up was to leave us wondering how Jon would get to the NK in time. It built tension, making you wonder if he could get there because he was *supposed* to be the one getting there.

You were supposed to forget about Arya, so it was a shock that she was there when Jon was so far away. But now we’re going to complain that they didn’t just telegraph that Arya was going to be the hero by continually showing her sneaking around and getting around things no one else could?

That sort of mechanism isn't new to the show. Many people just feel it wasn't done well in this instance. 

I think the writers wanted Arya to have a "finale" moment, and this was that. The culmination of her warrior arc. Likely, Jon was originally intended to best the NK but with his involvement in the throne race as well. The writers saw an opportunity to "spread the love" so to speak. 

I think some of the negative reaction is also a cumulative effect. If early parts of the episode were done better, the ending might be accepted differently. 

I'm just happy it's done. Back to the human stuff please. Oberyn telling Tyrion the story of how he met him as a baby > The Night King doing magic things

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Just now, DreamKid said:

That sort of mechanism isn't new to the show. Many people just feel it wasn't done well in this instance. 

I think the writers wanted Arya to have a "finale" moment, and this was that. The culmination of her warrior arc. Likely, Jon was originally intended to best the NK but with his involvement in the throne race as well. The writers saw an opportunity to "spread the love" so to speak. 

I think some of the negative reaction is also a cumulative effect. If early parts of the episode were done better, the ending might be accepted differently. 

I'm just happy it's done. Back to the human stuff please. Oberyn telling Tyrion the story of how he met him as a baby > The Night King doing magic things

My favorite dialog in the show. I go back and watch the scene all the time.

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6 minutes ago, pwny said:


Aw. So he did die? I had read somewhere he was in the early season battles too. BOTBlackwater with Stannis and another with the north.

EDIT: Hes also an extra on Vikings. So he shall be reborn to fight again in next seasons battles.

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6 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Theon having the most cliche death ever, and all the main characters miraculously being fine, it all came away very hollow and disappointing. I don't have a problem with what happened, just the way they did it. 

Agreed. For the All-Time performance put in by the actor who played Theon V.1-2-3-4 and Reek V.1-2-3-4, the death felt insulting. Although admittedly the comedic smile/moment he had after getting kicked in the crotch last season greatly lessened the emotional weight people carried for the character lol. There was a similar scene in King of the Hill when Bobby is brawling with Peggy.

The nuances to early Theon were brilliant and at times horrific, but I laugh so hard every time I rewatch him showing back up to the Iron Islands for the first time since he was a child. The self importance, the swagger to his walk. It was so great. 

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1 minute ago, DreamKid said:

Agreed. For the All-Time performance put in by the actor who played Theon V.1-2-3-4 and Reek V.1-2-3-4, the death felt insulting. Although admittedly the comedic smile/moment he had after getting kicked in the crotch last season greatly lessened the emotional weight people carried for the character lol. There was a similar scene in King of the Hill when Bobby is brawling with Peggy.

The nuances to early Theon were brilliant and at times horrific, but I laugh so hard every time I rewatch him showing back up to the Iron Islands for the first time since he was a child. The self importance, the swagger to his walk. It was so great. 

Yes, Theon was one of the best character arcs in TV history, and then he goes out in the most predictable, boring way possible. Yuck.

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I just really want to see Jaqen H'ghar play a role in the last few episodes. One of my favorite characters. 

With how much they have played up "a Lannister always pays their debt" and how much money trouble the crown and the Lannisters have been having, it would be fun to have someone hire Jaqen to kill Cersei for not paying her debts.

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13 minutes ago, Leader said:


Did Hilly make it or get chowed down in the Crypt?

Just to follow up.

If you check the preview. Theres a quick shot of Jon and Davos exiting on horseback out of Winterfell. Gilly is behind them on Davos left.

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3 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Yes, Theon was one of the best character arcs in TV history, and then he goes out in the most predictable, boring way possible. Yuck.

I would have rather seen him stay and die at Bran's side rather than charging in to die.

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Noticed it more checking on that Gilly thing cause its in that shot too.

But really liked during the episode all the carvings above doorways, entrances and above the main gate at Winterfell is the book version of the stark sigil and not just the direwolf head the show uses. Nice little touch I thought.

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