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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, OleXmad said:

It's meant to dumb him down, The dude literally has access to all of space and time can't exactly have him have access to all of that and be normal. I get why they did it, but they should've at least shown us why he's like that.

I mean they pretty much told us. His knowledge covers such a huge portion of history and of so many people that the portion of him that is left is basically overwhelmed. If you are a scientific person, look at it as Three Eyed Raven (Bran) has such a low concentration of Bran that he is no longer a large enough portion of himself to be acting like himself. I can only imagine how disturbed you would be, knowing everything about everyone.

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Jaimes face when he hears that dragon. Awesome. Same expression I had hearing it.

On the Sansa looking a little upset or unhappy with Arya fighting. Shes lost most her family, been brutalized. When she gets with her remaining family, ones a wacko, and another a mass murderer. Its not the same Arya she knew.

The battle... I dont care how good a group is with a sword, If another group has shields and armor. They gonna whomp ya. And what that Darth guy said to Tyrion was crap. Those guys sport potato sacks. Dragon lights up the line, and theyre still there holding it. Potato sacks. Cause Id been gone.

If Bronn and Jaime arnt captured. Bronn def deserves Highgarden now after that save.

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51 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Why did Sansa look so upset watching Arya fight?

Also...super awkward and unfulfilling family reunion, though it makes sense considering Arya and Sansa hated each other and Bran has turned into the dumbest/creepiest/worst character.  I do wonder how long they will stay together.

Littlefinger doesn't have long.  That dagger coming back into play and Bran already showing he knows things about what he's said/done is the beginning of the end IMO...unless Littlefinger does the unthinkable and has Bran killed.

That battle...ZOMG.  What a message sent by Dany, and she still has 2 dragons on deck.

It was funny seeing the preview for next week and Cersei is just like "We can overcome anything that gets in our way." I imagine if Jamie is there (are he and Bron now captives of Dany?) he's going to be like "*****, you have no effing clue what you're talking about."

Danny basically has nukes at her disposal. It's kinda obvious the Lannisters EXTREMELY underestimated how powerful and huge the dragons are. Best moment by far, avoid if you don't want spoilers (although you're kinda screwed this point):



Edited by candyman93
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41 minutes ago, Acgott said:


Sansa has some jealousy in her. All of her living siblings got cool powers. Jon came back from the dead and became king. Bran is Three eyed raven. Arya is an amazing assasin. Sansa just the heir to Winterfell. Littlefinger needs to get his manipulating into top gear. He can take Sansa.


This was actually my thought (somewhat) on it when I first watched. I'm not sure about the jealous part, though certainly possible and I Have considered it. But there's definitely a part of her that is coming to terms with how different they have all become, even herself. She's not an assassin, she's not a king or great leader of men, and she's not the three eyed raven, but she is slowly growing into a master politician, and that's a special power in its own right. Right now, I Think she's more or less processing everything (and actually trying to consider how to best use this new information). 

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1 minute ago, candyman93 said:

Also, really great idea making the credits silent. Did they do the same thing after the red wedding?

I think that they played the Rains of Castamere over the end credits in that one, didn't they? I can't remember. It was either that or silent. 

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2 hours ago, Acgott said:

I loved Arya fighting Brienne. That was great

This may have actually been my favorite scene in the entire show. Loved it, though I thought the music selection was a little weird. It just seemed..I dunno, more serious and foreboding than it should have been, but I Think that may have been more about Sansa and what she was thinking at that particular moment watching them than it had to do with the fight that was going on. 

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2 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

It was silent.



Good call. I couldn't remember if I was getting my eps mixed up (according to wiki, Castamere was played over the end credits to Blackwater and the Bear and the Maiden Fair. 

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1 hour ago, deltarich87 said:

Bran has turned into Dr Manhattan lol

That's the more appropriate comparison.  And it's probably why I like it.  IHW isn't all that great of an actor, so if the performance is lacking, I'd chalk it up to that.  But in a series where just about every character is gray, Bran developing a Dr. Manhattan type personality in light of the kind of power he gained is actually incredibly fitting.

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Also, I have to say that Davos and Jon is an incredibly under appreciated pairing. Davos is like the perfect hand / adviser (does he have an official title?) for Jon in regards to their personalities. It's not as funny as some pairings, and not as clever, and maybe not as powerful, but in my opinion its the most effortless and well suited pairing since Tyrion and Bronn. 

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11 minutes ago, Forge said:

Also, I have to say that Davos and Jon is an incredibly under appreciated pairing. Davos is like the perfect hand / adviser (does he have an official title?) for Jon in regards to their personalities. It's not as funny as some pairings, and not as clever, and maybe not as powerful, but in my opinion its the most effortless and well suited pairing since Tyrion and Bronn. 

"Would you mind if I switched sides?" Was a great line. 

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19 minutes ago, The LBC said:

That's the more appropriate comparison.  And it's probably why I like it.  IHW isn't all that great of an actor, so if the performance is lacking, I'd chalk it up to that.  But in a series where just about every character is gray, Bran developing a Dr. Manhattan type personality in light of the kind of power he gained is actually incredibly fitting.

Yeah thought his scene with meera where he wasn't bran anymore probably is a couple of eps too late. Bran died in the cave he is now the three eyed raven.

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2 minutes ago, OleXmad said:

"Would you mind if I switched sides?" Was a great line. 

I loved that entire sequence with Missendei. 

"King Snow...no that doesn't sound right, King John?" 

"I've noticed you staring at her good heart"

They have definitely had some amusing lines together (This is Jon Snow, he's kind in the North), but I really just enjoy how well they mesh together. 

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On the Bran part with Arya. When he pulls the dagger out the sleeve. He looks at it like focusing. Then he acts more brotherly, and gives it to Arya. When she has it, he focuses on looking at it again while bringing his hands up.

Maybe its just his basic weird act. But if the girl that spent a couple years helping leaves and hes all hohum about it. Why would a dagger draw such focus for a minute there? Was he seeing who hired the assassin? or did he see the potential of it in Aryas hands?

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