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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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44 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Arya went from total badass to helpless little girl in consecutive battles but her going back to total badass doesn’t scream inconsistency?  Either way, I don’t think it’s likely that Arya gets to kill both the NK and Dany at this point.  Truth be told, I’m scared that Sansa and Arya are gonna kill Jon for siding with Dany.  

See this doesn't make sense either.

Arya went through an undead horde with super sound hearing. She's nimble and has been taught how to do everything to easily go around danger. But all of a sudden she loses all these abilities and is just another person in the crowd? That's inconsistent to me. We seen her go full Assassin's Creed on roof tops and be a master of her senses and her surroundings. Alot of these just go back and forth with what suits the writing at that point in time.

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41 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

We gotta see Jon vs Grey Worm after last episode   GW was about to go after Jon until he saw him finally start to fight   He noticed the hesitation and there’s going to be a reckoning.

Tyrion was one of my favorite characters for a long time but he’s gotta go.  He’s made so many mistakes lately.  He’s a shadow of his former self. Tbh he hasn’t been the same since he had no choice but to seek out Dany and even then it felt like we didn’t see him as much (whichever season that was). 

For once I agree with your whole post here. 

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53 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

There are no tiers to murder. Murder is murder.  Neither is excusable.  Neither is justifiable.  

There has always been justification as well as the pointlessness of it in this show. And it has been expanded upon time and time again. The reason I bring it up is that Dany has justified it in the past and renigged despite having good reason to do so. But there was no justification here and it was just done out of spite.

53 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Where did anyone say that the ppl in King’s landing love Jon Stark?   They would have loved both Jon and Dany for freeing them but instead psycho girl finally snapped.  

That's my point. They don't, yet Dany or at least they tried to convey that, thinks the people love Jon but will never love her and that was her justification for wanting to rule by fear which just wasn't true. It was only the North that didn't trust her and somehow she thought this applied to everyone everywhere in Westeros?

53 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

And speaking of snapping, ppl are capable of it any moment.  I guess some of you wanted her to snap on a smaller level before snapping on the level she just did.  Ppl in real life snap all the time whether it’s bcuz they lost their job, a loved one died or someone broke up with them.  Things that ppl try to suppress until it boils over. It shouldn’t or doesn’t take a specified level of grief or pain before these things happen.  And this was always going to happen; it was just a matter of when.  

So if they never put this into the show would you be complaining that it doesn't fit her character that she didn't finally snap? Cause I think you wouldn't. I do agree that a bad day can lead to someone going overboard. But this is not the first time Dany has faced opposition. to the throne.

People keep harping about Jon's birthright and how it affects Dany yet her entire birthright was squashed the moment Robert took the throne. She and her brother were running for most of their childhood and led to her being sold to a Dothraki Khal and that still didn't deter her from wanting the Iron Throne back.

53 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Youre right she could’ve completely been just as popular if not more than Jon after freeing KL.  But after Jon rejected her twice, she felt betrayed and we know what betrayal gets in her world.  He was always going to be a threat and even if Sansa hadn’t spilled the beans, she still would’ve been paranoid.  

She knew this was Jon though. She knew he was going to tell Sansa and Arya cause that's just who Jon is. He made a spectacle of it infront of Cersei and he also picked a bad time to do it in the crypts of Winterfell before the battle. She's not stupid, she had to expect this as the outcome after he told her what he would do.

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4 hours ago, Daniel said:

I think I can pretty safely say mine won't change between now and then.

1. The Children

2. Blackwater

3. The Rains of Castamere

4. Hardhome

5. The Door

6. Valar Morghulis

7. The Mountain and the Viper

8. Two Swords

9. Mother's Mercy

10. The Watchers on the Wall

HM. The Winds of Winter

No Laws of Gods and Men...


I don't think Hardhome would even make my top 10.

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Episode 5 scored a 47% Critic Score on RT, 6.5 score on IMDB, and a 6.9 fan score on FanGraph. 

Episode 4 and 5 are the two lowest rated episodes in the shows history. I don’t think I agree with that, S1 E3, S1 E4, and quite a few episodes in S5 and S6 were not very good. 

But as you see, majority of people have not taken a liking the past two episodes. 

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11 minutes ago, titansNvolsR#1 said:

It's now become cool to hate the show in the eyes of the masses. Wild how quickly people have turned on D&D and this show in general in the last 5 weeks. 

Opposite here, it has become “cool” for diehards to defend anything that is written/produced. I do consider myself a diehard, although not a blind one. 

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10 minutes ago, titansNvolsR#1 said:

It's now become cool to hate the show in the eyes of the masses. Wild how quickly people have turned on D&D and this show in general in the last 5 weeks. 

I honestly don't get the hate. Everyone wants the story book character arcs and the most fitting deaths.

Some things could have been better but people seem to hate the writers with a passion

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5 hours ago, pwny said:

Holding out for Stannis to return. 


He never died, guys. It’s all been a ruse!

Stannis rolling in with a Tyrion like slash across his face and 40k unicorn riding Skagosi warriors all the size of Hodor/Mountain cause theyre part giant.

Sign me up.

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1 minute ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Stannis rolling in with a Tyrion like slash across his face and 40k unicorn riding Skagosi warriors all the size of Hodor/Mountain cause theyre part giant.

Sign me up.

Time travel is introduced. Brienne goes up north and she and Tormund have a litter of babies. The babies grow up, travel back to the present time and conquer the world cause they're all big and stuff.

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9 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Stannis rolling in with a Tyrion like slash across his face and 40k unicorn riding Skagosi warriors all the size of Hodor/Mountain cause theyre part giant.

Sign me up.

Stannis coming in slaying Danny and Jon, naming Davos his hand, would be epic. 

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Since we are on a football forum, here Mina Kimes take on the episode which I agree with: 

I think Dany's turn made sense from a historical/narrative standpoint, but not from what we saw in terms of her character development. People keep pointing to the "signs," but all of her violent actions before were justifiable (for a power hungry person).

And for the last sentence, power hungry does not = genocide. 

Not sure how hard it is for people defending the episode to grasp this. 

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