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10 hours ago, JBURGE said:

Idiot as in he goes to the media and says that specific teams are "bashing" him... in the biggest interview weekend of his life. What is wrong with him?

I believe he said "They're bassing me"...   IE "being argumentative"....

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21 minutes ago, Pugger said:

After yesterday's exhibition I'd be surprised if he lasts until #12.

I didnt watch the combine yesterday and now probably dont want to. We're actually considering a WR with the skills to go top 10?
Think I'd rather sink back into the tried and true "WRs arent worth top draft slots" mentality and prevent myself a whole lot of angst :)

Btw - havent read nor heard Polite's comments - but I find it so odd that players cant get thru these few minutes of their lives w/o presenting themselves as jerks. I mean, unless some stupid somebody asks "what were your Mothers favorite sex acts?" - you're telling me you cant pull off even a few minutes of "Yes, Sir......No, Sir......Thank you for that question" normalcy? Again - I've not actually heard the comments, so dont want to come off too harsh, but the sentiment stands regardless.

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6 minutes ago, Leader said:

I didnt watch the combine yesterday and now probably dont want to. We're actually considering a WR with the skills to go top 10?
Think I'd rather sink back into the tried and true "WRs arent worth top draft slots" mentality and prevent myself a whole lot of angst :)

Btw - havent read nor heard Polite's comments - but I find it so odd that players cant get thru these few minutes of their lives w/o presenting themselves as jerks. I mean, unless some stupid somebody asks "what were your Mothers favorite sex acts?" - you're telling me you cant pull off even a few minutes of "Yes, Sir......No, Sir......Thank you for that question" normalcy? Again - I've not actually heard the comments, so dont want to come off too harsh, but the sentiment stands regardless.

I haven't heard his comments either.  From what I can gather he might not be the sharpest bulb in the knife drawer.

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Only in the context of a job interview does what Polite said sound bad to me. If, during the interviews, he was saying stuff like "why are you bashing me?" or "why aren't we looking at my good plays?" that would be one thing. 

I find him being candid in front of the media to be a good thing, and having watched the interview a few times, I actually think it comes off as more thoughtful than "dumb." The pseudo-slang term "bashing" is the thing that makes it sound worse than it is. His answer about how it's his job to learn and it's their job to find holes in his game was thoughtful, even if the verbiage maybe wasn't. What he said in front of the cameras gives me zero pause about him. What happened behind closed doors will be left up to the teams that interviewed him, and if he ends up a Packer I'll be thrilled because I trust their judgement. 

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1 hour ago, snackattack said:

Count me out of the metcalf bandwagon. If we dont go OT, edge, or maybe oliver if he is somehow there at 12, i think i will be a little disappointed. Trade down would be ok too depending on who is available

I agree.  Looks like a 'Tarzan' with the stats of 'Jane'.  Three cone showed how stiff he is.  Al Davis would take him in the first- not me.  Rather have Deebo at #44.

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9 minutes ago, Isherwood said:

Only in the context of a job interview does what Polite said sound bad to me. If, during the interviews, he was saying stuff like "why are you bashing me?" or "why aren't we looking at my good plays?" that would be one thing. 

A very good point.  It's not his (or anyone else working out at the combine) job to get hired by the media.  If anything the media's interest in him is "can he give us a quote we can report on".  If he's polite and professional in the room with coaches and casual, candid, and jokey with the media then that's 100% fine.

Like when he said something to the effect that his meeting with the 49ers wasn't really about football, that might have been talking out of school but it might have just been "I know I'm going after #2 and before #34, so it hardly matters."

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27 minutes ago, Dubz41 said:

I agree.  Looks like a 'Tarzan' with the stats of 'Jane'.  Three cone showed how stiff he is.  Al Davis would take him in the first- not me.  Rather have Deebo at #44.

I ready to make some "Deebo at 44" shirts. I'm locked on him for our 2nd round pick. 

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17 hours ago, MaximusGluteus said:

You know, Bell was who I immediately thought of when I watched Montgomery's film.  Glad I'm not the only one who thought that because I was really questioning myself lol.

He seems like a Kareem Hunt clone to me.

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15 hours ago, PossibleCabbage said:

I don't even know if it was a "trying to get under his skin" thing.  It was probably just "talk about some plays or things where he didn't do well" just to get a guy to talk about his flaws and what he's doing to correct them.  Assuming "bashing" is Polite for "involves criticism" then neither the team's actions nor his comments were unreasonable or anything to be concerned about.

Like he obviously didn't seem bothered by it, if anything his candor shows he felt it was NBD.

Is it true that Polite quit on the coach at Florida and encouraged other teammates to quit on the coach as well, along with other character concerns? If someone is encouraging teammates to quit on a coach, that is a pretty big red flag and something i am sure teams grilled him about. They could of been "mean" or "bashing" him or he can't take criticism and wasn't a fan of them bringing things like that up even though it is their job. 

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