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2018 MLB Hot Stove Thread


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8 hours ago, redsoxsuck05 said:

The Yanks have no need to dump Stanton to afford Harper. And they’re actually paying him a pretty affordable amount anyway because of what the Marlins cover.

Yankees are on the hook for $26 mil a year I think?  Anyway, I just figured the Yankees wouldn't want to carry both Stanton's contract and whatever Harper would get...not that they CAN'T.  Also there's a matter of where people will actually play...

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4 hours ago, devils1854 said:

Its just a feeling I have, but I really think that someone will sign or either be traded by Friday. Not sure of the names yet. 


I think so to.. I saw one of the "big mlb reporters maybe Rosenthal"? say something about  harper. saying he  may sign a short term(1-2 yr) contract and hit FA again since the huge contract "isn't there"

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

I don't really have a preference. They are both awful contracts. 

But at least cueto is actually good, albeit injured at the moment. 

A healthy cueto is much better for the giants in that ballpark than ellsbury would be. 

Cueto would have value to flip to a contender if we eat money (once he pitches again, even if that's 2020)

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The Player's Union is trying to get the DH position for the NL THIS year. Nuts.

The MLB wants a 3-batter minimum rule for starting pitchers and they want to reduce mound visits to 4 this year and then 3 in 2020. Wut.

EDIT - It's not just starting pitchers...it's all pitchers. 

Manfred sucks.

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1 hour ago, beekay414 said:

The Player's Union is trying to get the DH position for the NL THIS year. Nuts.

The MLB wants a 3-batter minimum rule for starting pitchers and they want to reduce mound visits to 4 this year and then 3 in 2020. Wut.

EDIT - It's not just starting pitchers...it's all pitchers. 

Manfred sucks.

Those are terrible rule changes.



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7 hours ago, beekay414 said:

The Player's Union is trying to get the DH position for the NL THIS year. Nuts.

The MLB wants a 3-batter minimum rule for starting pitchers and they want to reduce mound visits to 4 this year and then 3 in 2020. Wut.

EDIT - It's not just starting pitchers...it's all pitchers. 

Manfred sucks.

Yeah lets just burn the league down to attract an audience who aren't going to be interested in baseball no matter what rule changes you make. Brilliant. 

Can't wait for them to ruin baseball so I literally have no sports left that I enjoy watching.

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I mean seriously, making the draft penalize losers and incentivise winning? Why even have a draft anymore. Just let everybody sign everybody and make it so small market teams literally never win again.

Or, here's a WILD AND ZANY theory.

Maybe your billionaire ownership group should just ******* pay to put a baseline MLB payroll out there instead of putting out as little as possible and pocketing as much cash as possible.

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31 minutes ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

I mean seriously, making the draft penalize losers and incentivise winning? Why even have a draft anymore. Just let everybody sign everybody and make it so small market teams literally never win again.

The MLBPA should be in favor of a draft that penalizes losers, because it provides additional value to free agents, especially the middle class of free agents that has gotten obliterated in the last few free agent markets.

That said, they shouldn't be negotiating period. Negotiations are between 2 parties operating in good faith, and the owners have spit on that notion repeatedly.

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