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Is that the light at the end of the tunnel? (O.T. Thread)


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46 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

He looked and sounded like the same guy he has been the past 4 years, sans a few outliers. He’s been the least visible president in the history of this country and it turns out those film clips and verbal stutters and clear degenerative cognitive decline wasn’t a bunch of deep fakes and such, who woulda thought.

But yeah, it’s a good thing that we as a country can’t do better than the last 8 soon to be 12 years. Absolutely ridiculous.

Idk man.  The whole world didn’t wake up the next morning wonder “what tf was that?!?” because he looked the same as he has for years.    People who’ve been staunch supporters, shills almost at times for him (like Jon Favreau and the Pod Save America crew) went from supporting him strongly to calling for him to step aside based off that one performance.

He has a stutter, speaks poorly, has been getting old af for a while now, sure, but that debate was something else.  Dude looked like he didn’t know where tf he was or why he was there.  

Again I’m not saying he hasn’t looked bad before, but there are degrees and I can’t recall a time he’s looked that bad for such an extended period of time.  This is Feinstein 2.0/Weekend at Bernie’s stuff.

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

“You answered all the questions” is the most unintentionally funny condescension I’ve seen, but “I did not have sex with a porn star” had me in stitches.

“I have no idea what he said at the end there.. i don’t know if he knows what he said at the end there….” 

🪦 💀 ☠️ 😂 


His brain is goo, but every once in a while he manages an absolute gem lol

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

He looked and sounded like the same guy he has been the past 4 years, sans a few outliers. He’s been the least visible president in the history of this country and it turns out those film clips and verbal stutters and clear degenerative cognitive decline wasn’t a bunch of deep fakes and such, who woulda thought.

But yeah, it’s a good thing that we as a country can’t do better than the last 8 soon to be 12 years. Absolutely ridiculous.

Yeah, this is nothing new. He's been senile for awhile now. Every once in awhile he can give a speech where he's actually coherent, but what we saw in the debate is how he usually comes off.

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To add to that... the fact that these two are the front runners just shows that this isn't a serious country anymore. The system is clearly messed up (to put it nicely), yet we as citizens are stuck with these two because the two-party (I'd argue uniparty) system says these are our choices.

Like I said in an earlier post, the empire is ending. Unfortunately, it'll be the average citizen that will pay the price for that... not the sociopaths running things.

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2 hours ago, DawgX said:

To add to that... the fact that these two are the front runners just shows that this isn't a serious country anymore. The system is clearly messed up (to put it nicely), yet we as citizens are stuck with these two because the two-party (I'd argue uniparty) system says these are our choices.

Like I said in an earlier post, the empire is ending. Unfortunately, it'll be the average citizen that will pay the price for that... not the sociopaths running things.

We haven’t been a serious country for a while tbh.

We’ve got a large portion of the country that just wraps themselves in a flag and tells anyone who’ll listen how great we are and refuses to look at what we do in and how we do it in comparison to the rest of the world. One of those dudes running for president has built his entire slogan around the idea of being regressive and pretending like we can just go back to 1954 again.

Other nations have efficient, well run public transportation, well funded public education, single payer healthcare, worker’s rights people here can only dream of, etc. and we’ve got these two clowns arguing about their golf game instead of how to fix anything at all.

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4 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Yeah he’s got a bunch of non starter stances for me.

Same, but even with that...he may be the best choice.

On the bright side, I think the last two presidencies prove you don't have to be completely sane or cognizant to hold the position. Things may not be as good as they could be but it's not like there will be total chaos.

The country just needs something to bring everyone together, hopefully nothing bad. People care too much about politics. I'm sure that's the plan, the more you care the more you give. If the other guys are painted as evil then you have to give to what you think is good.

Truth is, money is the root of all evil, but we've been told that for thousands of years.

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Social Security gives a -4% return and people still want to keep it without fixing it and actually want the government to solve it when they mandated it and then stole/steal from it.

Pension plans don’t exist anymore because the government passed the 401K act in the late 70s so they could kick taxes down the road and then force Americans to pay taxes at a higher rate later.

College tuition is up 700% including inflation since 1980.

Having a kid costs 800% more than it did 40 years ago.

We spend more per pupil than almost every other country in the world and get less of a return on K-12 education, and kids aren’t dumb, we’ve seen a 20% decline in education majors going back to 2018, along with millions leaving the profession. Even teacher pensions are an absolute scam, look at the math put in vs what’s paid out on average before death, you don’t keep the lump sum. I just rolled over my pension into my government 401K equivalent at $179K in 13 years of work, do the math, my employer contributed about $60K of that. A 10% return compounded annually (the average return since 1980) gives you over $3 million in a portfolio and I can retire earlier now than I could then. The downside is taxes, so I’m contemplating a gradual Roth rollover to pay now vs later.

The cost of living is up exponentially and housing with inflation has more than tripled since 1990, and that factors in two person incomes as opposed to one.

Health insurance is an absolute joke even if you have a good plan.

Inflation is up, wages are flat, housing and retirement are a mess, but yeah let’s tout the “new jobs created” as though we are in the middle of the Great Depression, a recession, or work in an assembly line era with guaranteed pensions, or our golf games, or building walls or ignoring the $35 Trillion we’ve racked up with 1/2 of our budget paying for the interest alone.

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Biden is now attributing the debate performance to being tired and said he almost fell asleep on stage. I feel like whatever he is saying at this point is just making it worse. It is what it is, he is old and nothing a doctor can do can stop the Lord’s will for people to get older. Which is why these old dudes shouldn’t be president. A busy itinerary causing someone to be tired in front of a national audience, I mean, being president is supposed to be an exhausting task. Whom ever is in charge when there is a big decision to be made, I hope they have more mental clarity than what we saw.

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12 hours ago, Thomas5737 said:

People care too much about politics.

I’d argue most people don’t care enough.  Sure they may have strong options about which team they root for, but many are poorly informed on the issues and don’t actually participate in the process. Voter turnout is terrible and many who do simply vote how their parents did or are single issue voters.


We have a government that is supposed to work for the people but more and more does absolutely nothing that reflects the will of the people and it’s not a partisan issue.  We’re given arse option R and arse option D and the end goal of both is for those in power to stay in power, nothing else.

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2 hours ago, NateDawg said:

Biden is now attributing the debate performance to being tired and said he almost fell asleep on stage. I feel like whatever he is saying at this point is just making it worse. It is what it is, he is old and nothing a doctor can do can stop the Lord’s will for people to get older. Which is why these old dudes shouldn’t be president. A busy itinerary causing someone to be tired in front of a national audience, I mean, being president is supposed to be an exhausting task. Whom ever is in charge when there is a big decision to be made, I hope they have more mental clarity than what we saw.

That should have been impeachable 

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2 hours ago, NateDawg said:

Biden is now attributing the debate performance to being tired and said he almost fell asleep on stage. I feel like whatever he is saying at this point is just making it worse. It is what it is, he is old and nothing a doctor can do can stop the Lord’s will for people to get older. Which is why these old dudes shouldn’t be president. A busy itinerary causing someone to be tired in front of a national audience, I mean, being president is supposed to be an exhausting task. Whom ever is in charge when there is a big decision to be made, I hope they have more mental clarity than what we saw.

Yeah the “I was too sleepy from traveling” ain’t helping lol.


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36 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Yeah the “I was too sleepy from traveling” ain’t helping lol.


Each comment is more cringey than the next.

”Those clips are made up deep fakes!”

*48 hours later

”I had a cold”

*24 hours later 

”He gets tired after 4:00PM”

”I almost fell asleep on stage.”

”Good job honey, you answered every question!!!”

Thats the bar. Being President stops after 4 PM and answering every question, even if done horribly, is something to applaud.

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35 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Yeah the “I was too sleepy from traveling” ain’t helping lol.


My dad is sadly currently suffering from dementia, and Biden's mannerisms, facial expressions, and word fishing are almost identical to my dad.

The difference is that my dad is not the current POTUS and is not seeking re-election.

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18 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Each comment is more cringey than the next.

”Those clips are made up deep fakes!”

*48 hours later

”I had a cold”

*24 hours later 

”He gets tired after 4:00PM”

”I almost fell asleep on stage.”

”Good job honey, you answered every question!!!”

Thats the bar. Being President stops after 4 PM and answering every question, even if done horribly, is something to applaud.

I get tired after 4pm also. I never felt so presidential. 

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