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Is that the light at the end of the tunnel? (O.T. Thread)


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13 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I just hope this is an eye opener for everyone (it won’t be) and that people take the primaries seriously in 2028 (if we’re still having elections then).

I laughed twice in this sentence

13 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Boomers are absolutely a part of the problem, but so is everyone else for allowing it to happen by not participating in the process.  Folks have to get out and vote, especially in the primaries, if they want to see change.  The olds, any olds, have always and probably will always vote. Everyone else needs to make their voices heard too.

Follow the money and that’s why people can’t and don’t get involved unless they’re bought. I’ve never missed a vote and won’t despite my proverbial middle finger to the executive branch the past 2-3 election cycles.

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Weekend at Bernies vs Pinocchio.  It's the fight of the century, and yet as most have asked......How the hell did we get here?  One seems to be a much bigger threat to democracy imo?????


My favorite System of a Down lyrics  (Hypnotize)


Why don't you ask the kids at Tienanmen Square
Was fashion the reason why they were there?
They disguise it, hypnotize it
Television made you buy it
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my...
She's scared that I will take her away from there
Dreams that her country left with no one there
Mezmerized the simple minded
Propaganda leaves us blinded
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16 hours ago, Kiwibrown said:

I have accepted a job to lead a church in Tanzania. 

I won't be watching the games this year. 


I know you will all miss my shall commentary and overly emotional and at times irrational defense of our roster. 

All the best, brother.

Spread the gospel of Jesus, and keep your faith in Andrew Berry.

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On 7/3/2024 at 11:52 AM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:
On 7/2/2024 at 11:37 PM, Thomas5737 said:

People care too much about politics.

I’d argue most people don’t care enough.  Sure they may have strong options about which team they root for, but many are poorly informed on the issues and don’t actually participate in the process. Voter turnout is terrible and many who do simply vote how their parents did or are single issue voters.


We have a government that is supposed to work for the people but more and more does absolutely nothing that reflects the will of the people and it’s not a partisan issue.  We’re given arse option R and arse option D and the end goal of both is for those in power to stay in power, nothing else.

That's basically politics.

Sure, many are uninformed or don't really care about the issues, but they are diehards as far as political parties. It shows how easy it is for cult leaders to recruit these people. Ask any person on the far left or right to follow their party off of a cliff and you'll see a lot of falling bodies. They care way too much. I feel strongly about a few topics whether left or right and I'm 100% following what I believe but that doesn't mean that you have to. You live your life how you please as long as it's lawful (for the most part) and not hurting others (for the most part).

As far as the parties, if this is the best they can do we need a change. I just don't know how that would happen. It would have to start with someone universally beloved. Which could grab about everyone not far left or right. I just don't know who that would be. Nick Chubb perhaps?

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Kind of an interesting breakdown of college football. It shows programs that overachieve with less talent and programs than underachieve with more talent.




None of its surprising. You have massive underachieving schools in states like Florida, Texas, and California. The overachieving programs are in flyover states like Iowa and Kansas.


I also have to imagine Oklahoma will eventually breakthrough and win a title soon. They recruit and develop NFL talent.

Edited by candyman93
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