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You Are In Control. Who Replaces McCarthy?


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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Because facts matter.


Super Bowl era, 255 coaches would be the total number to work with (I may be off by a few due to oddities with half seasons and who took over vs started the season)

31/255 = 12.15% have won at least 1 super Bowl.  I would guess that number changes drastically when you gift them a 2x MVP and likely HoF QB.


1 minute ago, incognito_man said:

I already did. Keep up.

Check the list in the spreadsheet

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:27 PM, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

as usual for this board- you miss the point.

Point is, Philadelphia made the same assessment that fans in Green Bay are making now.  They kicked Reid to the curb and ended up with the disaster of hiring the offensive genius Chip Kelly.

Reid went on to show that he is indeed a top coach.  Chip Kelly, not so much.

Sometimes fans should be careful what they wish for.

i feel very confident in saying Mike McCarthy isn't in the same tier as Andy Reid when it comes to coaching. 

as usual for this board- you overrate our guys! mccarthy is not a top coach. i'll eat all the crow if i'm wrong and he goes somewhere else and has great success, but i highly doubt it 

rodgers body language seems like he's sick of this offense. a fresh perspective is needed. and i can't believe there are people who suggest he should be traded! we just gave him a huge contract, we're sticking with him. let's give him a fresh face to energize him 

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31 minutes ago, persiandud said:

i feel very confident in saying Mike McCarthy isn't in the same tier as Andy Reid when it comes to coaching. 

as usual for this board- you overrate our guys! mccarthy is not a top coach. i'll eat all the crow if i'm wrong and he goes somewhere else and has great success, but i highly doubt it 

rodgers body language seems like he's sick of this offense. a fresh perspective is needed. and i can't believe there are people who suggest he should be traded! we just gave him a huge contract, we're sticking with him. let's give him a fresh face to energize him 

Persiandud, McCarthy might go elsewhere and have success.  I hope he does.  He might be in need of a change as much as the Packers.  But as Rodgers' body language and demeanor suggest, their relationship seems strained and that isn't a good situation for either of them.  They had a good run for sure but sometimes things go stale.  I agree, a new face might invigorate AR and breathe life back into this offense.

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11 hours ago, Packerraymond said:

Yeah but that's the long branching Holmgren tree. Seems like that is an extremely fertile tree.

Nagy took over play calling in KC last year halfway thru the season, The chiefs rattled off 6 straight games scoring 30+.

All I need to know about Carmichael is that when Ryan Pace, who matured in the saints FO and had more info on that coaching staff than just about any GM, had clearly spent 3 years drafting trying to recreate the Saints offense, didnt even give an interview to Carmichael.  I was on the Carmichael bandwagon last year, but when they didnt even schedule an interview when they could.  That tells me Carmichael is not.the guy you want running your team.  So the Packers should hire him

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On the injury prevention subject, what the science actually shows is the there are 2 timeframes to look at, in season and off season.  In season there are 3 keys to preventing injuries: rest, treatment, nutrition

These guys are going thru like 60 car wrecks in a 3 hour timeframe.  It is absolutely key that your body has significant time to recover.  Bill Walsh was way ahead of the curve on this and created Victory Mondays realizing that a few hours was not near enough time to recover.  The other aspect to recovery is nutrition.  It is essential the body gets the right nutrients in order to help advance recovery.  The idea of going full contact in season flys in the face of all research that has been done.

In the off season is where the injury prevention really happens.  Keeping the body flexible, working hard to simulate in game conditions as much as human possible in order to maintain and improve muscle memory, and again nutrition, which the science is really pointing very strongly towards.

It's no coincidence that the young FOs with the young HCs are holding players out the most in the preseason.

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On 11/16/2018 at 2:25 PM, incognito_man said:

What in God's name are you talking about skewing a sample size 😂

31 coaches won a SB. That's the entire dataset.

Of those, 13 won at least 2.

42% of coaches who won a SB, won another one.

94% of coaches never won a single one.

I know what group I prefer to pick from given the opportunity.

Brian Billick is still available.  I mean if one Super Bowl appearance/ win suddenly makes you a better coach than guys like Kyle Shannon or Sean McVay.

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:36 PM, incognito_man said:

You're not seriously suggesting that roster talent isn't THE MAJOR issue, are you?

Blows my mind if people think this roster has the same top to bottom talent as the best teams in the league right now...

We certainly arent devoid of talent, but this looks likes a roster that's been drafting low for half a generation.

Best way to get better is to get worse first.

In lieu of that, gotta get VERY good/lucky in the draft and free agency.

It's just hilarious thinking a coach off the street would somehow take a relatively average roster to the next level when one of the best coaches in the league currently can't.

This roster had more talent on it than the Rams team that Sean Mcvay inherited in 2017.  A LOT MORE!

It's freighting the level that people will go to to make excuses for McCarthy.  If you aren't willing to hold him accountable this year then there is realistically no end of season outcome that you will ever be able to lay at his feet.  It will always be someone else's fault.  Its crazy that people feel that 1 Super Bowl appearance is all it takes to earn a lifetime contract.  That's just as many Super Bowl appearances and wins as Brian Billick has and he's been trying to get back into the NFL for the last 10 years.


As long as Mike McCarthy is leading this sinking ship (a disgusting 42% winning percentage over the last 2 seasons), talent level will always be an issue.  

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2 hours ago, SSG said:

Brian Billick is still available.  I mean if one Super Bowl appearance/ win suddenly makes you a better coach than guys like Kyle Shannon or Sean McVay.

I guess there's a reason they call it "probability" and not "certainty".

Can't say I'm impressed by finding examples of improbable events ;)

All this said, what have McVay or Shanahan actually accomplished so far??


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19 minutes ago, SSG said:


This roster had more talent on it than the Rams team that Sean Mcvay inherited in 2017.  A LOT MORE!

It's freighting the level that people will go to to make excuses for McCarthy.  If you aren't willing to hold him accountable this year then there is realistically no end of season outcome that you will ever be able to lay at his feet.  It will always be someone else's fault.  Its crazy that people feel that 1 Super Bowl appearance is all it takes to earn a lifetime contract.  That's just as many Super Bowl appearances and wins as Brian Billick has and he's been trying to get back into the NFL for the last 10 years.


As long as Mike McCarthy is leading this sinking ship (a disgusting 42% winning percentage over the last 2 seasons), talent level will always be an issue.  

Mark Murphy showed that when it comes to GM's one Super Bowl win didn't get Ted Thompson a lifetime position as GM.  A couple poor drafts and he was out.  The same will happen to McCarthy.  It's a results business and the past two season the results haven't been there.

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26 minutes ago, SSG said:

This roster had more talent on it than the Rams team that Sean Mcvay inherited in 2017.  A LOT MORE!

Dude...no 😂

Regardless, the 2017 Rams were 1 and done in the playoffs anyway.

The 2018 roster is waayyy more talented than this roster. We will see how McVay does when it counts

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4 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I guess there's a reason they call it "probability" and not "certainty".

Can't say I'm impressed by finding examples of improbable events ;)

All this said, what have McVay or Shanahan actually accomplished so far??


McVay's only been HC in the league for 2 years and in those 2 year's he'll have twice as many playoff appearances as McCarthy in that same time span.  Isn't just making the playoffs good enough for you?  Mike McCarthy has made it to just one Super Bowl in his 12 years as a HC.  In context, that's fewer Super Bowl appearances than John Fox made in his first 12 years coaching.  He's now been fired by 3 separate teams.  


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8 hours ago, persiandud said:

i feel very confident in saying Mike McCarthy isn't in the same tier as Andy Reid when it comes to coaching. 

Correct. McCarthy is a clear tier ahead. He has a better win percentage in both the regular season and the playoffs. Has appeared in the playoffs more frequently and has won a SB

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4 minutes ago, SSG said:

McVay's only been HC in the league for 2 years and in those 2 year's he'll have twice as many playoff appearances as McCarthy in that same time span.  Isn't just making the playoffs good enough for you?  Mike McCarthy has made it to just one Super Bowl in his 12 years as a HC.  In context, that's fewer Super Bowl appearances than John Fox made in his first 12 years coaching.  He's now been fired by 3 separate teams.  


Will McVay make 9 in a row though?

Will he ever win a SB?

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7 minutes ago, SSG said:

McVay's only been HC in the league for 2 years and in those 2 year's he'll have twice as many playoff appearances as McCarthy in that same time span.  Isn't just making the playoffs good enough for you?  Mike McCarthy has made it to just one Super Bowl in his 12 years as a HC.  In context, that's fewer Super Bowl appearances than John Fox made in his first 12 years coaching.  He's now been fired by 3 separate teams.  


I'm not real sure what any of this has to do with anything...

McVay might be a great coach.

If he is l, what does that have to do with McCarthy or GB? McCarthy was busy winning a divisional playoff game a couple days after McVay was hired. Should we have fired MM after the WC win and before he won a trip to the NFC championship game so we could have maybe tried to hire McVay?

Also not sure what the random John Fox trivia means either.

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