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Avengers: Endgame

The Gnat

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8 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

Lmao oh no. Have you heard the term, (drinking the Koolaide)? Or (being sheepish). Oh I know you guys dont care, and that's very sad. Because the writers who do these are not giving accurate representations of what they really believe the characters are but only what higher ups tell them to write. As in how they want the progression of characters to go.

I think for myself thank you. Myself thinks very much that any hidden agenda, if it exists, doesnt concern me. I have no problem if they are pushing women to the forefront more. I like badass female characters, they are fun to watch.  Any driving force behind the motivation is irrelevant to me if I enjoy the content. ONE female lead movie in the entire soon to be 22 movie filmography does not make a feminist movement or agenda. In fact, thats pretty uneven. If ONE out of TWENTY TWO makes you think they are shoving women down your throat you must have gotten poor math grades in school.That or logic just doesnt matter to you, in which case there is no point in continuing this discussion. 

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3 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Captain Marvel did seem wildly overpowered in the movie, that's all I know. 

Yeah, but for somebody who can supposedly take a full IG Thanos all by herself, she should've absolutely manhandled Ron-Yogg, but that just wasn't the case. 

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2 hours ago, rob_shadows said:

One thing is certain from reading the last two pages of this thread...

... Some of you take this stuff way too seriouslyO.o

Calvert gets his feelers hurt when anybody doesn’t agree with him that Captain Marvel is absolute proof that the MCU hates all men forever.

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11 hours ago, Calvert28 said:


This entire race basically lives for war and battle and tactics go along with that. She outwitted them, using a ruse (which is being tactful) is outwitting them thus she is tactical. And considering she is supposed to take over the Avengers after this will almost certainly be because she is a leader and a tactician.

Considering her knowledge comes from Kree technology then yea she is unbelievably advanced in comparison to Earth level technology. Meaning anything she encounters on Earth, she will probably be able to use with ease. Now just because I said she is as smart as Shuri does not mean I say she is as innovative which there is a difference. But take a person today with a full education will undoubtedly be more knowledgable then most if not all people from a 1000 years ago. Which is basically what was shown with that payphone scene. Someone who had knowledge of technology thousands of years more advanced. 

Also as far as we know, Tony invented his new suit himself and did not get it from Wakanda.


She is the only character thus far in the Marvel U that has comic level powers with no weaknesses. Everyone else has been depowered in a major way just to make her entrance look good. But to you that's not preachy. I'm just making an obvious observation of a Mary Sue character with literally no flaws and even producer Feige has said they will be added later.

Tactful does not mean tactical.

Using some tactics does not mean she’s a phenomenal tactician. Your claim was she’s as tactical as Rogers. You’ve failed to demonstrate that and the only thing you’ve pointed to is essentially a trope of a plot device.

She was trained by the Kree to be a part of a covert invasion squad for a multitude of various planets with varied and disparate leveks of technology. Is it really a stretch that the Kree technology she was sent out with was easily adaptable to other planets’ technology? Is she doing anything that any other Kree wouldn’t have been able to do? If so, is her familiarity with the technology from having grown up on the planet also not relevant? You’re beyond reaching here. There is nothing in the movie to suggest what she did with the payphone is entirely different than what any other Kree would have been capable of doing. Your claim was she’s as smart as Shuri. You’ve failed to demonstrate that and the only thing you pointed to was her using Kree technology to hijack a phone (something we have no reason to believe other Kree trained like her couldn’t do).

And, despite the vacillation of comic book powers, there are unquestionably story arcs in which Captain Marvel being as or more powerul than Thor are quite canonical. So your response decrying me pointing that out is equally ridiculous. Is there anything else we need to cover here or do you still feel the need to be offended?

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4 hours ago, beekay414 said:

What did women do to you Calvert LMAO

Not women, it's Hollywood. I swear you people don't read. My problem has always been Hollywood and their exploitation of any movement or fad to either make some money or to stroke their ego and other things in the world's biggest circle jerk they have going on over there.

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5 hours ago, fretgod99 said:

Tactful does not mean tactical.

Her subtle distraction at the end to keep them all occupied with her was a tactic. So in this case Tactful does apply, she didn't just throw down the Space Stone and challenge them all to come and get it from her.


5 hours ago, fretgod99 said:

Using some tactics does not mean she’s a phenomenal tactician. Your claim was she’s as tactical as Rogers. You’ve failed to demonstrate that and the only thing you’ve pointed to is essentially a trope of a plot device.

Outwitting elite tactical soldiers is in fact a demonstration. I know you wanna split hairs but it did happen. So whether it's one demonstration, or many she has shown to be able to throw down strategy to outthink even the most cunning of opponents.

5 hours ago, fretgod99 said:

She was trained by the Kree to be a part of a covert invasion squad for a multitude of various planets with varied and disparate leveks of technology. Is it really a stretch that the Kree technology she was sent out with was easily adaptable to other planets’ technology? Is she doing anything that any other Kree wouldn’t have been able to do? If so, is her familiarity with the technology from having grown up on the planet also not relevant? You’re beyond reaching here. There is nothing in the movie to suggest what she did with the payphone is entirely different than what any other Kree would have been capable of doing. Your claim was she’s as smart as Shuri. You’ve failed to demonstrate that and the only thing you pointed to was her using Kree technology to hijack a phone (something we have no reason to believe other Kree trained like her couldn’t do).

Wait wait wait. You want to down play instances in the movie as not being facts but you wanna throw out hypothetical's like (any other Kree could do it) as a legit argument? Would Shuri be as smart as she was if she didn't grow up in Wakanda? She grew up around that tech and developed innovations based upon the education she received from there. She already had a leg up on most of the other brilliant thinkers in the series, so all things related to vibranium would be her specialty. Danvers showed everything but the innovative skillset that Shuri has and in just a matter of years she has learned to use the technology like 2nd nature and to great efficiency.

Hell most technology we have now like Windows 10 wouldn't even be able to run on a Commodore 64 and techies I've seen not even be able to use that kind of computer because the coding is so outdated.

5 hours ago, fretgod99 said:

And, despite the vacillation of comic book powers, there are unquestionably story arcs in which Captain Marvel being as or more powerul than Thor are quite canonical. So your response decrying me pointing that out is equally ridiculous. Is there anything else we need to cover here or do you still feel the need to be offended?

No, nothing she has done has topped all-father Thor. Even her most powerful Binary form does not come close to the likes of Galactus or Phoenix Force, or full IG Thanos. Hell she's even been toyed with by the Hulk and not even when he's in World Breaker or Power Cosmic form.

But hey there was that one time in that one comic where she was as powerful as a star and that was when that one time with Thor being all the way de powered, so that means one time in like a 70 year history means CM is just the stronger character. Lol, and you say i'm reaching.

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6 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

Pure speculation.  

Thor nearly killed him and it's been beaten over our heads by Disney that CM is the most powerful in the MCU bar none. Not a maybe or a arguably. They just stated it as a fact. So more then likely she could which is just sad. No one should even be remotely close to IG Thanos.

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6 hours ago, fretgod99 said:

Calvert gets his feelers hurt when anybody doesn’t agree with him that Captain Marvel is absolute proof that the MCU hates all men forever.

Says the SJW who comes running to try and rescue the situation and defend these movie stunts. Considering your constant replies to my posts when I'm still making an observation but you just have to defend the character as if it's an attack.

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8 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

I think for myself thank you. Myself thinks very much that any hidden agenda, if it exists, doesnt concern me. I have no problem if they are pushing women to the forefront more. I like badass female characters, they are fun to watch.  Any driving force behind the motivation is irrelevant to me if I enjoy the content. ONE female lead movie in the entire soon to be 22 movie filmography does not make a feminist movement or agenda. In fact, thats pretty uneven. If ONE out of TWENTY TWO makes you think they are shoving women down your throat you must have gotten poor math grades in school.That or logic just doesnt matter to you, in which case there is no point in continuing this discussion. 

Pushing the movement? No just exploiting it for gains and then patting themselves on the back for what a great job they do all the while poisoning the words coming out of the movie so the audience thinks there is some great conspiracy to hurt others which sows distrust, resentment, and hate. Or do you not think movie's like Ocean's 8 or Ghostbusters among others isn't exploitation?


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1 hour ago, Calvert28 said:

Her subtle distraction at the end to keep them all occupied with her was a tactic. So in this case Tactful does apply, she didn't just throw down the Space Stone and challenge them all to come and get it from her.


Outwitting elite tactical soldiers is in fact a demonstration. I know you wanna split hairs but it did happen. So whether it's one demonstration, or many she has shown to be able to throw down strategy to outthink even the most cunning of opponents.

Wait wait wait. You want to down play instances in the movie as not being facts but you wanna throw out hypothetical's like (any other Kree could do it) as a legit argument? Would Shuri be as smart as she was if she didn't grow up in Wakanda? She grew up around that tech and developed innovations based upon the education she received from there. She already had a leg up on most of the other brilliant thinkers in the series, so all things related to vibranium would be her specialty. Danvers showed everything but the innovative skillset that Shuri has and in just a matter of years she has learned to use the technology like 2nd nature and to great efficiency.

Hell most technology we have now like Windows 10 wouldn't even be able to run on a Commodore 64 and techies I've seen not even be able to use that kind of computer because the coding is so outdated.

No, nothing she has done has topped all-father Thor. Even her most powerful Binary form does not come close to the likes of Galactus or Phoenix Force, or full IG Thanos. Hell she's even been toyed with by the Hulk and not even when he's in World Breaker or Power Cosmic form.

But hey there was that one time in that one comic where she was as powerful as a star and that was when that one time with Thor being all the way de powered, so that means one time in like a 70 year history means CM is just the stronger character. Lol, and you say i'm reaching.

Yeah, that’s not what tactful means. She used a tactic. Great! Happens all the time. How is she on par with Rogers again? Because this one time she used a tactic and it worked? You know sometimes grandmasters blunder in chess right? Just because Finegold beat Mamedyarov once doesn’t mean he’s on par with Carlsen.

And you’re painfully missing the point regarding the tech. The fact that she did a clever thing with it isn’t evidence that she’s “as smart as Shuri”. There is nothing shown in that scene to demonstrate what you’re claiming. You’ve got a bias, had one going into the film, and saw what you wanted. If Yon Rogg had pulled the same trick, you wouldn’t have batted an eye.

But whatever helps you sleep at night, man. It’s just sad seeing someone get so worked up about stuff that 1. isn’t actually there and 2. even if it were, isn’t all that big of a deal anyway. Hey, if it makes you feel better, sure. Captain Marvel is just the tip of the spear in the MCU’s secret agenda to make white men the enemies of everything holy and good for all time. Feel better?

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