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2019 Offseason Preview/FA Rumors


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10 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

And bench the guy who we just handed a good sized contract to, making 9mill per and is in his prime at 27? Someone is on the bench. Or we like always still have no edge rusher and QBs will have all day to throw bc yet again we have just interior guys.

Are you a Henry Anderson advocate? 

You play him as well. 3 down linemen. 

We signed another ILB after having spent a first round pick on one and signing another one the year prior. 


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1 minute ago, KingOfTheDot said:

Are you a Henry Anderson advocate? 

You play him as well. 3 down linemen. 

We signed another ILB after having spent a first round pick on one and signing another one the year prior. 


Anderson was one our best players ;last year, so yes I'm starting him over a rookie. The difference is is Leo and Anderson are both good players. That really cant be said for Lee. That's why he might get traded. If Anderson was just here I'd agree maybe. But we clearly value him. His contract shows that.

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5 minutes ago, barnaby8787 said:

You realize that the majority of our snaps will come from nickel or dime, right?  We will run a 3-4 in obvious running situations and that’s really it. 

And like I said Im not drafting Oliver to be an edge. You don't draft a guy at 3 to play edge when they've been a NT, DT IMO. You take a risk like that later in the draft. Not in the top 3.

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6 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Anderson was one our best players ;last year, so yes I'm starting him over a rookie. The difference is is Leo and Anderson are both good players. That really cant be said for Lee. That's why he might get traded. If Anderson was just here I'd agree maybe. But we clearly value him. His contract shows that.

Lee played good last year I’m not sure why y’all keep bypassing that. 

Anderson isn’t stopping me from adding an Elite prospect. Same mistake the Raiders made Passing on Derwin James because they had Karl Joseph. 

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45 minutes ago, barnaby8787 said:

You realize that the majority of our snaps will come from nickel or dime, right?  We will run a 3-4 in obvious running situations and that’s really it. 

That and D linemen constantly rotate.... or should, to keep them fresh.

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I'm in the minority but I'm not a fan of Oliver.  Seems like mediocre player to me with great athletic ability.

My big board is 

1. Allen
2. Q
3. Bosa

Since we are at 3 we are guarantee to have one of them on the board which mean we will be locked into an elite prospect.  Bosa scares me the most because of injury concern but you really can't go wrong with any of the 3.

As much as I love Allen I'm super interested in Q even though we need edge more.  A 3-3 with Anderson, Q, Leo and Williamson, Mosley, Lee is so interesting to me.

Gregg loves to bring stunts and pressure up the middle.  Those 3 LB'ers are good blitzers and with those 3 down linemen pushing the pocket QB's are not going to be happy with pressure in their face all the time. 

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Question for our posters:

Now if we some how happen to land Nick Bosa, who is fat and away a better 3 point stance DE, than a stand up pass rusher, wouldn’t it be wise to run Williams’ more prominent 4-3 base.


Avery at SAM Mosley MIKE Lee WILL

Jordan Jenkins and Copeland rotate in...or is this still too far fetched. Not going to lie I was hoping to get back to a 4 man front primarily when we locked up Gregg Williams. I’m personally torn because in this scenario I feel like half the players are in their right spot and half aren’t but that’s also the case in a 3 man front. I understand we will be prodiminately in the nickel but just curious what everyone else’s thoughts are. I’m not sure there is a wrong answer which could really allow us to show different looks all season long. 


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12 minutes ago, ekill08x said:

Question for our posters:

Now if we some how happen to land Nick Bosa, who is fat and away a better 3 point stance DE, than a stand up pass rusher, wouldn’t it be wise to run Williams’ more prominent 4-3 base.


Avery at SAM Mosley MIKE Lee WILL

Jordan Jenkins and Copeland rotate in...or is this still too far fetched. Not going to lie I was hoping to get back to a 4 man front primarily when we locked up Gregg Williams. I’m personally torn because in this scenario I feel like half the players are in their right spot and half aren’t but that’s also the case in a 3 man front. I understand we will be prodiminately in the nickel but just curious what everyone else’s thoughts are. I’m not sure there is a wrong answer which could really allow us to show different looks all season long. 


I for sure think we run a hybrid. But since Williams said we are a 3-4 team. That's what I assume we will run.

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I have been reading more and more that the Jets might take Quinnen Williams, with our # 3 pick. Not saying he is not a great player, but this would be the Leo Williams pick all over again. Great player, but not our biggest need. Right now the meter in my head says it is a 85% chance we don't trade down.

Edited by doumeyer
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40 minutes ago, Dr.O said:

We’re gonna be looking for scheme versatile players, don’t think the 3-4/4-3 will really matter much

Great point.  

Two things I have read about Williams defense is that he loves to stunt with his DT's and he loves to drop OLB's in coverage.  To your point about scheme versatile I think that makes Allen and Q highly attractive options and if Q does wind up going #2 we could have a split in the FO.  I think Mac will want Bosa and Williams will want Allen. 

Allen can rush and cover which will appeal to Williams and Q can play NT or 3-tech in a 3 or 4 man front.  Either would be a fantastic and versatile pick.  As good as people make Bosa out to be I don't think he is kicking inside on passing downs or dropping into coverage which limits him.

It's really Allen, Q, or trade down for me.


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