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BDL Discussion Thread 2019


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4 hours ago, ny92mike said:

I don't think that what @Hockey5djh and myself are looking for is anything that would or should take 2 months to complete.  I'm just looking for clarification on what the current rules are, not looking to add anything that isn't currently a rule already.

I'm not certain how long it took you to write out the current rules, but I wouldn't think two months considering that a large chunk of what's currently there was borrowed from the guidelines I had created for tcmd.  I don't think anymore than a weekend would be needed to change or add some additional wording to make it clear and concise would take 2 months to complete.

Again, we aren't asking to have the bible rewritten just to get clarification on some things.

Here are the rules, with comments I put in that I think would help, again I'm more than willing to help out with this.



Mike, first off I have all the love for you in the world. 

I made comments on your comments. I did use your guidelines for formatting purposes but the words are all agreed upon wordings from the past 7-8 years of BDL. The Clarifications you are asking for would require a change to those words. Which would require a vote by all the owners. For each section changed. It's not something that can be fixed in a weekend and I would rather not "fix" something now to then only have to "fix" it again this Summer. We did that last year with the Salary Cap Increase. A lot of these things you are wanting can be voted upon this summer and still take effect for 2019. Things like playoffs (likely imo) and schedule (unlikely imo). 

I know you don't understand that philosophy and would rather just do what makes sense to you in the easiest and fastest way possible. In fact I had that mentality once too. I thought "How couple people not see that this is the right way things should be? It makes things so much simpler and easier."  I tried making a few improvements that I thought were no big deal and was accused of being a Dictator and worse by several past owners.  There used to just be a Commissioner and a few trade guys to vote on trades. We have the structure we have now because we now share the workload so one person doesn't get burnt out.

We just had a long and arduous BDL season. It's time to take a break, watch the NFL playoffs and start doing draft evaluations. Heck we normally don't start the real off season until Feb but are already doing things a month early. People are tendering ERFA's now when they don't have to until right before June. 

You've got TCMD coming up soon and would like to have all of this BDL stuff out of the way so you can focus on that. My recommendation would be to just start focusing on that. 

Here's our tentative yearly schedule.  It's spaced out this way intentionally so that we try to not have hugs gaps and keep things low key during most of the offseason. However you will have owners that just like some of the off season and do the draft and may not even participate in FA. Others will trade all their draft picks away because they don't want to put in the work. I've seen it all happen from owners that just like to try and win the draft because they want draft capital value.  It's going to be a long off season if you are wanting to try to constantly tinker and improve things. We are not opposed to new ideas at all but there is a place and format we have for addressing them. Waiting to address those issues is not going to make them any less worthy of discussion but I don;t want to add more glut to a rules set before addressing some major issues this summer first and seeing if correcting those issues solve some problems all together. 

January - After the Bizz bowl - Roster statuses are removed (unlocked) and players can be traded again. 3 Downs open.

February - Winters’ Owners Meeting as needed.

March - RFA Tags and Offers

April - BDL Draft (2-3 weeks before the NFL draft.)

May - End of the month, last chance to use this seasons 3 Ups and 3 Downs.

June - FA begins - 3 weeks per the seasons schedule. Next Seasons 3 Ups now available to use.

July - End of the month, Summer Owners’ Meeting as needed.

August - After 3rd preseason game, Shark Tank - 1 year deals

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2 hours ago, DingoLadd said:

In favor of a winter owners meeting so I don't have to wait a year to get special teams implemented (though shark tank is an option)

This will never happen IMO. We removed them for very specific reasons as Punters/Kickers are not guaranteed spots in the NFL and get cut all the time. Ask PR how it is to lose games because your ST guys get hurt and you are continually forced to sign multiple ST guys with Waivers and have it effect your Cap and roster.

All when most people don't really care. At best it will be an optional position to prevent the above that teams could choose to use. Just like you can claim to have a Returner now. It likely won;t effect the voting in any way.

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2 hours ago, Whicker said:

Yeah I don't get the resistance 

For me personally I don't have the time to get this done in the time frame Mike/Hockey is wanting. He has never experienced a BDL owner's meeting so doesn't understand the grind involved. People complained about the snap voting in the Winter's meeting from a few years ago when I tried to make it simpler.  They want the back and forth.

I've got a ton of stuff to do this weekend, A convention MLK weekend, Family in town the weekend after that, Superbowl, the NSFL draft starts in Feb. I'm booked solid and don't have the time to run an Owner's meeting now much less participate in one. Plus I want to get it right so that this next meeting sets stuff in stone for at least awhile. Constantly tweaking things to fix perceived injustices has got us where we are today with a lot of leftover bloat from years past. The changing of the Salary Cap structure twice in one year before even see if the first adjustment that has worked well in the past even had a chance to get implemented proved this to me.


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5 minutes ago, SirA1 said:

Mike, first off I have all the love for you in the world. 

I made comments on your comments. I did use your guidelines for formatting purposes but the words are all agreed upon wordings from the past 7-8 years of BDL. The Clarifications you are asking for would require a change to those words. Which would require a vote by all the owners. For each section changed. It's not something that can be fixed in a weekend and I would rather not "fix" something now to then only have to "fix" it again this Summer. We did that last year with the Salary Cap Increase. A lot of these things you are wanting can be voted upon this summer and still take effect for 2019. Things like playoffs (likely imo) and schedule (unlikely imo). 

I know you don't understand that philosophy and would rather just do what makes sense to you in the easiest and fastest way possible. In fact I had that mentality once too. I thought "How couple people not see that this is the right way things should be? It makes things so much simpler and easier."  I tried making a few improvements that I thought were no big deal and was accused of being a Dictator and worse by several past owners.  There used to just be a Commissioner and a few trade guys to vote on trades. We have the structure we have now because we now share the workload so one person doesn't get burnt out.

We just had a long and arduous BDL season. It's time to take a break, watch the NFL playoffs and start doing draft evaluations. Heck we normally don't start the real off season until Feb but are already doing things a month early. People are tendering ERFA's now when they don't have to until right before June. 

You've got TCMD coming up soon and would like to have all of this BDL stuff out of the way so you can focus on that. My recommendation would be to just start focusing on that. 

No disrespect by wanting to get things sorted out in a "winter meeting" nor am I trying to be some dictator or viewed as such, point taken.  While I disagree with not having a winter meeting to address all of the suggested changes, I'll back off and focus on tcmd.


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1 minute ago, ny92mike said:

No disrespect by wanting to get things sorted out in a "winter meeting" nor am I trying to be some dictator or viewed as such, point taken.  While I disagree with not having a winter meeting to address all of the suggested changes, I'll back off and focus on tcmd.


Not calling you a dictator. I'm saying I've had that directed at me in the past. Just to be clear. 

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32 minutes ago, SirA1 said:

This will never happen IMO. We removed them for very specific reasons as Punters/Kickers are not guaranteed spots in the NFL and get cut all the time. Ask PR how it is to lose games because your ST guys get hurt and you are continually forced to sign multiple ST guys with Waivers and have it effect your Cap and roster.

All when most people don't really care. At best it will be an optional position to prevent the above that teams could choose to use. Just like you can claim to have a Returner now. It likely won;t effect the voting in any way.

**** kickers and punters....

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10 hours ago, Counselor said:

If we decrease the amount of players to be closer to the NFL model I think we should discuss having more active players on the bench then. Like 10 per unit would put us at 42 active still four less than the nfl allows on game day and that can account for the special teams players we don’t use. 

This is apples and oranges. Having less players total doesn't mean you need more for the game day rosters. I actually think we should cut back on bench spots if anything to cut down on the length of game plans trying to include everyone and the kitchen sink. Adding more players to the bench would only exacerbate that problem we have now.

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1 minute ago, SirA1 said:

This is apples and oranges. Having less players total doesn't mean you need more for the game day rosters. I actually think we should cut back on bench spots if anything to cut down on the length of game plans trying to include everyone and the kitchen sink. Adding more players to the bench would only exacerbate that problem we have now.

I think the number we have now is good.  It allows for 2 backups RBs, 2-3 WRs, 1 TE, 2 OL...which I think is the right number to allow for scheme flexibility.

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10 hours ago, Jlash said:

We already see depth issues at 70, I can't see cutting rosters helping that.

Literally only 3 teams were above 65 players at the end of the season this year and they were at 66 and 67. Much like I explained last year the fact that we don't count IR/FA/PS guys verses the active roster limit means this shouldn't be an issue. 

What will help roster depth is not making bad decisions in FA (Jack Mewhort)/Shark Tank splurging on lots of unproven rookies and saving those spots for timely waiver claims.

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8 hours ago, Hockey5djh said:

Introduction of a BDL practice squad would make things interesting.

We already have practice squad space allotted with 70 man rosters. In fact even  more so since PS+53 man roster = 63 players.

We should have always had 65 man rosters years ago but it hasn't passed in like 4 votes over the years.

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34 minutes ago, SirA1 said:

Literally only 3 teams were above 65 players at the end of the season this year and they were at 66 and 67. Much like I explained last year the fact that we don't count IR/FA/PS guys verses the active roster limit means this shouldn't be an issue. 

What will help roster depth is not making bad decisions in FA (Jack Mewhort)/Shark Tank splurging on lots of unproven rookies and saving those spots for timely waiver claims.

**** off

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