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Around The League V.2


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6 hours ago, reddevil said:

This is how it’s happening in the premier league. It’s actually not too bad. I was sceptical, but the games are still enjoyable to watch on TV. Not ideal, but better than not football at all

I think hearing the calls and adjustments at the line will be great but I think they would catch to much bad language.  Watching comedians without crowds has been horrible.  If there is no fake noise I can not wait to hear the first big hit.

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2 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

I know ill get hate for this but.... F it:


No hate from me. I feel similar yet differently. Pro Sports are a form of entertainment now. The draft was such a great event because it took our minds off of the virus for a little bit. I’ve had to work through all of this and was so happy when Vegas opened and allowed me to blow off steam. Virus, protests turning to riots and looting, recession/depression really did a number on my mental health. Yet I still worked and almost didn’t get my vacation because it was hard to get coverage. That trip recharged me and until Newsom doubled down on face covers and now Nevada is following suit I’m right back into the mental madness. I hate being forced to do something so it brings out my rebellious side. So I wouldn’t force any player to play. You just won’t be paid and can collect unemployment. Your contract is for you to play and you can choose not to. However understand that you are an entertainer and that the country and world NEEDS a distraction from everything. The NFL and players are LUCKY they passed a new deal because if no season and TV contracts coming up you can bet there will be language protecting the networks. In the coming years job security might move up on people’s list of things that are important to them. If players don’t play because of health conditions it shouldn’t affect them when trying to get their next contract but you better believe it will for those others. I’m good with players kneeling but if it hits my bottom line believe me that it will affect their next contract. This is a business and business was good even though the product wasn’t as good. Hello Thursday night football every week. So being in the Entertainment Business I’d sit down with some core players and air that all out. Listen to their concerns and explain that if owners don’t make money then it will trickle down to the players in time. They all make an insane amount of money and Serious risk has always been a part of football. The modern gladiator in team form. So make a choice and know there will be consequences either way. If I was an owner I’d offer to take a knee and have a moment of silence before the game. Tell tv to televise it and Announce over the loudspeaker before the silence that it’s about being there for one another. Shows you care about issues more than movements/groups etc...Then have the anthem so those who want to stand and salute hand on heart can honor that. Sounds like a win/win to me but I’m just a guy on his couch and probably overpaid for that. Lol

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8 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

I know ill get hate for this but.... F it:

Im so tired of these wealthy, highly paid athletes crying about their safety and not wanting to play.  Every blue collar worker has kept working throughout this COVID “crisis”.  If the players don’t want to make 10x-100x the yearly wage of most America’s then don’t play and don’t get paid.  
Wear a mask when traveling and wash your hands often and do your job. The same players that are whining about the risks are often out marching in protests with thousands of people and driving around town and going into the grocery store, Home Depot, the local mall, etc.  

This whole thing has been highly overblown from the beginning.  The death tolls are highly overestimated to the point it’s almost criminal what the officials are doing.  You can be asymptotic for months, have a heart attack or get hit by a car crossing the street and die, and upon death they test and find COVID and it’s a “COVID death”.  We’re not taking people who got COVID and died of pneumonia.  In that case COVID would have contributed to the death.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you think Covid is a joke then hey more power to you. ID rather play safe, it's a shame that people dont understand that this is not a challenge of your freedom of rights, this is a biological virus that takes no political sides. I'll wear my mask, and wash my hands until science understands this better.

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10 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

I know ill get hate for this but.... F it:

Im so tired of these wealthy, highly paid athletes crying about their safety and not wanting to play.  Every blue collar worker has kept working throughout this COVID “crisis”.  If the players don’t want to make 10x-100x the yearly wage of most America’s then don’t play and don’t get paid.  
Wear a mask when traveling and wash your hands often and do your job. The same players that are whining about the risks are often out marching in protests with thousands of people and driving around town and going into the grocery store, Home Depot, the local mall, etc.  

This whole thing has been highly overblown from the beginning.  The death tolls are highly overestimated to the point it’s almost criminal what the officials are doing.  You can be asymptotic for months, have a heart attack or get hit by a car crossing the street and die, and upon death they test and find COVID and it’s a “COVID death”.  We’re not taking people who got COVID and died of pneumonia.  In that case COVID would have contributed to the death.


I do not want to go real deep into this but there certain ways a virus can kill and to attribute it to Covid sometimes is at the discretion of the doctor. They are all motivated by different things but unfortunately some will lie to get more money for the treatment.  There are also doctors that have put pneumonia down as the cause of death and not Covid so it goes both ways.  I have heard quite a few people talk about dying from a heart attack and saying it was Covid is BS but that is also where the lack of understanding of your average person fails them.  A virus can cause inflammation in artery walls that lead to heart attacks.  Now maybe that person could have had a heart attack the next time they got the flu because it does the same thing but Covid still is a prime suspect for triggering the heart attack.  You do not have to be the smartest guy in the room just do not make stupid decisions.  A lot of people do not take this seriously because it has not hit in their area yet.  Everyone got scared but when very little happened most got sick of quarantining instead of getting sick from Covid.  I know in California it is just starting to happen from the more dangerous Europe strain.  I just found out 4 workers at my job just tested positive and many people I know are saying family friends or co-workers are testing positive.  

I agree about your point on the players.  For absurd money people will take absurd risk but we also must respect anyone's choice not to take part.  I think the league should take some time and figure out ways to minimize exposure and let the market decide.  It may mean that in September you can have no fans at California games but still have fans in NY.  It should be a city by city decision with appropriate safety measures taken.

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I really hope that Directv offers some price decreases for the Sunday ticket this year and they better have a streaming platform that can handle the traffic because the past couple years it has not been the best experience. 

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28 minutes ago, agarcia34 said:

I really hope that Directv offers some price decreases for the Sunday ticket this year and they better have a streaming platform that can handle the traffic because the past couple years it has not been the best experience. 

I have nothing but bad things to say about them.

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16 hours ago, agarcia34 said:

I really hope that Directv offers some price decreases for the Sunday ticket this year and they better have a streaming platform that can handle the traffic because the past couple years it has not been the best experience. 

No disrespect but that’s not gonna happen... their corporate mission statement should read “you’ll get what we give and like and accept it”.  They’re horrible.

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3 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

No disrespect but that’s not gonna happen... their corporate mission statement should read “you’ll get what we give and like and accept it”.  They’re horrible.

Pretty much how all businesses are ran except for some reason the auto insurance companies started giving some back.  The only way to get them to decrease prices is to decrease demand.  The good news is that a small decrease in demand will lead to a good size price cut.

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23 hours ago, drfrey13 said:

Pretty much how all businesses are ran except for some reason the auto insurance companies started giving some back.  The only way to get them to decrease prices is to decrease demand.  The good news is that a small decrease in demand will lead to a good size price cut.

Very true..... never hurts to call and threaten to cancel and see what offers they make.  Doesn’t always work but sometimes if you play it right companies will throw a nice deal your way.

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1 hour ago, RaidersAreOne said:

Aaaaaand the Pats got caught cheating again. Classic.

How did they cheat?

1 hour ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

They just became legit playoff contenders again.  Good move if he is healthy!

I’m hoping they go 7-9 or so and don’t get a good draft pick and land a top 3 QB.... is Newtown isn’t going back to his best form then this could be a good move.... for Pats haters.

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