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Around The League V.2


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On 6/26/2020 at 1:55 AM, drfrey13 said:

I do not want to go real deep into this but there certain ways a virus can kill and to attribute it to Covid sometimes is at the discretion of the doctor. They are all motivated by different things but unfortunately some will lie to get more money for the treatment.  There are also doctors that have put pneumonia down as the cause of death and not Covid so it goes both ways.  I have heard quite a few people talk about dying from a heart attack and saying it was Covid is BS but that is also where the lack of understanding of your average person fails them.  A virus can cause inflammation in artery walls that lead to heart attacks.  Now maybe that person could have had a heart attack the next time they got the flu because it does the same thing but Covid still is a prime suspect for triggering the heart attack.  You do not have to be the smartest guy in the room just do not make stupid decisions.  A lot of people do not take this seriously because it has not hit in their area yet.  Everyone got scared but when very little happened most got sick of quarantining instead of getting sick from Covid.  I know in California it is just starting to happen from the more dangerous Europe strain.  I just found out 4 workers at my job just tested positive and many people I know are saying family friends or co-workers are testing positive.  

I agree about your point on the players.  For absurd money people will take absurd risk but we also must respect anyone's choice not to take part.  I think the league should take some time and figure out ways to minimize exposure and let the market decide.  It may mean that in September you can have no fans at California games but still have fans in NY.  It should be a city by city decision with appropriate safety measures taken.

Yeah I have zero issue with someone getting Covid and then developing pneumonia and then dying from pneumonia.... and calling it a Covid death.

My issue is asymptotic Covid “patients” dying from unrelated medical issues to Covid.... even the doctors are unaware the patient has Covid prior to testing after death.... and it gets marked as a Covid death:


Im not a “Covid conspiracy nut / Denier” but what I am is someone who thinks it’s a dangerous virus, albeit as more data has been obtained it is not as deadly as first reported.  With safety measures pro sports athletes can perform their jobs.... because with far far far less safety measures Joe Shmoe has been doing his job throughout this whole ordeal.

Btw I live in CT... 45 mins from Manhattan... which is a “super hot spot”... and I’ll tell you I think the coverage of this whole thing is incredibly pumped up by the media for their own desires.  

Btw the same Antonio Cromartie’s of the NFL are having unprotected sex with nearly every women they can hit up on IG.... so when some of these guys with 6 kids by 6 women in a period of 4 years (and married to none of them btw).... who are on IG all out and about the city.... I’m sorry but I call BS when they say “We shouldn’t have to risk our lives, etc, etc”..... my point is they have free will... I nor anyone owns them and can tell them what to do.... but I’m calling BS when they complain about having to play... I mean “work” with insane levels of precautions taken by their league and teams .... all while the schmucks like me and you are working with a fraction of the precautions.... just so we can pay our bills and get to the next paycheck.

It just strikes me as so removed from reality.

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On 6/25/2020 at 11:30 PM, OldManWillis said:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you think Covid is a joke then hey more power to you. ID rather play safe, it's a shame that people dont understand that this is not a challenge of your freedom of rights, this is a biological virus that takes no political sides. I'll wear my mask, and wash my hands until science understands this better.

I didn’t say it was a joke.... I just significantly question the mainstream media’s projection of the Covid crisis....

to make it simplier..... 

the media makes it out to be this is a 8.5/10 crisis..... while I feel it’s more like a 4 or 5 out of 10.  Doesn’t mean I’m a denier.... just that I don’t buy everything the Media’s selling us.

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37 minutes ago, jimkelly02 said:

How did they cheat?

I’m hoping they go 7-9 or so and don’t get a good draft pick and land a top 3 QB.... is Newtown isn’t going back to his best form then this could be a good move.... for Pats haters.

Newton is only 31 and his body should be fresh if the injuries he has are not long term.  I figure either way it's a win/win for both Cam and the Pats.  

If Cam is healthy and balls out he will ink a long term deal with either the Pats or a Qb needy team for more money.  If he is still injured and falters in NE his career will be over.  

Bills fans thought they were the frontrunners in the division but now you have to give it back to the Pats.  

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Just now, Frankie2Gunz said:

Newton is only 31 and his body should be fresh if the injuries he has are not long term.  I figure either way it's a win/win for both Cam and the Pats.  

If Cam is healthy and balls out he will ink a long term deal with either the Pats or a Qb needy team for more money.  If he is still injured and falters in NE his career will be over.  

Bills fans thought they were the frontrunners in the division but now you have to give it back to the Pats.  

Yeah but Cam’s body is anything but fresh... even if he’s “healthy” those injuries have taken a toll.... I doubt he’s at his peak this year.  
My point was this could actually possibly work out good for Patriot haters.... Cam is certainly good enough to keep them from landing a top QB in the draft.....

And at best he’s not likely to make them a SB contender.....

so at best their a playoff team....

likely a 6-10 to 9-7 team.....

Im hoping they end up just falling short of the playoffs so Cam.... or at worst case make it and get eliminated first game.


To sum my point up again.... maybe (hopefully) Cam’s good enough to keep them from picking high enough to get a top QB but not great enough to make them a contender....

Im just happy NE isn’t likely to go 3-13 and land the second QB in the draft.

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Just now, jimkelly02 said:

Yeah but Cam’s body is anything but fresh... even if he’s “healthy” those injuries have taken a toll.... I doubt he’s at his peak this year.  
My point was this could actually possibly work out good for Patriot haters.... Cam is certainly good enough to keep them from landing a top QB in the draft.....

And at best he’s not likely to make them a SB contender.....

so at best their a playoff team....

likely a 6-10 to 9-7 team.....

Im hoping they end up just falling short of the playoffs so Cam.... or at worst case make it and get eliminated first game.


To sum my point up again.... maybe (hopefully) Cam’s good enough to keep them from picking high enough to get a top QB but not great enough to make them a contender....

Im just happy NE isn’t likely to go 3-13 and land the second QB in the draft.

Exactly, I wouldn't want them to land TL but even with Sidtham they are still a 5 win team considering they have a top tier D.  

If Cam is 90 percent of what he was before that will be scary and they should be a playoff team.  On a 1 year deal you know BB will likely run him into the ground. 

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3 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

Exactly, I wouldn't want them to land TL but even with Sidtham they are still a 5 win team considering they have a top tier D.  

If Cam is 90 percent of what he was before that will be scary and they should be a playoff team.  On a 1 year deal you know BB will likely run him into the ground. 

I am not a fan of Newton and would not touch him now.  If I was BB I would probably stick with Stidham.  Newton might be better but not by much at this point in his career.  At least with Stidham there is potential or potential to transition with a top pick if he falls flat on his face.  The upside to Cam is can he reverse time and injuries.  Stidham is a 3 year plan back to long term contention whether he is good or not.  Cam just delays that process.  There is not much else so I guess it is worth the shot to see what he has but I doubt this is another Drew Brees story.

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3 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

Yeah I have zero issue with someone getting Covid and then developing pneumonia and then dying from pneumonia.... and calling it a Covid death.

My issue is asymptotic Covid “patients” dying from unrelated medical issues to Covid.... even the doctors are unaware the patient has Covid prior to testing after death.... and it gets marked as a Covid death:

Im not a “Covid conspiracy nut / Denier” but what I am is someone who thinks it’s a dangerous virus, albeit as more data has been obtained it is not as deadly as first reported.  With safety measures pro sports athletes can perform their jobs.... because with far far far less safety measures Joe Shmoe has been doing his job throughout this whole ordeal.

Btw I live in CT... 45 mins from Manhattan... which is a “super hot spot”... and I’ll tell you I think the coverage of this whole thing is incredibly pumped up by the media for their own desires.  

Btw the same Antonio Cromartie’s of the NFL are having unprotected sex with nearly every women they can hit up on IG.... so when some of these guys with 6 kids by 6 women in a period of 4 years (and married to none of them btw).... who are on IG all out and about the city.... I’m sorry but I call BS when they say “We shouldn’t have to risk our lives, etc, etc”..... my point is they have free will... I nor anyone owns them and can tell them what to do.... but I’m calling BS when they complain about having to play... I mean “work” with insane levels of precautions taken by their league and teams .... all while the schmucks like me and you are working with a fraction of the precautions.... just so we can pay our bills and get to the next paycheck.

It just strikes me as so removed from reality.

I understand what you are saying and agree to a point.  I have a unique way of putting this matter in perspective if a person brings up the flu and compares it to covid 19.  I ask the person if the flu kills people every year and they say yes.  I then ask how many a year.  The number is a big range but I get them to agree that an average of 30k a year is reasonable.  I then ask how old they are.  For arguments sake lets say 40 years old.  I then tell them that it is reasonable to make the statement that 1.2 million Americans have died from the flu since they have been alive.  Of course they say yes because we have already set those parameters.  I then ask how many of those 1.2 million have they known personally.  My average answer has been zero so far.  This does not apply to you specifically because you agree that it is real but just overblown but is meant to show people that anecdotal evidence is not a good measure of a problem.  I think many in the southern states of the US are about to find out how real it is.

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8 hours ago, drfrey13 said:


I am not a fan of Newton and would not touch him now.  If I was BB I would probably stick with Stidham.  Newton might be better but not by much at this point in his career.  At least with Stidham there is potential or potential to transition with a top pick if he falls flat on his face.  The upside to Cam is can he reverse time and injuries.  Stidham is a 3 year plan back to long term contention whether he is good or not.  Cam just delays that process.  There is not much else so I guess it is worth the shot to see what he has but I doubt this is another Drew Brees story.

Cam is only 31 and yes his mobility has been a major part in his game but I find it hard to believe that he can't return to 90 percent of what he was. Granted I don't know the extent of his injuries but to say that Newton is not much better than Stidham is borderline insane unless you have some info regarding his injuries that the rest of us are not provided with.  

The Pats are a playoff team with a Cam who is 90 percent of what he was.  I think you'r grossly underestimating the greatness of BB. 

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So happy for Cam, but hate that it was with the Pats. I really want him to succeed. Like the Panthers the Pats don’t have much at WR which Cam should be use to by now. Look forward to seeing how McDaniels switch up his offense. 

I really hope he’s healthy and able to move around because the offensive line is meh and the weapons around him is average to below average at best. 

Edited by agarcia34
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12 hours ago, drfrey13 said:


I am not a fan of Newton and would not touch him now.  If I was BB I would probably stick with Stidham.  Newton might be better but not by much at this point in his career.  At least with Stidham there is potential or potential to transition with a top pick if he falls flat on his face.  The upside to Cam is can he reverse time and injuries.  Stidham is a 3 year plan back to long term contention whether he is good or not.  Cam just delays that process.  There is not much else so I guess it is worth the shot to see what he has but I doubt this is another Drew Brees story.

I agree with most of this, Newton in my mind is a strange signing for the Pats, he's never been a cerebral QB more a seat of the pants guy but Belichik and the Pats have shown they can start Matt Cassel and win 11 games and anyone writing them off is being a bit naive i feel. Stidham only has to manage the offense, avoid turnovers and they should still be in the running. Newton has a high potential if he's fit but to me he also is a much bigger risk, Ive always felt he's a better football player than QB if that makes sense!

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16 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

I didn’t say it was a joke.... I just significantly question the mainstream media’s projection of the Covid crisis....

to make it simplier..... 

the media makes it out to be this is a 8.5/10 crisis..... while I feel it’s more like a 4 or 5 out of 10.  Doesn’t mean I’m a denier.... just that I don’t buy everything the Media’s selling us.

 I can see your point.

I think I'm just bitter because I want football, but this whole Covid is really putting a damper on that. To make matters worse, I constantly see people out in public without any mask or social distancing. Like they don't understand that things will not return to normal anytime soon, and the more they resist then the longer it'll take for us to get back to normal.

Also I was very drunk when I wrote that, so if I came off like I was attacking you or anything, my bad.

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5 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

Cam is only 31 and yes his mobility has been a major part in his game but I find it hard to believe that he can't return to 90 percent of what he was. Granted I don't know the extent of his injuries but to say that Newton is not much better than Stidham is borderline insane unless you have some info regarding his injuries that the rest of us are not provided with.  

The Pats are a playoff team with a Cam who is 90 percent of what he was.  I think you'r grossly underestimating the greatness of BB. 

The greatness of BB is why I think Stidham can perform at a level close to Newton in the system.  You can grow Stidham in the system if he has what it takes but if Newton plays well you will have to sign him to a huge contract.

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1 hour ago, Darbsk said:

I agree with most of this, Newton in my mind is a strange signing for the Pats, he's never been a cerebral QB more a seat of the pants guy but Belichik and the Pats have shown they can start Matt Cassel and win 11 games and anyone writing them off is being a bit naive i feel. Stidham only has to manage the offense, avoid turnovers and they should still be in the running. Newton has a high potential if he's fit but to me he also is a much bigger risk, Ive always felt he's a better football player than QB if that makes sense!

Very good expansion of what I was saying.  Cam right now after the injuries is a boom or bust signing and I would not be surprised if he can not beat Stidham that he gets cuts.  Not because of the money but because of the issues that could disrupt the locker room.  It already started with Sherman complaining about the contract Cam got.  Funny thing is I believe Carr would be an amazing fit in BB's system but he is also a very different QB than Cam.  This is assuming BB could coach up Carr's situational awareness.

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2 hours ago, OldManWillis said:

 I can see your point.

I think I'm just bitter because I want football, but this whole Covid is really putting a damper on that. To make matters worse, I constantly see people out in public without any mask or social distancing. Like they don't understand that things will not return to normal anytime soon, and the more they resist then the longer it'll take for us to get back to normal.

Also I was very drunk when I wrote that, so if I came off like I was attacking you or anything, my bad.

Lmao at “I was very drunk when I wrote that”.... seriously had me dying.... love the honesty.... it’s all good brother no offense was taken

I’m certainly frustrated with the Karen’s making up Pathetic reasons why they can’t wear a mask.... even making up fake ID cards that threaten lawsuits if you don’t let them in without one....

Im in the “wear the mask and wash your hands, shut up- your not special, be safe but keep living.... Camp”

The videos these Morons make fighting with store employees to let them in without a mask is insane.... and their the ones video taping it?  That’s the crazy part— they have zero self awareness their the ones everyone will be laughing at / angered by”.

My point was mainly this whole thing is both serious but also not THAT serious (as some make it out to be).

And the irony of it is.... The general public before this were filthy, nasty people....

I spent years in prison and am Ultra Ultra Alert when it comes to sanitization.  A simple act of letting your cup touch the hot pot spout (it’s how we get our hot water... a cell block has a little box on the wall that is filled with water and is quickly heated to boiling water.... like the hot water machines at the gas station by the coffee and tea).... can lead to a race riot.... literally..... so when I see successful people in society to filthy things without thinking i Really take notice...

We use to always joke....You get guys who come in with stick and bone bodies from shooting dope with puddle water.... and by the time they get up the way to actual prison they’re all acting like IG workout gurus and surgeons cleaning up before entering the operating room....

and that’s how I see the general public now.  People who use to wipe their runny nose right before touching a door handle (making everyone else who comes by basically stick their finger up that persons nose) are now Faucy’s assistant with WebMD degrees lecturing everyone on how to be clean and safe ... and if you don’t comply you will be sorry!

And trust me I know things won’t be back to normal for years... I’m in the pool industry and sales are literally 4-5x last year nationwide.... and it’s projected to stay similar to this for 2-3 years.... most people aren’t planning vacations until a vaccine is produced and distributed and proven to work... and then the next year after people will consider taking trips..... until they the vacation money is going into swimming pools and backyard construction.

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