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***Spoiler FREE*** Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


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13 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Yep after the TLJ and further proved by The Joker. The critics are either extremely biased or extremely well paid to put those opinions out there. 

Netflix sends journalists on pricey trips, raising questions and angering rivals



The Post has learned that Netflix had flown journalists from the voting body, which includes some 400 critics from outlets around the country, to Los Angeles and New York on pricey trips.


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1 minute ago, blizofoz45 said:

Netflix sends journalists on pricey trips, raising questions and angering rivals



Netflix is kinda circling the drain already so this doesnt surprise me in the least with them throwing alot of money around to this and to their show projects. 

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6 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Pretending that JJ, and Kennedy and everyone else in that brain trust in charge of this IP, didnt 100% sign off on what Rain Johnson planned fro TLJ is just ridiculous.

They all knew, they all liked it, and instead of staying the course, believing in what they had agreed to build, (it sounds like) they caved to loud whiny fanboys.

I disagree with alot of what Lucas did, especially in the prequels, but atleast he stuck to his guns and told the whole story that he wanted to 

What on earth could you have done following Last Jedi? Literally the gun barrel was empty.

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10 minutes ago, blizofoz45 said:

Netflix sends journalists on pricey trips, raising questions and angering rivals



Yeah, cause Disney has never written THAT check before. Not gonna say it's standard operating procedure, but let's call a spade a spade.

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2 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Yeah, cause Disney has never written THAT check before. Not gonna say it's standard operating procedure, but let's call a spade a spade.

Exactly.  You hear about politicians trading favors and kickbacks but I'm pretty sure big media works the same way.

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5 minutes ago, blizofoz45 said:

Rian Johnson blew up the current trilogy so Kathleen Kennedy rewarded him with one of his own.  I don't think she learned anything at all from Spielberg.

Spielberg? How about her own damn company? You know, write an overarching story before making a multi billion dollar narrative investment?

Kennedy and Johnson were both the tailors and the Emperor in "The Emperor's New Clothes"

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4 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Ok.  Well if Rian Johnson had a made a good movie with TLJ than it would have uplifted the Star Wars universe.  The problem is he didn't.  

If he had actually stuck to the plot points introduced in TFA, we wouldn't have to resurrect Frank as the main bad guy.  Now instead of this story being about Skywalker, it's equally about The Senate.

The handling just of Snoke is worse than the fact that the mention of Syfo Dias in Attack of the Clones was a spelling mistake in the script that was never caught.  

If they wanted to subvert some expectations, cool, but you don't ignore or marginalize all of the plot and talking points established by the first film.  Hardcore, average and new fans alike were all wondering who is Snoke, why is he so powerful, who is Rey, who are her parents, etc.  And they took a massive, steaming dump on all of it.  

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

If he had actually stuck to the plot points introduced in TFA, we wouldn't have to resurrect Frank as the main bad guy.  Now instead of this story being about Skywalker, it's equally about The Senate.

The handling just of Snoke is worse than the fact that the mention of Syfo Dias in Attack of the Clones was a spelling mistake in the script that was never caught.  

If they wanted to subvert some expectations, cool, but you don't ignore or marginalize all of the plot and talking points established by the first film.  Hardcore, average and new fans alike were all wondering who is Snoke, why is he so powerful, who is Rey, who are her parents, etc.  And they took a massive, steaming dump on all of it.  


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I’m not ashamed in the least to say I loved The Last Jedi. 

Novel idea, someone should start a new thread to say what they either loved about the film or hated about it. Hot dang I’m living on the leading edge. Blazing that undiscovered trail. Certainly this couldn’t have been discussed before. 

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40 minutes ago, blizofoz45 said:

Exactly.  You hear about politicians trading favors and kickbacks but I'm pretty sure big media works the same way.

Lol pretty sure all those favors and kickbacks were in full force tonight for politicians. Man since day 1 they havent stopped. 

Edited by Calvert28
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Also the other main problem with these movies from the hardcore fans is that Rey is a Mary Sue, not that she is a woman.  Folks were behind Leia and Padme as a lead character just fine. 

The detractors point to The Force Unleashed and Galen Marek being a "Gary Stu" which is not true.  Vader found Starkiller on Kashyyk and his Force presence as a small child overshadowed his father, who was a full-fledged Jedi Knight.  Vader trained him as an assassin (similar to how Sidious trained Maul) and sent him out to do his bidding.  Once found out, Starkiller is defeated rather easily by Frank, rescued in secret by Vader and sent out to tie together the Rebels so they can be in one spot and defeat them.  

As it turns out, Galen gained a conscience thanks to influence from his companion Juno Eclipse and his partnership with Rahm Kota and Bail Organa.  He even redeems fallen Jedi Maris Brood.  To rescue the Rebels after another betrayal by Vader, he tracks them to the Death Star, defeats Vader and fights The Senate.  Marek overpowers Frank and has him defeated, but loops his Force Lightning attack back around and sacrifices himself to allow the Rebels time to escape.  What's key here is his fight with Sheev, and that I believe that he wasn't at full power like his duel with Mace Windu.  He was trying to turn Starkiller, not kill him, and I imagine that Starkiller would've been dead outright if Frank really wanted that.  But he saw a chance to replace Vader with a "whole" apprentice, just like he saw later with Luke Skywalker and he took it easy on him to try and sway him back to the Dark Side. 

So Starkiller, like Luke Skywalker, had a journey as a Force user.  Unlike Rey, who discovers she has Force Powers and immediately is able to mindtrick a stormtrooper, fight off a mind probe from an experienced Force User and then defeats that same person in lightsaber combat without any formal training whatsoever.  Even Obi-Wan Kenobi has an arc from Padawan to Jedi Knight, to High Council Master.  Even Anakin Skywalker as the Chosen One didn't have his Force powers immediately unlocked at full potential.  He lost his hand in a duel with Count Dooku.  But yet Rey dispatches Kylo Ren with ease.  It goes against the entire Star Wars universe, canon and EU alike.  

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