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1 hour ago, BayRaider said:

That happened in the same movie though. I’m just a little worried Pattinson will keep this character all 3-4 movies. He is quite famous for playing the same character most of his movies, sad and emo. Which is why I was a bit worried going in. I guess we won’t know until the next movie. He has progressed as an actor and I hope he is able to progress the character. Sad/emo is his safe haven though. 

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I mean, that and the Jokers really dumb laugh and voice at the end. If that was the Joker actor, he better learn to play it better. Leto level cringe. 

Only two complaints the entire movie though. Great, great movie. 

Also I need to rewatch the Mask movie, haven’t seen it since I was a kid like 25 years ago. Don’t remember much about it. That good, @Xenos ?

It's what the story called for. If he doesn't progress towards being a Bruce Wayne we are more used to in the next one I will admit I'm wrong. But I'm confident he's going to because that's what this whole story was about.

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2 minutes ago, Bullet Club said:

It's what the story called for. If he doesn't progress towards being a Bruce Wayne we are more used to in the next one I will admit I'm wrong. But I'm confident he's going to because that's what this whole story was about.

As long as people will admit their wrong and not say “Well, the story calls for him to be emo all three movies!” lol. 

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Just now, BayRaider said:

As long as people will admit their wrong and not say “Well, the story calls for him to be emo all three movies!” lol. 

I'll state it right now-that was the story of this movie and while possible, it's HIGHLY unlikely (<1%) to be called for in either of the sequels. Bookmark me. 

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Most of the negative reviews I see in Metacritic and RT are this movie is too “Noir” aka crime drama. 

Well, good thing crime drama and Batman are two of my favorite things. 

Also these critics are not true Batman fans. Batman is a detective more so than anything in the older comics. 

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6 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Most of the negative reviews I see in Metacritic and RT are this movie is too “Noir” aka crime drama. 

Well, good thing crime drama and Batman are two of my favorite things. 

Also these critics are not true Batman fans. Batman is a detective more so than anything in the older comics. 

Yeah....that was one thing I didn't have an issue with. I loved the "feel" of the movie. I'm hoping they can build on this and shed some of the things I didn't care for moving forward as I think it has potential. 

Next one I won't be seeing in theaters though, just in case it does disappoint. 

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6 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Most of the negative reviews I see in Metacritic and RT are this movie is too “Noir” aka crime drama. 

Well, good thing crime drama and Batman are two of my favorite things. 

Also these critics are not true Batman fans. Batman is a detective more so than anything in the older comics. 

They've absolutely no clue mate. The movie is objectively very good, there aren't really many points of contention. I think it's a movie that everyone agrees it good, at the very least.

For me, the movie nailed pretty much everything I was hoping for, so I consider it great. And it is definitely a Batman movie, above all.

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I think this is probably the second best live action Batman movie. I just give TDK the edge because I enjoyed it overall more. But I wouldn’t blame anyone for having The Batman much higher. There are things it does better including the visuals, the editing, Batman voice and costume, Batman actually being a detective etc. But for some reason I felt the runtime and pacing issues more for this movie than TDK. The ending for TDK also worked a lot better for me. But once again, I can see how a lot of people would feel the opposite, and feel that TDK was the one that dragged on and had the weaker ending. It’s also interesting how eerily similar both films are. There are almost identical beats, though at different times between both movies. I wonder what would have happened if I had seen The Batman first in 2008, and then TDK now in 2022.

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It was enjoyable. Nothing spectacular. Definitely appreciated the noir vibes and certainly a different feel from the ones that came before. Original scoring was pretty much perfect. The whole thing with Riddler I thought had some great buildup but the climax kind of fell flat for me. I also didn't find the story or any of the character arcs much interesting at all. Usually that's a deal breaker for most movies, but Batman things make up for it. I wanted to point out the car chase scene was one of my favorites ever in that category. Legit.

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Just saw it. It was solid, but I was definitively feeling the runtime. Could have pretty easily cut 20-25 minuets from this imo.  Just saw it so I'll let it marinate a little bit before I get too in depth or give it a grade.  Gut reaction puts it below Batman '89, TDK, and Batman Begins, but likely ahead of all the others

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Ok, i've let this noodle around in my brain a couple days, and my lasting impressing probably takes it down another notch.


  • The detective aspect of it, by far the most investigative Batman we have seen
  • The noir feel of the movie
  • Unbelievable score from Michael Giacchino.  I thought the main theme could have been a bit stronger, but it was a driving force throughout the narrative and had some good variations and really helped set the mood
  • The acting, particularly Farrell as Penguin, Wright as Gordon, and Kravitz as Selena Kyle.  Pattinson was fine, Turturo was fine but those first three definitely did the heavy lifting imo.
  • The aesthetic around Batman (Batmobile, Batcave, tech, gothic home, etc...) was top notch
  • The entire story takes place over one week.  Makes sense that something like a serial killer with the worlds greatest detective on his trail wouldn't take place over long stretches of time.
  • That shot of him dropping into the arena was pretty awesome on the big screen.
  • I though Andy Serkis did a solid job as Alfred


  • BatPatt must have been shot hundreds of times. If the armor was that good then he basically wouldn't have been able to move in it.  Tank armor isn't that good.  How can you be shot that many times and no ricochet or pellet even come close to hitting his completely exposed lower part of his face?
  • How many dozens of people on the highway died so Batman could question Penguin (and then let him go)
  • The final act kind of came out of nowhere.  I think the first mentioning of the sea wall was that there were trucks with bombs placed there. It sort of comes together tying to renewal being a joke and destroying the city center, or was killing Real the end goal, or just chaos?
  • Pretty much everyone except Batman, Alfred, and Gordon are inept, corrupt, or both.  Hey, lets take him back to the police station and wait til he regains consciousness and then try to unmask him.  But first, make sure the 50 guys watching him are all on one side of the room, and don't worry about securing any exits. No need to give the guy who just took a bomb blast to the face (that somehow didn't damage his completely exposed jaw) any on site medical attention.
  • Batman's interaction with any police outside of Gordon verged on cringeworthy at times. Having Gordon clear the scene except for a couple key personnel and then bringing in Batman would have made a lot more sense.
  • Pattinson as Batman worked just fine for me, but I wasn't feeling his Bruce Wayne much at all.

The more I dwell on this, the more I think this is on par with or maybe slightly below The Dark Knight Rises.


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20 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

Pattinson as Batman worked just fine for me, but I wasn't feeling his Bruce Wayne much at all.

That's because he isn't Bruce Wayne in that movie, he's Batman 100% of the time, and that's the point. I'm baffled at how many people have missed this.

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8 minutes ago, Bullet Club said:

That's because he isn't Bruce Wayne in that movie, he's Batman 100% of the time, and that's the point. I'm baffled at how many people have missed this.

I got the whole "Batman isn't the mask" part, but publicly he still has to play the role of Bruce Wayne and the character is supposed to be smart enough to realize that.

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Just now, THE DUKE said:

I got the whole "Batman isn't the mask" part, but publicly he still has to play the role of Bruce Wayne and the character is supposed to be smart enough to realize that.

Then you didn't get it. He doesn't care about being Bruce Wayne yet. That's one of the flaws of his inexperience and by being consumed by vengeance.

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