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26 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

Suppose to be chummy with the cops, that's how it is in the OG comics and animated series. 

Its weird to me, just chilling there. Also he needs to work on his appearing skills. Walking slowly taking all those bullets. My nitpicks!

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5 hours ago, BayRaider said:
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So am I the only who interpreted Riddler's Interrogation/Conversation differently? To me it was a little more complex than meets the eye, and while it looked like Riddler wanted Batman to be his ally/friend, I don't think that's actually the case. 

I think Riddler suspected Batman of being Bruce Wayne. Riddler is SUPER smart. If any villain will ever discover his identity, it's Riddler. It sounds like he suspected it, but wasn't sure, and had no evidence. Therefore, in front of the camera, he was trying to bait Batman into admitting he's Bruce Wayne by saying "Bruceeeee Wayneeee" over and over, hoping Batman says something like "How did you know" or even "I'm not Bruce Wayne" which even that comment would make people wonder. 

When that does not work, Riddler tries to take down Batman in another way, by trying to implicate him as his accomplice/partner. 

I think Batman/Bruce Wayne was Riddler's final target, not trying to be allies or friends with him like on initial viewing. 

After realizing Batman may have actually defeated him, he starts to go crazy until Joker starts telling him he did a really good job and they will eventually get out of there.

It will be interesting to get the Director's take on this in the future. 


Good take, that scene and it's implications are what had left me pretty confused. 

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4 minutes ago, Acgott said:

Its weird to me, just chilling there. Also he needs to work on his appearing skills. Walking slowly taking all those bullets. My nitpicks!

It was for intimidation but like you said it's not efficient at all. It'll go away in the sequel.

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15 minutes ago, Acgott said:

Its weird to me, just chilling there. Also he needs to work on his appearing skills. Walking slowly taking all those bullets. My nitpicks!

Nice to see Detective Batman. Being a Detective is one of his best skillsets in the comics. 

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6 hours ago, Acgott said:

I agree with that, but normally he has a little more privacy. 

Will be interesting where his rep sits with the cops in the next one. The GCPD show will I guess show their side of things and Gordon fighting from within.

It’ll be so new to have like at least 12-16ish hours of content in universe between movies. Will bridge a lot of what happened 


Gordon continuing to fight for the soul of the GCPD, potentially getting close to being Commish. Penguin taking over and building his empire.

I’m excited to see what other characters they intro.

Like someone else said I think we’ll definitely get Harvey Dent to show up in one or both shows. At least as assistant DA.

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With Batman movies, I am going to really pay attention to all the bad reviews and bad points before I watch it.

It's so easy with a Batman movie to get so focused on the good that you neglect the bad until a few years later, and then you realize... Yeah... That really IS dumb.

The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, BvS... I was so quick to try to love those movies that I ignored the terrible stuff in them and then slowly came around to hating aspects of them.

I can hardly even watch TDKR anymore, and I have to skip major scenes in The Dark Knight because of how terrible they really are.

So I wouldn't discount negative reviews right now because a lot of times they're just early realistic reviews.

It looks like there's a lot to enjoy about this movie, which is, frankly, surprising to me.

It also looks like maybe there's some reasons why you should temper your initial reaction to it.


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On 3/5/2022 at 7:32 AM, AlexGreen#20 said:

Probably should get over this, but I'm really struggling with the idea that somebody who is supposedly brilliant doesn't understand how donating money to social causes can help reduce crime. When it's his freaking family legacy. 

That makes him look completely idiotic.

Uhh if you are using that as a baseline, Batman as a whole is pointless. 

Plus Thomas Wayne has a giant philanthropic apparatus in the comics and it doesnt make a dent because of the rampant corruption.


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Also from reading this thread i feel like I got the vibe that for AG its


I dont like that one political comment that this movie had that lasted 2 seconds and now will nitpick the hell out of this movie to show I intellectually superior I am and this liberal writer is a moron compared to me.

Also any screen time to Zoe Kravitz is a 100% win. This is not up for debate

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2 hours ago, OhioG said:

Uhh if you are using that as a baseline, Batman as a whole is pointless. 

Plus Thomas Wayne has a giant philanthropic apparatus in the comics and it doesnt make a dent because of the rampant corruption.


No, I'm not going to repeat this argument with you because I already outlined it in greater detail earlier in this thread.

But the gist of it is that the charitable contributions have always existed. They weren't as effective as they should have been due to the corruption and super villain crime. That's why the Batman side exists. To fight that corruption and crime so that the money and the people/organizations it goes to can improve the city. How many episodes in the show did some villain attack a "Wayne Charity Gala"? Like half of them. 

"Wayne Foundation money should go to social causes" isn't the unique and galaxy brained idea that the movie seemed to think it was.

Edited by AlexGreen#20
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1 hour ago, OhioG said:

Also from reading this thread i feel like I got the vibe that for AG its

Also any screen time to Zoe Kravitz is a 100% win. This is not up for debate

In that case, I get the sense from you that you're a brainless clapping seal who applauds every time a character lectures somebody about something "problematic".

See how easy it is to cast aspersions on people when you can make up their intentions?

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Just saw it. I enjoyed it, but it was too long. Needed to lose at least 20 minutes or more.  Probably most of the MSG/GSG scene. 

Definitely the least “super hero” Batman movie ever and that’s fine. Definitely more neo noir thriller. 

The lack of Bryce Wayne can be weird, but it was about Batman, not Bruce. It’s fine when you accept it. Your points a couple pages ago were good @Bullet Club

The acting was pretty good all around. Loved Dano like I suspected I would. Pattinson was fine for the role for what was offered. He’s good. In fact the weakest person for me might have been John T. 


I don’t love Joker probably being in the next one already. There’s so many villains to use and try. Penguins rise with Deathstroke or something

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On 3/4/2022 at 1:40 PM, August4th said:

right now I have this just a notch below TDK. I feel like the Nolan trilogy and part of the TDK have not aged well, but Heath Joker and some of the moments in that film are still hard to top. Reeves series is off to a great start tho I think this is my 2nd fav live action Batman flick for now.

It’s behind the original for me too. I just always love that movie, but 3rd best Batman movie is no small task. Reeves should be very proud of his work and set up. This has potential in front of it

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