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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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10 minutes ago, Dome said:

I'm good going naz if he doesn't show up.

I need forge to show up too.

If we take pickle at face value that he's caught scum in woz/counselor I'd go woz. I'd also just as easily go pickle for pushing such a questionable "get" when we see people make bad illogical reads as civs all the time.

@Nazgul @Forge show up.

Why would we?

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

I wouldn't recommend we do. I'm just throwing it out there to remind people he's sure of it. 

Sounds like a weird way to phrase it if you're just trying to remind people of pickle's read. Also not sure why you'd even need/want to.

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18 minutes ago, Woz said:

Not people hiding (I didn't say anything about the seven or eight people who haven't voted at all). It's more the people coming in, voting, and leaving without really trying to do anything beyond being present.

I would consider that a trait of hiding. But semantics aside, I think it's too early to look at that sort of thing.

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10 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

what appeared to be a secret lair. Witnesses near the scene recall seeing the man walk inside the building just a few hours prior.


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