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18 hours ago, Thomas5737 said:

Well all you really did (unknowingly) was take the stats from the final 8 games (when Kitchens took over the offense) and doubled it. Over 16 games it would have been 4508 yards, 38 TD 16 INT and 68.4% completions. Oh, and 10 sacks.

Lol didn't even realize that.  Well that's at least improvement from the following year I guess?

How do you think it will turn out?  Hard to believe he will match production from the second half of last year exactly at 68.4% completion and only 10 sacks.

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33 minutes ago, CBrownsman said:

Lol didn't even realize that.  Well that's at least improvement from the following year I guess?

How do you think it will turn out?  Hard to believe he will match production from the second half of last year exactly at 68.4% completion and only 10 sacks.

The 10 sacks aren't realistic, but it would be nice over a 16 game season. I think the completion percentage is attainable though along with the yards and the rest. Not saying he will have that high of a completion percentage but the opportunity is there. An MVP season opportunity is there, we'll see if he is up to the task.

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2 hours ago, mistakey said:

5000 td 50 td 10 int you heard it here first

I don't see Baker throwing for that many yards or TD's only for the simple fact that I believe the Browns will have a very balanced offensive attack on the ground and in the air. 


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1 hour ago, bruceb said:

I would be thrilled with the 10 INTs but think that if he continues to gamble it will be closer to 20.

Nah, not in today's NFL. I mean technically 16 is closer to 20 and one QB reached that total last year (Ben) but 20 interception seasons are rare anymore, you either have to be bad (Kizer) or throw a lot (Rivers) and be off or unlucky to reach that number. Those are the only 2 times it happened in the last 5 years.

I don't think many of Baker's picks were from gambling. Against the Texans it was being fooled, that last game against the Ravens it was being unlucky (from officials and passes defensed). Baker needs to take what is there more often and I think he did under Freddie so that may already be fixed. The issue Baker may have which has happened to a lot of QBs is forcing the ball to a true #1. He can't get complacent and just trust OBJ to win those 50/50 balls. Sure he will have to do it at times but only when the situation demands it, not on 1st and 10 in the second quarter.

If I could take my Browns glasses off and just be realistic I'd probably guess Baker gets around 35 TDs and 8 or so interceptions. My Browns glasses are more pessimistic than optimistic so my guess would be 12-14 picks but I know that it isn't ideal and unless there is bad luck involved that number should be under 10. We shouldn't have to gamble much. We should take advantage of the mismatches and take what the defense gives us and keep drives going, you can do that successfully with an accurate and smart QB. It may not be quite as exciting as it was at times last year or look like the Chiefs from last year but it works, it can just be boring sometimes like the Patriots offense.

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20 minutes ago, Thomas5737 said:

it can just be boring sometimes like the Patriots offense

The longer you can keep the other team's D on the field the more likely it is than you can wear them down and dominate them late in the game.

That's my preferred approach.

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11 hours ago, bruceb said:

The longer you can keep the other team's D on the field the more likely it is than you can wear them down and dominate them late in the game.

That's my preferred approach.


Look at the AFCCG last year. KC was dog tired by OT. They knew what was coming, stopping it was quite another story.

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3 hours ago, mistakey said:

he was actually one of the most unlucky QBs last year when it came to INTs


A little surprising Baker didn't have more dropped interceptions than most just simply from the velocity that he throws the ball. Good news I guess, shows he didn't throw interceptable passes often but also that drop rate should increase so maybe if that season happened again he would only have 8 interceptions instead of the 14.

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Yeah I completely disagree with Baker being a gambler. He’s much more than that. At the risk of being labeled a buno-Homer his passes are so much more than just a prayer. I know the majority in here don’t even know what it’s like to witness an actual qb on the Browns. And I would so badly love to break down all of Bakers so called gamble throws. I just don’t have the time. But from memory recall I don’t really remember a gamble throw he made. Gamble throws are what a mediocre qb does for a really good wr. You know, the 50/50 ball thrown up so your guy can go up and get it. i.e gambling. Just go back and watch Baker’s ball placement and anticipation. That ain’t gambling. I’ve said it in here before, there are qbs that can throw the ball to a spot and let their wr go after it...and then there are qbs that can multiprocess what is transpiring on the field and have that innate ability to deliver the ball in the right moment and location. That’s Baker you guys, that’s Baker. 

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