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TV Mafia: Signup and Game Thread-Day three Ends at 9 PM Eastern Saturay


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Night 1 Remix 

Malf is under this water, drowned belly up.  The teen realizing it is over exits the pool 

Suddenly a women in red runs into the school, jumps in the pool and takes Malf out.  She lays him on the ground, whispers foreign words.  Suddenly Malf coughs up water and his eyes open.  

The women, realizing her work here is done, turns around and comes face to face with the teenage boy.  He rips off her pendant and she instantly begins to age.  She falls to her knees. The boy is drawn to watching this as he's never seen it before.  As she hits the ground, the teenager goes to finish off Malf again.  But he is no where to be found!  Sometimes being the principal has its advantages, like knowing where to hide in every room in your building. Disgusted the teenager leaves for good this time 

After a short while, Malf crawls to dingo and cradles the characters head. 


How can I ever repay you 


You must be the prince that was promised 

Dingo has been eliminated.  He was mellisandre  the red woman , good guys aligned (green) 


Malf is alive and has returned to the game 


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