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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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3 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

I'll answer.  Outlaws don't care about which side wins. Towns enemies are named in the opening write up and it's not me 

i think dome was referring to himself as a bandit for stealing all that stuff 

same answer applies why i personally dont care though :)


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Updated list with the True Dax revealed. * claimed known roles.

Federation Bajorans Scum/Other
Ben Sisko Kira Quark*
Miles O'Brien Odo* Elim Garak*
Worf Rom* Jake Sisko
Julian Bashir Leeta Dukat
Ezri Dax* Kai Winn Damar
Ensign Nog* Chef Luther Sloan
Vic Fontaine   Weyoun
Random Crew   Jem'Hadar
Random Crew   Founder
Random Crew   Breen

If I had to bet I would say Dome is Nog because he stole stuff all the time on the show.

MWil has pretty much claimed Rom because he said he had a Son (Nog) and Brother (Quark)

I was seduced last night by who I could only think was Leeta (A Bajoran Dabo Girl at Quark's also Rom's wife)

Bajorans are getting hit hard but it looks like the Federation is looking pretty good.


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