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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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On 8/2/2019 at 6:42 AM, TheKillerNacho said:
  • Once per night, you may target another player. If that player is Bajoran (the race), your alignments will be revealed to eachother. Targetting Dukat with this ability instead converts him to a Anjohl Tennan.
  • Once per game, if Benjamin Sisko is dead, instead of attempting to reveal yourself, you may change the allegience of Bajor from the Federation to either the Cardassian Union or Dominion. Whichever faction you choose will have their win condition changed to: "Eliminate all players in the Federation and [the other faction]. At least one of the Bajor faction must be alive at the end of the game." The Federation's win condition will be updated to "The Federation must outnumber all other living players." Bajor's win condition will be updated such that it cannot win with the Federation. All players aligned with the Federation, Bajor, and your chosen faction will be informed of their new win condition.
  • If you were to die before Benjamin Sisko, he will be able to manipulate the people of Bajor as he sees fit.

i think if ben sisko dies, gopher could use this power.

if gopher dies, ben sisko could use the power

i bet they move bajors to dominion because theres less of them dead.

so now, the Feds are the scum and dominions (if they moved there) are town

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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

ok, so Ben Sisko is the big bad now


2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

so bajor are going to go to scum.

when that happens, the game might be over.

i am frankly going to side with whichever team is the majority to make it through


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pickle, did you read this?

the bajor join up with dominion or cass. whichever ones they join with are now town, because they have to kill all Feds.

now Feds would have a scum condition (must outnumber the other player)

so all claimed feds now need to be killed.

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Things were looking up for the Federation... with the death of Kai Winn, Bajor was officially admitted into the Federation by Captain Ben Sisko. Any living Bajor aligned players have been converted to either Federation or Civilian aligned players!

Unfortunately, all good things....

There was a slew of murders on the station last night, targeting exclusively Federation officers. The first of which was @swoosh. He was revealed in an autopsy to be the only survivor of the first event featuring the Anti-Recollection Field, Mr. Worf, Federation aligned. He was shot to death with a disruptor. On his corpse, his bat'leth and combadge were found.

The body of @Dome was found next. His autopsy revealed he was the excitable young Ensign, Nog, Federation aligned. He was also killed with a disruptor. On his person was, oddly, three combadges. Like his father, Rom, he was unique for a Ferengi and will be missed. Quark is selling cremated jars of both his brother and nephew at Quark's for anyone interested in purchasing them.

Finally, an eager Starfleet Officer, Federation aligned, was also killed. He was cut to pieces by a bat'leth, it seems. Rip, @Tugboat. He had a combadge with him on his death.

Day 6 is officially open. End of day is 8/10 at 9:00 PM.

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