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South Pole Madness Mafia: N8 Sunday at 10 pm est Nacho wins

Pickle Rick

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11 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Also, (by my count) 23 sections of the grid were searched and there were 23 players alive going into N1.  So either all players submitted a search, or some have an option to search more than 1 section.

If you don't specify a grid search you will randomly be assigned one. 

At least that is what my role PM said.

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9 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

We woke up this morning to a truly horrific smell that seemed to originate from our sleeping quarters.  I searched everyone's rooms and ultimately found the source of the smell.  There was a body lying in the bed in Dr. Rags @Ragnarok room.  The smell of burnt flesh almost brought me to my knees.  I did find an empty needle just outside of his room that was not burnt.  The body was so far gone that an autopsy could not be performed.  

I decided to search the rest of the rooms just to check on everyone, to my horror I found another body on the floor of Dr. Matts @Matts4313 room.  The body was burned beyond recognition, just like the first one, as such no autopsy could be performed.  Another needle was found resting up against the door frame.  It was starting to feel like the scientists were unraveling very quickly.

Continuing on, in my check of the rooms, I came to Dr. KSJ's @kingseanjohn room.  I tried to push the door open but it would not budge.  I threw my entire weight behind a push and a body slumped forward allowing me to get inside, it was Dr. KSJHis body to was burned, but we did find a vile down the hallway from his room, presumably dropped by the killer.  Again, no autopsy could be performed.

I came to the final room on my rounds and found yet another burned body inside.  This room was that of Dr. Mwill @MWil23With what was obviously becoming a trend, the body was horrifically burned and we could not perform an autopsy.  The body did provide us with one clue, the murderer left in such a haste that they left the needle used to kill him in his arm still.

A few things from the write-up.

1. All of the bodies were burned and an autopsy could not be performed. Flavor?

2. KSJ was the only body that was identified. Why weren't Rags, Matts, or Mwil identified? The OP states we're locked in our rooms at night so one could reasonably assume it is their bodies, yet KSJ was the only one identified.

3. Can anyone run a test on the needle found in Mwil's arm? Otherwise I'm unsure how that is a clue.


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I’m not doing anything.  I’m inviting the smoke.  

If you want to kill me, I’m not commuting tonight.  Just be ready to get buried in future games.  It could be the high point of your Mafia career, where you kinda-sorta had beef with the GOAT, but didn’t have enough.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I’m not doing anything.  I’m inviting the smoke.  

If you want to kill me, I’m not commuting tonight.  Just be ready to get buried in future games.  It could be the high point of your Mafia career, where you kinda-sorta had beef with the GOAT, but didn’t have enough.

yeah, i did nothing last night as well

if people were going to kill me, i just wanted it over with right away


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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

His body to was burned, but we did find a vile down the hallway from his room, presumably dropped by the killer. 

all 3 players were killed with syringes. which could indicate scientist on scientist crime

except ksj. he was killed with a vial.

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

all 3 players were killed with syringes. which could indicate scientist on scientist crime

except ksj. he was killed with a vial.

Meh I don't think so. A vial holds the substance while the syringe/needle takes the substance out of the vial.

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On 8/11/2019 at 1:31 PM, Pickle Rick said:

Dr Pickle looked into the biocontainment room and realized all of the PPPS were cut and sliced rendering them useless, except for one.  He then caught a glimpse of the case that contained all of the Level 4 agents stored at the facility, the horror and bewilderment he felt was etched on his face.  All of the agents were missing, every last vile.  Dr. Pickle slowly turned back to the group of scientists and addressed them, "OK, everyone just remain calm.  We can get through this.  We just have to determine who all of the members of this Darwinist group are and stop them before anything bad happens

okay, so it looks like there are bad guys after all.

they likely have 1 factional kill.

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Just now, VikeManDan said:

Meh I don't think so. A vial holds the substance while the syringe/needle takes the substance out of the vial.

ah, maybe a false lead then.

if anyone could step up and own who you killed, that would be helpful from a gamesolving perspective

i promise, i will not hit you.

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

okay, so it looks like there are bad guys after all.

they likely have 1 factional kill.

I definitely think we need to find the Darwinists. They're red in the OP.

However, we gained zero information from last night as you alluded to earlier.


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