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Back to School Mafia - The Admins have taken over the school!


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The Orca walks through the hallway, texting away on his phone. Tiffany was being such a ***** so he had to let everyone know. He was so engrossed with all of the recent gossip that he didn't realize that he'd walked right into the boy's locker room. The door swung open behind him to reveal the vice principal.

"Young lady you're not supposed to be here. To the principal's office!"

The Orca is suspended. He was The Queen BeeSchool-Aligned.


Nazgul was in the football storage shed naked. In front of him were three naked cheerleaders: two male, one female. They approached each other and rapidly devolved into a pile of raw teenage sexual frustration. Suddenly the vice principal burst through the door.

"All of you to the principal now! Especially you Nazgul!"

"Whatever bro,"

Nazgul is suspended. He was The JockSchool-Aligned.


Whicker sat in the corner of the cafeteria alone. He sighed as he watched the sheeple carry on with their feeble minded lives.

"Nobody understands me..."

The vice principal emerged seemingly out of nowhere in front of him.

"You. Principal's office. Now!"

"What?! What for?!"

"For being a ******* *****. Now go!"

Whicker has been suspended. He was The GothSchool-Aligned.


Mwil23 was under the bleachers smoking some dank weed sadly. Things had been lonely since bcb1213 had been suspended.

"This one's for you bro!" he yelled as he took a big hit. He blew a thick cloud of smoke out in front of him. As it dissipated, he saw the vice principal standing in front of him.

"Principal's office you druggie loser!"

Mwil23 has been suspended. He was The StonerSchool-Aligned.


Kingseanjohn patrolled the hallway with purpose. He was flashing his badge and nearly every student he ran into.

"Get to class! No running! I'll report you!"

He relished the power.

He turned a corner and saw the vice principal.

"Ah kingseanjohn, just the person I've been looking for. You need to go to the principal's office."

"What did I do? I'm a model student!"

"Just because I don't like your god damn face."

Kingseanjohn has been suspended. He was The Hall MonitorSchool-Aligned.


Rackcs was on a phone call with the superintendent in his office.

"No, please sir! Just give me one more day! I can turn things around I swear!"

"Absolutely not. You've totally and permanently tarnished the reputation of FF High! You will never be principal of a school again!"

The superintendent hung up and rackcs set down the receiver, despondent. The door creaked open and Slappy MctheuntouchableVikeManDanRagnarok, and SwAg all entered the room smiling.

"What are you all doing here?"

Slappy Mc spoke up first, saying, "Oh we're just here to gloat. You're a ****ty principal and we've finally gotten rid of you for good. Now I'll be in charge around here and things will be much different. You'll see."

The others all laughed as rackcs exited his office. The Admins had won.

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10:00 can't get here soon enough. Sloppy Mc and Vikeman I'm sure will take their sweet old time. Touch and Orca have already been locked and loaded for days. Good for them tbh. That blitz on Malf was egregious. This is what happens when I leave for lunch.

@Whicker you still alive bro? I'm still angry.

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Let's see...

Handed Town Touch

Handed Town Counselor

Called McSloppy

Called Vikeman

WAY wrong on Rags.

WAY wrong on Orca.

WAY WAY WAY wrong on KSJ.

Speculated Swag was revived in the exact same role that I gave him in Space Jam...would flip OTHER and then come back as scum.

Congrats guys...we got smoked. (Bad pun intended)


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