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Just now, SwAg said:

I was a hula hoop champion for years, everyone told me it was a useless skill, but you boys might think otherwise once you get to know me hehe :)

not sure if it's too NSFW or not if so, feel free to force me to edit it mods. 



1 minute ago, Whicker said:

No skill is useless 


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Thank you, Whicker.  Case and point, all those old people growing up who sarcastically asked: "iS tHaT vIdEoGaMe GoInG tO gEt YoU iNtO cOlLeGe!?"

And today, it might have.

Like all careers, only the select few make it to the point where they can do a specialized hobby like video games for a living. 


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