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11 hours ago, Malfatron said:

why would i care to "convince" you.

i know you are scum now

dome cced your cover role.

game over man.

good try for the hail mary on the only possible claim on me that could be more scary than mafia. 

So this whole chain of events screams scum-play.

Malf starts out assuring us that Swag is scum.  He KNOWS it.

11 hours ago, Malfatron said:

massive howling by swag

He is so sure.

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:

if hes 3rd party, he was still lying.


Then he starts to back off a bit.

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:

i am not lying.

you will feel silly later.

if you are telling it true, your invest was tampered with

i would obviously be a good choice for that

if you are town, you got us both killed, genious

Uh oh.  Swag basically called his bluff and Malf knows that Swag isn't going to flip scum.  Let the backtracking begin.

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:

if swags invest was tampered with, i am most likely the next lynch.

and its your fault, swag

could have gotten my night move in at least

The backtracking continues as malf softly places a potential explanation for why he is wrong.

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:

if you are telling the truth, mafia is teasing me hard.

and i will be the next lynch.

and mafia will laugh some more

Still backtracking.

This time though, he adds in the 'golly gee I guess I'll be lynched next" line.

9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

could be that mafia completely stayed out of the malf/swag thing

why would they care who gets lynched between us?

Now he is starting to give people other options to look at to get pressure off him.

9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

and if you are town, you need to look at why the best move for mafia to make is to let the fight happen and not get involved

Now he strengthens that position.  Which I disagree with in general because I think it would be easier for scum to hide in the middle of the argument and get shouted over.  

So...malf 1. knows Swag is scum  2. immediately starts backtracking when Swag posts his role  3.  tries to give a mechanical reason for why he will be wrong  4.  doubles down on said mechanic  4.  plays the 'I know I'm next' card  5.  tries to aim us in another direction  6.  strengthens that aim.  That is a textbook scum response.  I don't think townie malf plays it that way.

3 Functional options here - 1.  Swag knew malf was cult  2.  Swag made up the hard claim of malf being cult(highly highly unlikely)  3.  Scum has a framer and both the framer and swag targeted malf N1(technically possible, but still not very likely)

Option 1 is easily the most likely.  Malf

Morning all.

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4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Mwil redirected me to swag I guess.


4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

So mwil are you claiming mason with Malf and redirect, is that right?


5 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

He posted his pm you dodo 

So you didn’t visit SwAg?

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:



So you didn’t visit SwAg?

It is bc you are backtracking now.  You knew I visited swag bc you most likely redirected me to him 

So which is the no to, mason with Malf? Or redirect?

I was redirected to him, but you already knew that and were trying to spin things.  

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