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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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6 hours ago, SwAg said:

I’m sure this will go over poorly, but I’ll say it anyway: Town was complacent after they caught me.  There was no sustained push against me, or effort to connect me to other people.  They were content knowing that SwAg is a bad man who we don’t trust.  Whicker was pounding his chest and AFKing, showing up only to ask why people are not lynching me.

No one even attempted to connect me to other people until three days later on Day 4.  And at that point, it was so amusing to me that I gave straight-up meme answers.  I basically said squire was my teammate, and no one cared because everyone assumed I was trolling at that point...because I mostly was.

I was just lowering Town morale, sowing mistrust and discord, and ultimately did more to help them than any of the Town actually did with outing basically the whole Creepy faction — and even then, it took Town 2 days to investigate Touch or KSJ and opt to lynch them.  Then they show up en mass to whine about mechanics.  Mad, aye?

No one found the connections? 

no one? 

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On 10/19/2019 at 3:27 PM, theuntouchable said:

Early Pickle List: 









Lol nailed it!! 

truth be told this was an absolute BS list to start the game.

also, there is a giant different between people trying to lynch pickle and people trying to lynch me on D1. I have never been lynched on d1 and have hardly ever been lynched in general. Pickle cheese and N4l all banded together to try and get me lynched n1. It was the most obvious scum vote group I have ever seen. 

still outright positive that civ squire would have voted in that scenario. 10 minutes or two minutes, you had enough information and likely would have voted me. 

how on earth anyone believe the horrendous “I’m a newb” game from bantle is beyond me. 

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@SwAg serious question, how much were you laughing/how amused were you/how angry were you at me when I was shouting from the rooftops at the audibles from chatty you were calling for your faction/moves you were telling them to do? Since basically all of town outed their role/moves Day 2, I stopped hinting and just started yelling and outwardly calling things out in thread like a complete maniac.

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On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Town MVP: This one is easy, @theuntouchable. Despite being cult, he successfully called scum on his pickle list Day 1/2. I used that list when he didn’t flip evil to go back and connect the dots.

I still stand by this 100%. If Touch wasn't converted, Town still had a chance despite royally messing things up down the stretch.

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Town MVP Runner Up: @Whicker successfully nailing multiple scum with invests and being extremely rational to legitimate arguments and seeing through the BS and facade scum tried to spin

I think that it's unfortunate that he quit when the going got tough because he felt as though it was unfair. 

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Person I don’t blame for playing to their win con: @Forge didn’t have a choice. It is absolutely hilarious that two of towns 4 best players (some were killed too early like @ET80 and @Dome, along with @rackcs) were an OTHER in Forge and CULT in Touch.

I still stand by this, but that said, if he went with us on Squire, assuming Squire couldn't get the question correct (MAYBE the case), then used his hit on Jason that night, Town very well possibly wins down the stretch. I think that Squire's comment about going for Forge was nothing short of a bluff.

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Constructive criticism and feedback for our beloved host, @The Orca:

 I loved the interactive setup, wrinkles, and multiple scum factions with interactive moves and kills. It was awesome!

I stand by this.

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

The 5 questions for a mislynch is WAAAAAAAAY to many guesses. 1 or 2 would have been more than enough.

I stand by this. Town needs lynches, not just to get rid of scum, but for information. Even mislynches down the stretch help in terms of information and there's a reason people like Squire keep lists of who voted what. Eventually, patterns emerge and stars align. Also, if you're going to go with them having the opportunity to escape a lynch and narrow it to 1-2 guesses, I'd recommend forcing them to answer the question within 12 hours in a 24 hour game. That allows plenty of time for Town to regroup and reassess strategy/voting because we can see the flip or lynch escape.

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Also, putting your brother, who clearly knows most if not all the answers (any of us that have siblings that are close would agree, myself included) as scum is RIDICULOUS AND UNFAIR and favors the entire scum faction. It’s decisively antitown and unfortunately took away from what would have been an awesome game setup.

I withdraw this criticism. However, I would make it a rule in the future, if you go down this route, not to allow ANYONE to help that individual guess the answer, Town, Scum, or Cult. Down the stretch it legitimately factored into us not lynching him and the same for swag day 2 because we knew they’d get the question correct. It takes the pressure off of you on "fairness" so that people like me don't get irrationally upset.

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Additionally, the items found in thread like guns and pick ax should have either been only able to be used in interactive moves for everyone to see or the writeups should have been used to reflect those items. In a game where literal writeups and literal items are used, it should have stuck with the same flavor.

I still stand by this. Interactive thread things should be kept interactive within the game itself. It makes it more clear (to everyone) on flavor, writeup, and what those items do. It's not an advantage to either side.

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

Not offsetting these OP moves with town powers was also unfortunate. I understand that since I was revived I shouldn’t have my vig powers back, but a backup vig would have made sense, someone like @Counselor.

I withdraw this as well to an extent, but I would also say personally, in a 25 player setup, having roles like mine that were VERY OP, as well as various bulletproof vests for everyone (Whicker, Pickle, Swag, etc.) makes it really hard to do if you also have a "lynch escape" option. 

On 10/26/2019 at 5:15 AM, MWil23 said:

I hope that you see the good and positive with the criticism and host again in the future. 

@The Orca Above is my commentary on this after taking a step back to rethink things, because as I said, I truly loved the setup/interactive moves and the game as a whole. I think you about nailed it, albeit with a few technical flaws. I didn't mean to come across as attacking you or your character, as that was not my intention, and I apologize that it came across that way. I always enjoy games that you host and the thought and effort you put into it with the twists along the way.

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10 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

 I still say your theory about me being scum with swag was asinine lol

Fair. That said, it wouldn't have been unthinkable, and I didn't come up with that theory until you were also red lettered by 2 invests to be fair. Please don't let that theory detract from me playing well this game, LOL.

10 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I know swag and I would probably bull some heavy **** as scum together but DAMN. 

After this game, I'm waiting for the game where you, me, Forge, and someone like SwAg/Dome are scum together.

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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I still stand by this 100%. If Touch wasn't converted, Town still had a chance despite royally messing things up down the stretch.

I think that it's unfortunate that he quit when the going got tough because he felt as though it was unfair. 

I still stand by this, but that said, if he went with us on Squire, assuming Squire couldn't get the question correct (MAYBE the case), then used his hit on Jason that night, Town very well possibly wins down the stretch. I think that Squire's comment about going for Forge was nothing short of a bluff.

I stand by this.

I stand by this. Town needs lynches, not just to get rid of scum, but for information. Even mislynches down the stretch help in terms of information and there's a reason people like Squire keep lists of who voted what. Eventually, patterns emerge and stars align. Also, if you're going to go with them having the opportunity to escape a lynch and narrow it to 1-2 guesses, I'd recommend forcing them to answer the question within 12 hours in a 24 hour game. That allows plenty of time for Town to regroup and reassess strategy/voting because we can see the flip or lynch escape.

I withdraw this criticism. However, I would make it a rule in the future, if you go down this route, not to allow ANYONE to help that individual guess the answer, Town, Scum, or Cult. Down the stretch it legitimately factored into us not lynching him and the same for swag day 2 because we knew they’d get the question correct. It takes the pressure off of you on "fairness" so that people like me don't get irrationally upset.

I still stand by this. Interactive thread things should be kept interactive within the game itself. It makes it more clear (to everyone) on flavor, writeup, and what those items do. It's not an advantage to either side.

I withdraw this as well to an extent, but I would also say personally, in a 25 player setup, having roles like mine that were VERY OP, as well as various bulletproof vests for everyone (Whicker, Pickle, Swag, etc.) makes it really hard to do if you also have a "lynch escape" option. 

@The Orca Above is my commentary on this after taking a step back to rethink things, because as I said, I truly loved the setup/interactive moves and the game as a whole. I think you about nailed it, albeit with a few technical flaws. I didn't mean to come across as attacking you or your character, as that was not my intention, and I apologize that it came across that way. I always enjoy games that you host and the thought and effort you put into it with the twists along the way.

1. I agree town needs lynches and the overall set up of the lynch mechanic was done in a manner that was unbiased as much as possible and in a manner that no one could live repeatedly. If you lynched someone two times they were probably dead. Having lynchees possibly live is in a manner a combo of recent games where you have the godfather cant die until last, pardons, players with mutiple lives, players that cant die unless something happens, etc. It was just modified to the game instead of a specific person which I thought was the mad genius of the lynch mechanic 

Also the amount of guesses was factored in. I figured more guesses would potentially help town survive because with mafia and creepy able to discuss, having fewer tries favored them big time which would have been unbalanced imo

See below on the time aspect

2. I totally get the no one should help with the question criticism. I truly debated until the last second whether to go that way or the way I did. It was a tough call.  In the end it didnt really help, cause Pickle could only get 4/16 prompts right and some he was never getting right with 100 attempts. It was a good first test

3. I understand that you and others would rather the interactive stay in thread and during that phase, but imo that is a detriment to the mafia side of the game. People picking up a weapon and killing indiscriminately just for the sake of doing so would become an issue. Now introducing more day items, protections, etc may have worked, but at 28 people and an interactive phase would have been even tougher to manage imo. It's a good idea, just might be to much to be included with a nightly mafia game...maybe not though 

4. Thanks for feedback!

2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

I think the only thing I would change from that lynch mechanic is that everyone found out the fate of the previous lynch before having to go another one. A lot of times reads rely heavily on what a lynch candidate flips. It was a cool mechanic tho 

This probably for sure. Just didnt know how to do that first go around because I thought it would slow down the game and kill activity. Also didnt know about giving a short time frame on the lynch mechanic because of varying time zones and schedules. It was tricky to plan on the first attempt

2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

To be fair, I have had my own scum faction hit me before but they didn’t Know I was scum with them. I entered chat as anonymous and played the first several days without them knowing it was me. Then I had a protection and told them to hit me to give me the clear. Right @The Orca

What's sad is most of us thought it was you and we still went ahead with your idea to do it, actually thinking it would kill "Touch". Which made it even more believable in thread xD and unbelievable for us after lol

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4 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Lol nailed it!! 

truth be told this was an absolute BS list to start the game.

also, there is a giant different between people trying to lynch pickle and people trying to lynch me on D1. I have never been lynched on d1 and have hardly ever been lynched in general. Pickle cheese and N4l all banded together to try and get me lynched n1. It was the most obvious scum vote group I have ever seen. 

still outright positive that civ squire would have voted in that scenario. 10 minutes or two minutes, you had enough information and likely would have voted me. 

how on earth anyone believe the horrendous “I’m a newb” game from bantle is beyond me. 


3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I still stand by this 100%. If Touch wasn't converted, Town still had a chance despite royally messing things up down the stretch.

I think that it's unfortunate that he quit when the going got tough because he felt as though it was unfair. 

I still stand by this, but that said, if he went with us on Squire, assuming Squire couldn't get the question correct (MAYBE the case), then used his hit on Jason that night, Town very well possibly wins down the stretch. I think that Squire's comment about going for Forge was nothing short of a bluff.

I stand by this.

I stand by this. Town needs lynches, not just to get rid of scum, but for information. Even mislynches down the stretch help in terms of information and there's a reason people like Squire keep lists of who voted what. Eventually, patterns emerge and stars align. Also, if you're going to go with them having the opportunity to escape a lynch and narrow it to 1-2 guesses, I'd recommend forcing them to answer the question within 12 hours in a 24 hour game. That allows plenty of time for Town to regroup and reassess strategy/voting because we can see the flip or lynch escape.

I withdraw this criticism. However, I would make it a rule in the future, if you go down this route, not to allow ANYONE to help that individual guess the answer, Town, Scum, or Cult. Down the stretch it legitimately factored into us not lynching him and the same for swag day 2 because we knew they’d get the question correct. It takes the pressure off of you on "fairness" so that people like me don't get irrationally upset.

I still stand by this. Interactive thread things should be kept interactive within the game itself. It makes it more clear (to everyone) on flavor, writeup, and what those items do. It's not an advantage to either side.

I withdraw this as well to an extent, but I would also say personally, in a 25 player setup, having roles like mine that were VERY OP, as well as various bulletproof vests for everyone (Whicker, Pickle, Swag, etc.) makes it really hard to do if you also have a "lynch escape" option. 

@The Orca Above is my commentary on this after taking a step back to rethink things, because as I said, I truly loved the setup/interactive moves and the game as a whole. I think you about nailed it, albeit with a few technical flaws. I didn't mean to come across as attacking you or your character, as that was not my intention, and I apologize that it came across that way. I always enjoy games that you host and the thought and effort you put into it with the twists along the way.


Since @ET80 stole all my likes for 24 hours 

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4 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Lol nailed it!! 

truth be told this was an absolute BS list to start the game.

also, there is a giant different between people trying to lynch pickle and people trying to lynch me on D1. I have never been lynched on d1 and have hardly ever been lynched in general. Pickle cheese and N4l all banded together to try and get me lynched n1. It was the most obvious scum vote group I have ever seen. 

still outright positive that civ squire would have voted in that scenario. 10 minutes or two minutes, you had enough information and likely would have voted me. 

how on earth anyone believe the horrendous “I’m a newb” game from bantle is beyond me. 

1. I told them from the beginning I was fine being lynched and to vote me.  I was confident that I could escape it with the word association.  How wrong I was.  RNG saved my ***.  

3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

@SwAg serious question, how much were you laughing/how amused were you/how angry were you at me when I was shouting from the rooftops at the audibles from chatty you were calling for your faction/moves you were telling them to do? Since basically all of town outed their role/moves Day 2, I stopped hinting and just started yelling and outwardly calling things out in thread like a complete maniac.

That was funny but was so so so far off from reality 

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7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

1. I told them from the beginning I was fine being lynched and to vote me.  I was confident that I could escape it with the word association.  How wrong I was.  RNG saved my ***.  

That was funny but was so so so far off from reality 

In the end it didn’t matter, but that vote group by cheese and n4l was painstakingly obvious. Then those 2 and Jason voted together several times after that. How that wasn’t found by anyone is beyond me lol 

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12 minutes ago, The Orca said:

1. I agree town needs lynches and the overall set up of the lynch mechanic was done in a manner that was unbiased as much as possible and in a manner that no one could live repeatedly. If you lynched someone two times they were probably dead. Having lynchees possibly live is in a manner a combo of recent games where you have the godfather cant die until last, pardons, players with mutiple lives, players that cant die unless something happens, etc. It was just modified to the game instead of a specific person which I thought was the mad genius of the lynch mechanic 

Also the amount of guesses was factored in. I figured more guesses would potentially help town survive because with mafia and creepy able to discuss, having fewer tries favored them big time which would have been unbalanced imo

See below on the time aspect

2. I totally get the no one should help with the question criticism. I truly debated until the last second whether to go that way or the way I did. It was a tough call.  In the end it didnt really help, cause Pickle could only get 4/16 prompts right and some he was never getting right with 100 attempts. It was a good first test

3. I understand that you and others would rather the interactive stay in thread and during that phase, but imo that is a detriment to the mafia side of the game. People picking up a weapon and killing indiscriminately just for the sake of doing so would become an issue. Now introducing more day items, protections, etc may have worked, but at 28 people and an interactive phase would have been even tougher to manage imo. It's a good idea, just might be to much to be included with a nightly mafia game...maybe not though 

4. Thanks for feedback!

This probably for sure. Just didnt know how to do that first go around because I thought it would slow down the game and kill activity. Also didnt know about giving a short time frame on the lynch mechanic because of varying time zones and schedules. It was tricky to plan on the first attempt

What's sad is most of us thought it was you and we still went ahead with your idea to do it, actually thinking it would kill "Touch". Which made it even more believable in thread xD and unbelievable for us after lol

That was and still is the most fun I’ve had as scum. Got into an early argument with you over you being scum/you thinking I was lmao 

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14 minutes ago, The Orca said:

1. I agree town needs lynches and the overall set up of the lynch mechanic was done in a manner that was unbiased as much as possible and in a manner that no one could live repeatedly. If you lynched someone two times they were probably dead. Having lynchees possibly live is in a manner a combo of recent games where you have the godfather cant die until last, pardons, players with mutiple lives, players that cant die unless something happens, etc. It was just modified to the game instead of a specific person which I thought was the mad genius of the lynch mechanic 

Also the amount of guesses was factored in. I figured more guesses would potentially help town survive because with mafia and creepy able to discuss, having fewer tries favored them big time which would have been unbalanced imo

See below on the time aspect

2. I totally get the no one should help with the question criticism. I truly debated until the last second whether to go that way or the way I did. It was a tough call.  In the end it didnt really help, cause Pickle could only get 4/16 prompts right and some he was never getting right with 100 attempts. It was a good first test

3. I understand that you and others would rather the interactive stay in thread and during that phase, but imo that is a detriment to the mafia side of the game. People picking up a weapon and killing indiscriminately just for the sake of doing so would become an issue. Now introducing more day items, protections, etc may have worked, but at 28 people and an interactive phase would have been even tougher to manage imo. It's a good idea, just might be to much to be included with a nightly mafia game...maybe not though 

4. Thanks for feedback!

This probably for sure. Just didnt know how to do that first go around because I thought it would slow down the game and kill activity. Also didnt know about giving a short time frame on the lynch mechanic because of varying time zones and schedules. It was tricky to plan on the first attempt

What's sad is most of us thought it was you and we still went ahead with your idea to do it, actually thinking it would kill "Touch". Which made it even more believable in thread xD and unbelievable for us after lol

As far as the time aspect of learning the lynch, I would probably set a time constraint of mid day the next day or something. I wouldn’t be surprised if cheese intentionally held off until the very end because they didn’t want him flipping scum before the vote timer was up. 

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