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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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1 minute ago, Nazgul said:

Not once they died, no.

Tk3 was briefly when he was converted. He said something about faking a post restriction today and dipped.

Obviously he didn't try to help me at all.

tbh, I don't know what he could have done to actually change the result

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

tbh, it's a lose-lose situation.  If you assume Matts is being sarcastic and say nothing, he will bring it up as proof of being right in the future.  If you tell him he's being ridiculous, he'll tell you it's sarcasm.


I forget most games about 50% of the way through. So thats a bold face lie. 

Speaking of lies, I lied about invincibility. :shrugs: I dont think it had any impact though. 

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All info has been added to the OP, I think.

Of note to most, here's the unused Jobs as well as the draft:

Unselected classes:

You have graduated from Ivalice War Academy as a fully trained Squire!


The following skills have been added to your abilities (you can only use ONE ability per night):

  • Backup: During the night, may choose to change your Job to either an undrafted job or a job of a dead player. This change is permanent (you will no longer be a Squire or have access to this ability).
  • PASSIVE: Fundamentals: Receive all Role PMs for unused Jobs at the start of the game, if there are any.

Your job starts with the following items. You can use ONE item per night, in addition to an ability:

  • None!

You have graduated from Ivalice War Academy as a fully trained Wizard!


The following skills have been added to your abilities (you can only use ONE ability per night):

  • 1-shot Lightning: Target one player. If that player is visited during the night (excluding this visit), that player and all player visiting that player dies (except you). If no other players visit that player, nothing happens.
  • 1-shot Fire: Destroy (burn) all items in target player's inventory. If that player has no items, they are killed instead.
  • 1-shot Blizzard: Roleblock target player.

Your job starts with the following items. You can use ONE item per night, in addition to an ability:

  • None!

You have graduated from Ivalice War Academy as a fully trained Bard!


The following skills have been added to your abilities (you can only use ONE ability per night):

  • Nightly Motivator: Target a player. If that player used an ability during the night, that ability is doubled. The target(s) of the duplicate are selected randomly among normally eligible targets.

Your job starts with the following items. You can use ONE item per night, in addition to an ability:

  • None!


With the first pick, Counselor selects the Time Mage (1st choice).
With the second pick, Mwil23 selects the Dark Knight (1st choice).
With the third pick, Forge selects the Ninja (1st choice).
With the fourth pick, rackcs selects the Samurai (1st choice).
With the fifth pick, theuntouchable selects the Onion Knight (random).
With the sixth pick, Pickle Rick selects the Archer (2nd choice... first choice: Dark Knight).
With the seventh pick, squire12 selects the Knight (3rd choice... first choice: Ninja).
With the eigth pick, Matts4313 selects the Oracle (random).
With the ninth pick, SwAg selects the Summoner (2nd choice... first choice: Dark Knight).
With the tenth pick, Whicker selects the Geomancer (random).
With the eleventh pick, ET80 selects the Lancer (2nd choice... first choice: Summoner).
With the twelth pick, Nazgul selects the Dancer (random).
With the thirteenth pick, Malfatron selects Thief (4th choice... first choice: Knight).
With the fourteenth pick, kingseanjohn selects Calculator (random).
With the fifteenth pick, The Orca selects the Mime (6th choice... first choice: Dark Knight).
With the sixteenth pick, bcb1213 selects the Priest (4th choice... first choice: Summoner).
With the seventeenth pick, Dome selects the Mediator (random).

With the eighteenth pick, ramssuperbowl99 selects the Monk (random).

With the final pick, Tk3 selects the Chemist (7th choice... first choice: Priest).

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12 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Any recruitment mechanic where that person's recruitment becomes known to somebody AND they can **** over their faction in order to be re-recruited and win with town is bad

Could've been averted by killing Ramza first. Or if Ramza didn't know the identity of Alma.

Honestly it was a low chance trigger swing mechanic that I had originally cut cause i thought it was a little much with 17 players and 5 scum already but readded when ksj and tk3 joined. Still, the amount of things that had to happen for it to even be possible is huge.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Better to hedge toward the latter because we don't want him to ever point back and be able to say he was right.

Are you describing yourself and attributing to me? I dont go back to old games and pull quotes because I have deep need to seem smart. Thats you big brain. 

amirite @ET80

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3 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

I mean, he could have helped his current win con at that moment instead of deciding to be a baby back *****.

I just don't know what he would have done.  If it became unclear, we were just going to lynch him because we knew he was involved.

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