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MKE Bucks Thread | Offseason


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3 minutes ago, Herbie_Hancock said:

Kudos to you, if I wasn’t at work right now I’d be in the same boat and definitely couldn’t write that haha 😂😂

I'll be hammered again tomorrow. All I'm drinking, all day, is MKE MVP. Feel it's fitting.

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14 minutes ago, Herbie_Hancock said:

Yep I’m going to be cracking into that soon. Not sure on the hat tho. I had it in my cart but didn’t buy it yet 

I'm gonna go to D!ck's tomorrow and grab the hat. The rest of the stuff, I'll get in August when it's delivered. Think I got 5 shirts, a flag, a pint glass, a pennant, a lanyard and a koozie. 







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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

@beekay414 do you have any all time "Giannis needs to be traded" takes to exhume? If I can get specific, Lakers/Knicks fans acting like it's inevitable Giannis would be getting traded would be perfect.

TBH Heat fans were probably the loudest. Mavs and Raptors fans were in the mix too.

But, I'll offer up myself up, cause I deserve it. 

Battery was in my back to the fullest degree after winning the championship last year... lol smfh.

On 11/23/2020 at 6:07 PM, TheRealMcCoy said:

You have bigger problems to worry about than thinking about Lakers fans/players. Giannis is gonna leave after this season just like Kareem did.

Technically this was me just trying to rile @beekay414up, but still a trash low blow.

On 11/23/2020 at 3:18 AM, TheRealMcCoy said:

There is a big difference between being fine and being able to win a title. Y’all could have the best record in the NBA again, but I don’t see you guys beating who comes out the west IF you can even make the finals. I don’t see the Lakers at all. Doubtful you beat the Clippers. Nuggets? Probably not. Hell I don’t even know if y’all would beat the Mavericks.

Then y’all still gotta beat the Heat, Celtics, Raptors, and Sixers to possibly make it to those teams.

If I was a Bucks fan I’d be pretty nervous if Giannis doesn’t sign the super max this offseason. Maybe he’s as loyal as Bucks fans proclaim he is, but that’s not a risk I would wanna take. 😬 

This was a whole other level of stupid lmaoooo... peak embarrassment right here

On 11/23/2020 at 5:14 PM, TheRealMcCoy said:

And they’ll still get knocked out in the 2nd round or conference finals

whoops.. could've happened with how Bud was coaching in that Nets series though. 

On 11/23/2020 at 12:00 AM, TheRealMcCoy said:

Eh..... gonna have to disagree with you there. Not about the fact that if they don't win that Giannis might be gone, but that he can't win a title in Milwaukee eventually.

If Giannis gets to the Finals and loses to the Lakers I definitely am not gonna to write him off like that. The Lakers are just a better team. Giannis can only do so much.

I also don't think you guys have had some great off-season. You got better, but I'm a little underwhelmed. I think Bud is the one that should have more pressure on him.

Nope. He can go god mode and put the team on his back like few have ever done.

On 11/23/2020 at 12:28 AM, TheRealMcCoy said:

I'm not saying you had a bad offseason. I just thought you guys could've done better.

I like Jrue, but he's not some great 3 point shooter. Forbes and Augustin (although last year he only hit 34.8%) are very good, but you can't play them too much in the playoffs with their awful defense. Portis is solid there, but again... bad on defense. Craig adds defense back, but he's not a good 3 point shooter.

We'll see I guess.

Looking back at these is a little more cringe worthy than I thought too, because @beekay414was right on a lot of counts in his responses to me lol... like about hiding Forbes (did become less playable as playoffs progressed though), not signing Jrue for his shooting, etc. Couldn't have foreseen Portis being as good in his role as he ended up or the Augustin trade to land Tucker, but yeah.... just gotta take the L.

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Just got a puppy last weekend so no rowdy celebration for me, but loved every minute of last night with him passed out on my lap.

Since the Pack brought it home in 2011, I went from thinking WI was in for multiple titles across the major teams, fast forward to 2021 and I had conditioned myself to be prepared for the inevitable despair when I get my hopes up.

I'll be savoring this one for awhile. Still can't believe I'm not having to gather up strength to get ready for game 7 and am celebrating a 'chip instead. I can get used to this...

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45 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Props for owning a bad take. We've all got them. I was first on the "Greg Robinson will be a hall of fame LT" bandwagon. Whoops.

You're right and oh... I don't wanna relive my bad football takes lol. 

Sorry about Akers btw. Want to see Stafford succeed to prove my friend wrong who been hating on him and calling him overrated for years smh. Hopefully Henderson steps up for y'all. I just don't think he is as suitable to carry a bigger load as Akers would've been.

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3 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

You're right and oh... I don't wanna relive my bad football takes lol. 

Sorry about Akers btw. Want to see Stafford succeed to prove my friend wrong who been hating on him and calling him overrated for years smh. Hopefully Henderson steps up for y'all. I just don't think he is as suitable to carry a bigger load as Akers would've been.

I stopped rooting for the Rams after they moved. Bummer about Akers though. I liked watching him at FSU.

Honestly I'm a nominal fan, but thought a lot of the same things about Giannis/the Bucks direction. It wasn't crazy to say Middleton and Holiday weren't enough of a supporting cast, it just turned out they each had the games of their lives and then Giannis was unstoppable enough that they didn't have to be the traditional supporting cast. Part of the magic of sports.

Obviously in hindsight it looks terrible, but we get it.

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5 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I stopped rooting for the Rams after they moved. Bummer about Akers though. I liked watching him at FSU.

It's so hard to keep up with the Rams. I still forget LBC is a Rams fan half the time till I see him post about them. 

8 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Honestly I'm a nominal fan, but thought a lot of the same things about Giannis/the Bucks direction. It wasn't crazy to say Middleton and Holiday weren't enough of a supporting cast, it just turned out they each had the games of their lives and then Giannis was unstoppable enough that they didn't have to be the traditional supporting cast.

Yeah, I'm much happier things broke the Bucks way and I don't get to toot my horn about them being a 2nd round exit to the Nets though. Not that I would've lol. I completely forgot about my bad takes until you made that post asking BK if he needs to exhume bad takes and it dawned on me.

Obviously Milwaukee didn't avoid the injury bug completely with Donte being out though and losing Giannis in the Conf Finals and what we thought might be the Finals as well. Like others have said even with the injury luck against the Nets the Bucks of old wouldn't have responded or after losing Giannis during the Conf. Finals, or going down 2-0 to the Suns, etc. Jrue and Khris both had been getting slandered at various points these playoffs, but they stepped up when it counted and made winning plays.

Really so many guys played their part to make this possible. Obviously Giannis was the driving force without a doubt, but this run was a true team effort. Lots of guys starring in their roles which is what a championship team is all about.

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I was wrong about this team during the Brooklyn series. They looked completely dead in the water. The resilience they showed from game 3 of that series through last night is probably the greatest I've ever seen in any sport. Hard to believe it's the same team but again, being wrong has never felt so good.

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2 hours ago, Rodjahs12 said:

I was wrong about this team during the Brooklyn series. They looked completely dead in the water. The resilience they showed from game 3 of that series through last night is probably the greatest I've ever seen in any sport. Hard to believe it's the same team but again, being wrong has never felt so good.

I think most people were wrong about this.


Talk about a 180.

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