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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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31 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You’re certainly not town, but you may not be mafia scum 

In fairness, with no role, you may not be town either. If you have no role, you have no known, true wincon. You could have a bastard role (not ability) 

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Night 3: (Most Flavor Write-Up added tonight)

@Dome refused to crack under interrogation, so the violent psychopaths that are federal interrogators cracked him.

Dome is dead.  He was Betsy DeVon, Sorta Evil but we need a Good Team for this to be Mafia-Aligned.



@squire12 was challenged to an impromptu rap battle by an unknown assailant, which resulted in a conflict that ended in his death.

Squire is dead.  He was Curseden Nelson, Incompetent Crime Syndicate-Aligned.


@Pickle Rick was the target of a warrant, but he didn't understand why he was being arrested.  He politely inquired on the subject, which prompted the arresting agents to use the necessary and proper force to choke the life out of him until he stopped resisting arrest.

Pickle Rick is dead.  He was Linda McMan, Sorta Evil but we need a Good Team for this to be Mafia-Aligned.

It is now Day 4!  With 8 alive and voting, it is 5 to lynch.

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