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The Night Santa Went Crazy Mafia - Town and Dome wins!!

Pickle Rick

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14 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Yep. Is yours and Racks just straight compare?

Is there any other kind?

9 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Though Swag could be a godfather meaning he would appear as town...

Maybe. But wouldnt it make sense to look at one of the many other candidates that havent been investigated/didnt protect me?

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Just now, wolfeyestrk said:

fffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk this limited post a day thing is getting me fcuking heated i jailed @Matts4313 and it was succesful, not gonna lie though im completly lost at were this leaves us with who is who

Well, you played smart. The rest of town did this:



We dont know who is dirty. There is likely 1 left, Mission is the most likely imo. 

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36 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Ill wait to find out what the cookies do. 

I'm waiting for a response from @MWil23.... i'm sure you can piece this together for now.


i believe he knew he ate my cookies. i'd be SHOCKED if he didn't get flavor from my visit. 

here's why: as soon as night was over he asked what they did, then he voted and asked pickle to fix the vc, then he threw some shade at me and quickly backed off it, just to disappear when i said I gave them to him. maybe the timing was coincidence but the rest of it is what makes me think he's not nice or has something to hide at the very least

i can't really explain his antics last night and today otherwise.

in fact, his antics last night are why I sent him the cookies in the first place,  the same reason I tried to send them to mission twice. and his antics today after getting the cookies seems like he went out of his way to make sure he made it clear he had no idea what my cookies did, before voting and leaving. could just be timing, but it's a lot for me to get through. 


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