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New Years Resolutions Mafia - N4 is Sunday at 10pm EST


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Long story short:

Knee subluxation, damage to the medial area similar to the past. Fit me with a j brace, going to try therapy, stretching, etc. He and I are both hesitant to opt for the MRI immediately as it will likely show scar tissue and past medial tears, and we would like to avoid that route as long term damage and arthritis is a major likelihood, albeit if we have to go that route we will.

Thanks again buddy!

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40 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


Long story short:

Knee subluxation, damage to the medial area similar to the past. Fit me with a j brace, going to try therapy, stretching, etc. He and I are both hesitant to opt for the MRI immediately as it will likely show scar tissue and past medial tears, and we would like to avoid that route as long term damage and arthritis is a major likelihood, albeit if we have to go that route we will.

Thanks again buddy!

Ok.  Decent news from what it sounds like.  Let me know if you have questions going forward.  Always happy to offer thoughts from the rehab/medical side if I can.

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On 12/26/2019 at 10:04 PM, Dome said:


6 naz - naz, orca, md4l, matts, malf, daboyle (via Touch's ability)

5 daboyle -mwil, pickle, counselor, rackcs, swag

1 wolf - josh

2 finneas - squire, Finn

1 matts - bcb

1 pickle - touch

1 rackcs - nacho


if it's broke, fix it





On 12/27/2019 at 11:01 PM, Dome said:

If this VC is broke, fix it.


7 bcb - md4l, nacho, touch, matts, daboyle, swag, slappy

6 matts - malf, Mwil, counselor, josh, squire, finn

1 pickle - pickle

1 malf -bcb

No one - rack, somehow still alive.


this is what I have for the final... going to do a quick recount. 




No D3 Vote; MWil --> Kingmaker


16 hours ago, Dome said:

7 slappy - rackcs, mwil, daboyle, slappy, swag, malf, squire, Touch

1 swag - counselor

1 counselor - josh

No one - Fiin, somehow still alive.


I have to assume Malfatron, Touch, and Daboyle are Town with me for this because the game is over if they're scum.

There might be 2 Town amongst, squire/MWil/Finn/Counselor/rack, but there is at least definitely 1.

I'd move squire into the Town grouping, and then I'm left on if MWil is Town or scum, but I flatly reject that the rest are Town.

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@theuntouchable, @Malfatron, @daboyle250, and (imo, likely) @squire12 this is our voting bloc (in addition to me).

If the ration is 6-3, then we have one mislynch.  If it's 5-4, then we are once again in LyLo because Dome is refusing to enforce the rules and modkill basically their whole faction Mafia can deadlock us with a successful NK. 

At any rate, at least three of squire/MWil/rack/Finn/Counselor are scum, with squire being the least likely, imo.

I re-read D1 and D2.  The connections are not strong, but they're definitely there. 

Counselor and MWil are connected.  Counselor and MWil had some remarks on D1 that I quoted here (and thank you to squire for giving me the initial quote).  MWil offered up his vote to Malfatron and his ability to Counselor on D1 as a gimmick/joke.  I'm not contending that it was serious, but it is a way to (1) not be held accountable for your day decisions because you're simply doing as you're told by Malfatron; and (2) it keeps the ability within the faction even though it is delegated.  BUT, I think the more interesting aspect is MWil's insistence that Counselor quit, and jockeying to "give the power" to Touch.  He routinely bypassed Counselor from that point onward, and really only discussed it when I prompted him.  The shift from Counselor at the forefront, to not even mentioned, despite MWil "not believing anything he says."  Re-reading, it seemed like MWil wanted people to not think about Counselor.

> MWil has claimed the most easily fake-able role in existence, and so far all of his "verifications" are based upon information that was already available in the thread.  Reads like he is poorly trying to read ambiguous statements by him into the record as indicating knowledge before it was revealed.

> Doing the same WIFOM as Slappy: "lol how bout I just kill myself?!"

Counselor and rack are connected.  Rack has like 10 posts, none of which are combative or contributory in any form, and the only time he comes close to talking about the game is voting for Daboyle on D1, saying he's not scum, and then denying he is connected to Counselor, but could understand how he would be seen as connected to bcb and Malfatron.  Counselor has said next to nothing. 

This Meta Section is IMPORTANT:

Both have refused to claim, on multiple occasions.  Both were asked to claim yesterday, and ignored it to talk about other topics.  Counselor was asked to claim three days ago, and proceeded to simply not post in this thread for two days.

Isn't that a rather significant contrast to their other games?  I mean, both have displayed an overwhelming willingness to claim early without fear of repercussion, regardless of their role -- when they're Town.  As scum, not so much.  Off the top of my head, rack has claimed on D1/D2 as Watcher (Overwatch), Jailer (Pirate), Jailer (Meme), Jailer, indirectly (Orca's Mafia), Cop (Star Trek), Mason (Star Trek), Thief (Pokemon), but has never claimed a role prior to D3 as scum.  Counselor, very similar: Motivator (Marvel), Motivator (Skyrim), Protector, indirectly (Pokemon), Survivor (Star Trek), Role Cop (Rick's Santa Mafia), Ability Swap (Final Fantasy).  Meanwhile, the only outlier for Counselor is his fake claim as Cop in Meme Mafia when he was the Traitor.

Other Notes:

> Counselor, doing similar WIFOM as Slappy before Slappy made it cool:  "lol, how bout you just kill me [since I can't get replaced]?!"

> Rack, to his credit hasn't gone the WIFOM route yet, he's simply refusing to talk.

Slappy and Finn are connected.  The "investigation" of Finn as Green by Slappy.  I'm not sure how it plays out because Slappy was subscribing to some rudimentary logic to push his views, which makes me question whether he is trying a reverse with Finn.  

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

here is one

Also, i made it fairly clear that i wasnt redirected to orca

That's why this is so gross.  Re-reading everything from D2-D4, I cannot even follow the logic if I write it out.

6 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Watcher. That’s why I was skeptical of Josh. Having a watcher and tracker and motion detector seemed far fetched.


6 hours ago, SwAg said:

I’m just staring at this.


On 12/21/2019 at 10:28 AM, Dome said:


  1. @JoshstraDaymus - Killed Night Four - Town Tracker
  2. @Nazgul - Killed by the angry mob Night One - Town Watcher


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Done with the giant posts.  Probably done arguing unless I become incredulous by how dumb people must think I am to believe their outright lies.

I re-read the thread.  I did some minor research.  I don't see how Counselor/Rack are Town. 

If Touch or Malfatron are somehow scum, then it's simply flawless execution, or critical error since I gave them ample rope to hang me and they never did.

Counselor/Rack > MWil/Finn > Squire.

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