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How would you feel if Haskins isn’t the starter?


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@HTTRDynasty in regards to that long post from Tuesday, in the future please make sure you are only posting snippets (3-4 paragraphs max) from an article, and make sure you post the link.  It could result in a copyright claim against the website.  If it's from behind one of PFF's paywalls, it would also be wise not to post anything that's not public (i.e. The Athletic usually gives the first couple paragraphs as a teaser, that would be fine.) 

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2 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

@HTTRDynasty in regards to that long post from Tuesday, in the future please make sure you are only posting snippets (3-4 paragraphs max) from an article, and make sure you post the link.  It could result in a copyright claim against the website.  If it's from behind one of PFF's paywalls, it would also be wise not to post anything that's not public (i.e. The Athletic usually gives the first couple paragraphs as a teaser, that would be fine.) 

Got it.  Will do.

JFYI, the link was in the tweet.

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FTR, I absolutely think Haskins deserves to start and will start. He was trending the right way last year. His ceiling is higher than Allen's. For a rebuilding team (yup), starting Allen may get you a bit more consistency... but for what? I want the young buck to get the ball and get at it.

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6 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I really hope he plays most of this year as he did vs the Eagles & 1/2 of the Giants game last year. We need Terry to continue his assent as one of the games  best young WRs like last year, Steven Sims to continue his assent as a playmaker as he did the second half of last year, and either a rookie WR, Harmon, Cam Sims or Quinn to step up as a 3rd WR threat, one of these average to below average TEs to emerge or the rookie we hopefully draft. A lot of things have to go the same or better for our retained receivers and new ones or but it is possible.

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I like Haskins as a prospect, didn’t think he was a guy that had a high probability at being an “elite” QB, felt we over drafted him as he was a second or early third round guy, had very little experience and lots of unknowns.
His first year? It was ok- some ups, lots of challenges. He has not shown enough for me to think he is a starting quarterback. Unless we draft Tua- (who I believe has a much higher chance at being elite than Haskins does), but I don’t  think its likely we will draft him or alternatively we sign Cam, which is also unlikely but a higher likelihood than drafting Tua unfortunately, I don’t see how anyone can expect more than a 3-5 win season in 20. We don’t know if we have an nfl quality quarterback much less if we have an nfl elite prospect at QB. 

I agree with ECOGGINS on his definition of an “elite” qb:

“The qualities of an elite NFL quarterback include:

1. Combination of superior arm strength and pinpoint accuracy

2. Sixth sense connection with receivers, ability to place the ball where only the receiver can get it

3. Learns the offensive system and runs it with unfettered poise

4. Studies film; able to read opponent's defensive schemes and anticipate their likely moves

5. Able to stay calm in the midst of pressure and make wise decisions about how best to distribute the ball

6. Ability to quickly scan the entire field to find the most open receiver

7. Mastery of the 2-minute offense

8. Demonstrates leadership on the field; motivates and makes other players better

9. Openly shares his appreciation and all success with the other members on the team

10. The ability to lead a team back to victory in the fourth quarter

11. Rises to the occasion in all games; even more so in big games

12. Wins championships“

Now Pour yourself a nice three finger “Doc Shot” of Macallen- savior it's aroma, and it’s warm bite. now think of the QB- the most important position on the field that determines wins and losses- and compare Haskins with Tua to the criteria above.
Who do you want to give the keys to your future? I love me some Chase- I think he has a ceiling of being a perineal pro bowl player- but without an elite quarterback your chances of winning Super Bowls isn’t very high.  Yeah, I can hear my brothers thinking- what about Rypien, Williams, Theismann, ( that was with a top 3 nfl coach of all time and a coaching feat I don’t ever think we see again in our lifetimes), what about Dilfer? He was an anomaly. 

I know it’s hard to contemplate- drafting another quarterback in round 1, passing on a player with Chase’s potential, but I’ve been using my forced vacation from my favorite watering holes and pastimes to revisit my favorite philosophers- and Marcus Aurelius has two appropriate pearls of wisdom in his Meditations:

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.“

If I’m a recently fired former head coach who had the good fortune to somehow get a second chance- one where I had complete power over both personnel and coaching ( crazy when you think about this) and in year 1 of a long term contract- I’d give myself the best chance to win a super bowl by year 4 or five. And that means taking a QB that has been elite in college and has a legitimate chance to be elite in the NFL. 
While some on the Brothers are clutching their Macallan in their attempt to recover from the vapors the previous statement caused lol: I’ll give you guys a chance to recover by answering two easy questions: 
1. What current quarterback/player on the current roster has the strongest arm? 
2. now an easier one- which of these former/current quarterbacks has the weakest arm?  ( as measured by velocity on passes)
Colt McCoy, Kirk Cousins, Case Keenum, Alex Smith, Kyle Allen, Dwayne Haskins? 

Answer posted on next forum post

Edited by Doc Draper
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1. Our tight end/ former QB has the strongest arm by far of every qb on the roster 

2. believe it or not- but radar guns are hard to challenge- Haskins has the weakest arm, limp noodle McCoy velocity is almost 10% more  than Haskins. 

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9 hours ago, Doc Draper said:


1. Our tight end/ former QB has the strongest arm by far of every qb on the roster 

2. believe it or not- but radar guns are hard to challenge- Haskins has the weakest arm, limp noodle McCoy velocity is almost 10% more  than Haskins. 

And where is this proof? If you’ve watched Haskins play you would know he has at worst good arm strength, I would say it’s elite. His intermediate throws are on a line, even to the sidelines, some of his deep throws are only off bc they’re on too much of a line and he sometimes doesn’t put enough air under it so the WR can track it and go get it. There’s not a throw he can’t make.

Haskins has a stronger arm then both Burrow & Tua but Burrow and Tua throw with greater anticipation at this point and a lot of that probably has to do with the amount of snaps they’ve played vs Haskins the last two years. 

The point still remains that there will be other QBs we can draft in future draft - not named Tua - if Haskins isn’t proven to be a good QB for us, let a lone a franchise guy. That’s why I wouldn’t even take Burrow over Chase Young.

If Haskins flames out then we could, as you said, only win 3 games again but I find that hard to believe. The offense under Haskins started to make strides from the Jets game until the the end of the year and that was after a mid season HC change and we had been running our previous HC’s offensive system & philosophies for 5 and a half years. We didn’t change the offense much, but the game plans did change greatly after Callahan took over and then it even changed again in December - especially the passing game opened up - once Callahan finally loosened the reigns on Kevin O’Connell and allowed him to put the game plan together and call the plays. It was then when Haskins really started to shine vs Phila, the 1st half of the second Giants game and I think would have vs the Cowboys in week 17 too.

Bottomline is there was so much dysfunction in our organization last year bc Dan waited to fire Bruce & Jay until it was obvious he needed to in middle & end of the 2019 season. We know this, bc Allen was always a backstabbing politician like Team President and bc Jay didn’t even want to help develop Haskins as a rookie bc he was worried about saving his job. Instead Jay played one of two journeymen & below avg QBs - Case or Colt. We all saw how that worked out, an 0-5 start - almost 0-6, which could’ve been as much as 0-10 if we hadn’t sneaked out a win vs the Dolphins.  Our record would have probably been the same anyways if Jay had gotten Haskins prepared the right way all 2019 offseason and Haskins would have had all that game experience and who knows, maybe we sneak out a win vs the NYG w/ Dwayne if he had had the preparation all off season. Instead, we were left to watch the inconsistent 31 year old Case who at most played a good half of football in each game he started but never a full good game.

I can’t imagine the Redskins will take a step back or even equivalent to what they were last year. With dysfunction gone - if only for one season - and better coaching - particularly on defense - they are probably going to have a 2 more wins at the least. 

I also can’t imagine Dwayne not playing at least to the level he did vs Phila & the 1st half vs the NYG last year in Dec. QBs usually don’t regress from year to year until they get old or their body doesn’t hold up - see RG3. Dwayne doesn’t have those problems, he’s an ascending player not a descending player. If for some crazy reason he looks like he did in his relief appearances vs the Giants & Vikings last year and now how he looked in Dec then we may end up being the worst team in the league and then in 2021 we can take Lawrence but again, I can’t see it happening.

There’s just absolutely no reason to take Tua.

Just think, people say Az made the right choice by trading Rosen after only starting half a season as a rookie bc Murray looks like he’s going to be a good QB or better, I disagree. They passed on Nick Bosa - the Rookie of the Year who was in the running for DPOY and will be for years to come. He would have still been that in AZ if they had drafted him and then they could have evaluated Rosen for one more season. If Rosen hadn’t improved as the Cardinals starter in 2019 - if they had kept him and not drafted Murray - then, they’d have the #1 pick this year at worst a top 3 pick and they could have drafted Burrow or Tua in this draft.

I’d take Bosa & Burrow/Tua over Murray & Andy Isabella and any sane person would.

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8 hours ago, Doc Draper said:


1. Our tight end/ former QB has the strongest arm by far of every qb on the roster 

2. believe it or not- but radar guns are hard to challenge- Haskins has the weakest arm, limp noodle McCoy velocity is almost 10% more  than Haskins. 

You need to quit drinking. 

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I must say- I'm baffled . I thought Haskins came out of college with a rep for "a cannon". Now he's like some old pitcher with a bad arm - can't break a pane of glass. That word "elite"and that description- Superman. . I'm not sure how many SuperBowl winning Q B's can qualify for that category.   Thinking Joe Montana-using that criteria, he's not elite. Sure didn't have the '"superior arm strength".

Edited by RSkinGM
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