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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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Just now, Dome said:

You've taken the hard-line stance across multiple games and discussions, as far as I remember working with touch is the first time I've seen it out of you in a long long time.

It's not something I just came up with today I don't think lol. 


Regardless, it doesn't matter. I only brought it up because Orca said you'd agree with him that you must kill all indies, but then he backed off of that before you showed up anways lol. 

I don’t remember what games but I do remember seeing a couple times of him doing it. It just depends on their body of work/game situations etc etc 

I don’t think he has a blanket stance on indies that they all must die immediately, it’s just in the context of most of the situations it has warranted a thought that they need to be. 

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1 minute ago, kingseanjohn said:

Or maybe people shouldn't claim indy day one.

People shouldn't do a lot of things they do in these games.

If we allow and tolerate some of the nonsense we've been accustomed to, I think we should welcome indies with open arms. They're the least of our concerns.

Now, if we were talking about a different meta than what we're experiencing in the current FF group I might agree. But I look at things relative to the group I'm playing with right now.

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2 minutes ago, Dome said:

You've taken the hard-line stance across multiple games and discussions, as far as I remember working with touch is the first time I've seen it out of you in a long long time.

It's not something I just came up with today I don't think lol. 


Regardless, it doesn't matter. I only brought it up because Orca said you'd agree with him that you must kill all indies, but then he backed off of that before you showed up anways lol. 

The literal last game before my break I side with Forge. He burned me but that’s beside the point. The literal last game I side with Touch

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"Regardless, it doesn't matter. I only brought it up because Orca said you'd agree with him that you must kill all indies, but then he backed off of that before you showed up anways lol."


the times i've seen you take the hard-line stance that there are no options but the indy, it's bad

the times you've considered other options, it's good

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1 hour ago, The Orca said:


People are voting me cause I said I played good last game. People can't stand it when I do good and town wins lol

Wait.. Orca all due respect, but I cleared you and I did and flipped exactly what I said I was, but somehow people STILL wanted to lynch you. I’m a bad player at this game, and even I know you didn’t play well.

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5 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

D1 is the best time to lynch an other claim bc odds are you are gonna lynch town if you don't.  

It was d3 when touch claimed so the odds say leave him be. 

Whicker played the odds and left him.  

at the end of the day, it isn't about who is lynched and who isn't. it's about making a hard rule that results in everyone piling onto the indy, eliminating a day's worth of thread play. 



if you leave him D1, he can't win that night.... even with a mislynch.

if you leave him alive later in the game when you don't know the ratio and are down multiple townies, he might be able to win that night.

so I'm not so sure about your odds.

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5 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Like sure I may have had the stance before, but people can listen to reason and can change, Dome. You’re just not going to change my mind about someone claiming Indy on day 1 which I can’t understand why they’d want to anyway 

I've claimed friendly other on D1 multiple times... the only time it didn't work out for me (or town for that matter, cause they lost) was the time you decided (whether fabricated as scum or not) that all indies must die d1 and town lynched me.


so FMPOV the issue is with the stigma against indies, not with indies who want to be transparent.

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