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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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*Walks out to the ring with a purpose.*

*Stands before the crowd, receiving a mixture of boos and cheers.*

Shut up.  Shut your damn mouths.  I got something I got to say.  And everyone needs to hear it, even if you’re too stupid to get it through those thick **** skulls.

Alright.  You see, I routinely churn out exceptional performances.  Regardless of the outcome of the match, my impact is typically profound, and I often provide the most memorable moment of the match.  Whether it’s fake-posting in code for five full days to avoid a lynch; winning as the sole independent survivor not once, but twice; surviving days while outed as scum through sheer finesse and cunning; imposing my will upon scum factions through superior thread play — because let’s not be mistaken, I’ve often been left to my own devices since I’m almost never the investigator.  I am the one constant in these games, and the measuring stick to which all compare. 

Even if I lose here, I will have as many MVP / Best Player awards as losses.  You see, the issue isn’t me.  The issue is all of you.  Each and every one of you.  Slaves to your own lethargy and incompetence.  I am routinely phenomenal, and it’s lost upon all of you because you expect as much.  And I’m sick of it.  Sick of the disrespect, tired of the lack of commitment to success, and disgusted with the performance of all of you, and especially the hosts.

You ingrates already tried, and tried, and tried to shackle me with the blame.  When all I did was prevent you from making a critical mistake: eliminating one of the Town’s last best hopes, the Watcher.  I was called bad.  I was called LVP.  I was called a troll.  Yet, here we are.  Look at where it got those folk.  Driven out of the game by the mere thought of me.  Now, here we are, Town back in the driver’s seat because it is what I wanted in that moment.  And, you all hate it.  You hate that I can leave untold carnage and still walk out victorious at the drop of a hat.  Because.  I.  Am.  That.  Damn.  Good.

And you think I don’t know what’s happening backstage?  What’s going on back in the locker room?  What people are saying about me?  You got @bcb1213, Vince, strutting around, and all of the little ******* who have been eliminated are in his ear telling him that I don’t deserve it.  That I cannot be the face of WrassleMafia.  They’re telling him I got lucky, and they deserve another shot.  They’re saying it’s his fault.  But the proof is before your eyes:  if there is a Mafia God, it’s ******* me.

I could execute flawlessly, and put on a show, because it’s what I do.  And what?  We will still give the championship to the jobber who performed above his mid-card status for a game because it “gets boring.”  Who wants the belt on one guy forever?! Huh?!   I didn’t mind sharing, putting over some of the up-and-comers because I was there once.  But now, I have an issue: I created a standard that only I am held to, and I have very few choices.  I can either whine and complain, or I could whine, complain, and do something about it.

And I did something about it.  And I can still change my mind and leave every side in complete ruins.  And I’m not selfish, I wanted a leisurely game to put over some youngsters who came up... and then people were very mean to me.  Impugning my good name because my actions — which they agreed with — didn’t produce the desired results.

They sat there, as guilty as I am, if not more guilty than I am, and used it as an opportunity to try to tear me down.  You know, bring the divine figure of SwAg back down to a mortal construct, because it’s their only opportunity.  Because they’re full of jealousy and envy for my unparalleled prowess for an Internet forum game!  Jealous and full of spite because I have above a high school reading level.  Hateful because I remember how to use vocabulary words I learned in the eighth grade.

I’m tired of dealing with you all projecting your inadequacies.  From now on, I’m focused on one thing, and one thing only — me.  And I don’t care who tries to get in my way, I will go right through them.  I’ll go Old School on the Foreigners, Choke Slam the One More Matchers, and Tombstone Town.  

So, now, when you leave this game, telling  yourself with your pipsqueak brain that I suck, I will put you in the ******* ground.  Or, maybe I’ll be held to the same standard as you all for a change, you know, having a pulse.  Because under that standard, I’m a 25-time WWE Champion, not “just” a 10-time WWE champion.  And that’s what I want.  I’m getting my belt back.  This game, where I deserve it, or next game where I will also deserve it.

So, I’mma make sure the Town Watcher survives this game, it will be back to business as usual, and you will all Rest In Peace.

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2 hours ago, JoshstraDaymus said:


I don’t have an active role. I’m Braun Strowman, WWE aligned. No night move but I’m one shot bulletproof, not lynchproof.

Here's my problem with this claim.

As you all know, Counselor and I are masons, he can't speak at night, and he has my vote during the day.

What we did not tell y'all is that there's more.  He is one shot lynchproof and I'm one shot bulletproof.

So I'm having an issue with you not only having the same one shot bulletproof as me, but having nothing else.

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28 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

What we did not tell y'all is that there's more.  He is one shot lynchproof and I'm one shot bulletproof.

so counselor controls the day, and you control the night

It would make more sense if Counselor was hitproof (in the game only at day) and Rag was lynchproof (in the game only at night)

random tag that serves absolutely no ulterior purpose. Certainly not to notify the scum redirector of anything


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