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Dunder Mafia Paper Company - Everyone Wins, Daboyle Loses


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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

Were you sleeping when you made these posts friendo?





Friendo it looks like you made 2 posts hours after my post and 1 immediately after.

Did Freddy make those posts for you friendo?

You're saying I'm being haunting in my dreams?  I'd buy this.  I just chalk up bad **** that happens to me while I'm sleep to either my wife messing with me or our toddler that I'm only 56% convinced isn't possessed by some pagan daemon.

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4 hours ago, Dome said:

Uhhhhhhh like, omg 

Do go on

3 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

Who am I? Who are you? I was hunting mafia before you were born, son

Bless your heart 

So now we have 

1. Scummy entrance 

2. Relying on the past to show you have clout, without actually furthering the hunt 

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36 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Is it bad that I just opened it up and started messing with it? Lol

Have at it, it's a cool tool. I'm a novice at best, there are some really talented folks making some amazing vizs...

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Do go on

Bless your heart 

So now we have 

1. Scummy entrance 

2. Relying on the past to show you have clout, without actually furthering the hunt 

If he claims Vike Daddy, kill him.  Kill him with fire!

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1 minute ago, ET80 said:

Better men than you have tried... and all failed.

Yes.  But I'm a different man this time.  A better man?  That's up for debate.  Honestly, that's all subjective.  Better than the last man I was?  Maybe.  Better than fret?  Definitely.

Besides, you've shown your weakness in the past week.  I don't need to be the one that runs the sword through your chest in order to kill you.  I just have to drive you to hold the point end up against yourself and run into the nearest wall.

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Just now, The LBC said:

But I'm a different man this time.



1 minute ago, The LBC said:

I don't need to be the one that runs the sword through your chest in order to kill you.



1 minute ago, The LBC said:

I just have to drive you to hold the point end up against yourself and run into the nearest wall.



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14 hours ago, The LBC said:

Fine, be that way.  I'll put my vote in for Dome officially then.  Harumph!

You hear me?  HARUMPPH, I say!




heres pickle response/question to LBC

14 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

If you tell me who tops Jewel Staite on that list from last game, I might be convinced of this one. 

Until then I like how you came out and just went all in with the haymakers, it shows that you have no fear.  I like it friendo 


lbc responds to dome

13 hours ago, The LBC said:

That's OK.  Clay is the 4th place medal they give at the Olympics.


pickle saying hi to james

13 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Welcome aboard friendo.  It's gonna be a fun and wacky adventure.  I hope you brought plenty of snacks!


james ignoring pickle

13 hours ago, James said:

Alright. Its not next year. But I'm here once again, and I only have one thing to say:

The Office wasn't didn't suddenly get bad when Michael left. Its actually more about Jim and Pam. The show hit a lull for a while because Jim and Pam got kinda boring, then picked back up a little at the end when they had some meaningful drama in the final season. Michael leaving did leave a "main character" void, but I think an equally big problem was that Jim didn't have enough going on to really be the main character in Michael's absence, so they tried to shoehorn Andy into that role, which didn't really work. I could type a lot more on this but my main trigger is usually seeing reddit posts from people who've clearly seen like 10 episodes and have no idea what they're talking about but OMG MICHAEL SO FUNNY ME LOVE OFFICE THATS WHAT SHE SAID HAHA so I'll save the full rant for them :)


james ignoring pickle

13 hours ago, James said:

Also squire was the antichrist last game, so he's probably someone way less cool this time.


james ignoring pickle

13 hours ago, James said:

...I thought Rajnigandha was a boy's name


lbc again ignoring pickle and talking to dome

12 hours ago, The LBC said:

I thought it was funny.  



lbc yet again ignoring pickle

11 hours ago, The LBC said:



pickle then brings it up

10 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

On a game related note, I'd like to see if anyone else noticed something that is bugging me.  It has to do with lbc



then you claim that you were asleep

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:


@The LBC why you ignore pickle?


35 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Um... sleeping while I could.


so, presenting all this evidence before you. I ask again @The LBC....why are you afraid to acknowledge Pickle.

@James same question to you. Why did you ignore pickle

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Just now, Malfatron said:


heres pickle response/question to LBC


lbc responds to dome


pickle saying hi to james


james ignoring pickle


james ignoring pickle


james ignoring pickle


lbc again ignoring pickle and talking to dome


lbc yet again ignoring pickle


pickle then brings it up



then you claim that you were asleep



so, presenting all this evidence before you. I ask again @The LBC....why are you afraid to acknowledge Pickle.

@James same question to you. Why did you ignore pickle

Not afraid.  I'd acknowledge him now, if you'd like, but that would seem prompted and forced.  I'll recognize Pickle in my own damn good time, thank you very much!

You're not the boss of me, malf!

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:


heres pickle response/question to LBC


lbc responds to dome


pickle saying hi to james


james ignoring pickle


james ignoring pickle


james ignoring pickle


lbc again ignoring pickle and talking to dome


lbc yet again ignoring pickle


pickle then brings it up



then you claim that you were asleep



so, presenting all this evidence before you. I ask again @The LBC....why are you afraid to acknowledge Pickle.

@James same question to you. Why did you ignore pickle


Let's not leave heimdallr out...


13 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

Pickle Rick just because of the name


13 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

I didn’t realize Malf was playing. F


13 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

It's ok friendo.  May I ask, what irks you about my name though? 


3 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

Who am I? Who are you? I was hunting mafia before you were born, son


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