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On 5/19/2020 at 1:15 PM, Heimdallr said:

think of masks like if everyone is trying to pee on each other.

someone wearing no pants can easily pee all over you, and your pants only protect you from it a bit.

someone wearing pants can't pee on you, it just gets caught in their pants. 

don't pee on people.

Forget the MOL. This is the "model" that I'm referring to from now on :D

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7 hours ago, seriously27 said:

No joke. Scientists can be huge pricks to each other. It's what happens when swinging D gets replaced with swinging brain size as far as working atmosphere goes. 

The cancer thing kills me. I've had that conversation more times than I can admit and there is one thing I will always say to people who believe Big Pharma is hiding the cure for cancer.

What do big pharmaceutical companies like more than anything else? Money! and what can't people spend on drugs when they are dead? Money! The money people pay for surgery/radiation and chemotherapy treatments is a drop in the bucket compared to what older people pay in pills and treatments. Trust me, pharmaceutical companies want you to get old. They want you to live a long time, people who are alive can always get sick again. 

So I totally agree with you. It irritates me to no end when I have "friends" who make the Big Pharma claim.

With that being said, the bolded comment reminded me of this scene from one of my favorite movies :D


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It's good to be optimistic about Georgia's reopening. It's just discouraging that the state has done some weird things with the data:



That’s why Georgia’s latest seven-day average of new daily infections — down by 6.1 percent from the previous week — is so encouraging. Where they go from here is unpredictable. Infections could continue to decline. The rate of decline could slow down; in fact, it may be slowing already, given that the previous seven-day average represented a 12 percent drop from the week before. It could plateau. There could be fewer cases than before — but not as few as there would have been in lockdown. That’s only logical. 

But unless infections start to climb — unless the transmission rate crosses that 1.0 barrier and the epidemic starts to grow exponentially again — reopening could be declared a relative success.



As Gov. Kemp has pushed to reopen, his administration has consistently and repeatedly failed to relay accurate data about the state’s coronavirus epidemic. As the AJC has reported, Kemp’s team has deleted a daily count of completed tests, making it difficult for the public to determine if Georgia is meeting a key White House criterion for reopening. It has constantly changed the metrics it publishes while shifting its method of counting cases, confusing ordinary Georgians.



Similar issues are clouding the data in other quick-to-reopen states, such as Texas and Florida. The problem here, at least when it comes to Georgia, isn’t that you can’t find the real data if you want (the AJC dashboard is exceptional) or even that the real data isn’t encouraging (it is). The problem is that all the meddling and mistakes call into question whether leaders in Georgia (and Texas and Florida) will follow that data wherever it leads — even if it’s not telling them what they want to hear.



Because the pandemic has affected each state differently — Georgia’s outbreak was relatively mild — the Harvard institute also simulated how many tests each state needed to conduct daily by May 15, at a minimum. Georgia’s target number was 25,979.

The actual number of tests it conducted that day, however, was about a third of that goal: 9,507.

Since then, Georgia has shown it has the capacity to hit Harvard’s mark; on Sunday the state reported 30,106 new tests. But the numbers so far this week are much lower: just 13,114 on Monday and 13,867 on Tuesday, or roughly half the required amount.

Reopening in Georgia may be going fine — for now. But without reliable data and widespread testing, things won’t be fine if and when that changes. The rest of the country should take note and proceed accordingly.


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50 minutes ago, mission27 said:
1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

Which further bolsters why I don’t feel bad for not wearing a mask. 

But if I understand you you are saying "I don't have to wear a mask and I won't feel bad if I give someone COVID by not wearing a mask, because its their responsibility to wear a mask to protect themselves" 

Which is incredibly illogical because: 

A mask does not do much to prevent you from getting sick

It does a lot to prevent you from making other people sick 

If you just don't care about making other people sick that's fine, I'm an ******* too, but this is pretty simple tbh

This is like refusing to wear a condom because its your girlfriends responsibility to not get pregnant so she should wear it herself

This is very well put tbh. Your girlfriend should have to use contraceptives because you don't weant to be inconvenienced by having to wear a condom. It is irrational, ignorant, and selfish

Edited by JBURGE
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4 minutes ago, Xenos said:

It's good to be optimistic about Georgia's reopening. It's just discouraging that the state has done some weird things with the data:






Seems like if China was doing this we as a nation would all be hesitant to trust their numbers going forward.

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19 minutes ago, JBURGE said:

This is very well put tbh. Your girlfriend should have to use contraceptives because you don't weant to be inconvenienced by having to wear a condom. It is irrational, ignorant, and selfish

And before someone points out that there are female condoms...

There are also N95s.  There aren't enough of them and we need them for healthcare workers.  So for now, we are stuck with rubbers or eventually you're gonna have a baby.  And those only work one way.

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2 hours ago, JTagg7754 said:

Yeah I'm not going anywhere near restaurants or bars for at least another month. The irony is, I probably won't even get take out when I've been trying to support local twice a week since crap went down. I don't want to go inside any of these places once people start going back. Masks won't do a damn thing with contaminated circulating air

Hopefully most of these places have invested so heavily in carryout infrastructure that they keep going with it.  

Also, I posted a link to this yesterday, but we installed a Synexis system at work.  Not sure how many other places would do this, but I trust my company with who they partner with and this seems like a system that will work, and isn't trying to hoodwink people.  

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3 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

We started that here a week or two ago.

indoor seating tomorrow.

im optimist but I’ll let some other folks be the canaries in the coal mine initially.

We still don't have outdoor seating in my county.  The city where I work is still under a declared state of emergency too.  

I know a lot of mom and pop places are going to race to open their dining rooms because they want the cashflow to return, but if they aren't prepared, it's a mistake.  You will see companies that actually care holding off on their openings until they can get a better grasp on the dynamics.  I would also hope that many of these restaurants who invested so heavily in the infrastructure to serve curbside and carryout continue doing that, as well.  

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We had our contact from Sodexo, who handles Navy sports concessions, reach out to us to see if we had put any thought into how we would make changes to procedures this coming fall for Covid-19.  

Everything he has told me about planned events at Navy have been true, going back to the Nationals/Red Sox exhibition games, the Orioles planning a game there this spring before it was cancelled and even the Capitals outdoor event was leaked to us months before it happened.  

I'm not saying that there is going to be a college football season, but for him trying to get his ducks into a row right now indicates it's a strong possibility.  

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1 hour ago, mission27 said:

But if I understand you you are saying "I don't have to wear a mask and I won't feel bad if I give someone COVID by not wearing a mask, because its their responsibility to wear a mask to protect themselves" 

Which is incredibly illogical because: 

A mask does not do much to prevent you from getting sick

It does a lot to prevent you from making other people sick 

If you just don't care about making other people sick that's fine, I'm an ******* too, but this is pretty simple tbh

This is like refusing to wear a condom because its your girlfriends responsibility to not get pregnant so she should wear it herself

My stance is it’s on each individual to protect themselves as best as possible through whatever measure they deem best for them. At the end of the day you’re going to go in to a store and your going to breathe in air even well meaning people who are wearing masks wrong have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air people who are wearing masks correctly but have taken off to take a break from it have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air the most compromised of people who aren’t even wearing masks themselves who we’re mainly doing this for anyways have breathed in to. I don’t wear a mask since I’m not coughing and I don’t sneeze in stores and I’m likey the GOAT social distancer. I’ve yet to come across any concrete evidence that breathing lightly out of your nose spreads it. Maybe if I did I might wear one.

If that makes me a selfish ******* for not wearing a mask in a store thats air is already contaminated anyways, then oh well I’m a selfish *******. If we’re being honest with ourselves though most people on this planet are selfish *******s once we peel back the onion.

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35 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

My stance is it’s on each individual to protect themselves as best as possible through whatever measure they deem best for them. At the end of the day you’re going to go in to a store and your going to breathe in air even well meaning people who are wearing masks wrong have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air people who are wearing masks correctly but have taken off to take a break from it have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air the most compromised of people who aren’t even wearing masks themselves who we’re mainly doing this for anyways have breathed in to. I don’t wear a mask since I’m not coughing and I don’t sneeze in stores and I’m likey the GOAT social distancer. I’ve yet to come across any concrete evidence that breathing lightly out of your nose spreads it. Maybe if I did I might wear one.

If that makes me a selfish ******* for not wearing a mask in a store thats air is already contaminated anyways, then oh well I’m a selfish *******. If we’re being honest with ourselves though most people on this planet are selfish *******s once we peel back the onion.

It’s not a matter of solving every instance of the spread of the disease, nor is it saying that people shouldn’t try to do what they can to limit their expose. It’s literally a very minor inconvenience for people to protect others and regain some sense of normalcy in a quicker fashion. If this was about protecting yourself, you wouldn’t say “oh I’m the goat driver so I’m not gonna wear a seat belt.” And if this was about others (which it is), you wouldn’t say “oh I’m the goat driver so I don’t need to stop at this red light.” 

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