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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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Vote Count

Pickle Rick - 3 - Counselor, Whicker, Amac

Amac - 4 - Pickle Rick, Amac, Daboyle, Josh

Swag - 1 - ET80

Counselor - 1 - FinneasGage

Whicker - 1 - Ragnarok

With 16 alive and 16 voting, it's 9 to lynch. Deadline is 11:59am Sunday.

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2 hours ago, SwAg said:

So, what superhero would discover the secret identities of other players?

A detective role, elongated man would make sense but Counselor could be lying for a wincon or somethig. 

2 hours ago, SwAg said:

I'm pretty close to just dumping everything in Town's collective lap and letting you all figure it out.

1 hour later. 

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I don't know where I was unclear in my thoughts that Rick was framed.

Entirely possible tbh. 

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

So, we have three known Legion of Doom, plus Joker.  I wonder if Joker fits as a framer.

The Joker is very theatrical so maybe. 

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Meanwhile I'm offering my whole game of results, and they're apparently uninterested in that.


1 hour ago, Counselor said:

I don’t believe there is a framer and that my result is real. 

You have to entertain the possibility, Pickle was an easy setup last night

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I'm bored.  Forge is the role cop.

Not exactly unknown but decent confirmation. 

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Oh, and amac is purple.


Between the other cases I'll take a confirmed non-town at this point from Batman as the lynch. Pickle might be town based on tainted results. 

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I've been absolutely clear in my thoughts: I think Rick was framed, and the thread posture and what is known does not support the existence of a fourth or fifth scum group, which is what he is claiming.  Just remove yourself from the game for a moment, and think about it from a hosting perspective.  You have two alignments that look like they can recruit.  You have at least three known members for Legion of Doom, and the Joker, with the possibility for a fifth, who are killing people in write-ups.  And then you want to think Crime Syndicate is in the game, not killing anyone, and not recruiting anyone because they have like five total members in the DC universe.

That strains the bounds of what is reasonable to expect.

Don't know blue all that well so this could be a pure chaos thread. 

44 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

That person is Whicker 

We know who to lynch tommorow. 

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