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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Orca defending Swoosh to an extreme level. 

Why TLO? Seriously, I want to know. What's your case. Persuade me to change my vote.

yeah I don't particularly like this either tbh, as much as I like the love lol

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

You convinced be yesterday to vote malf. Is that no longer a thing for you?

Malf is kidnapped right now. I'm unsure of whether it was staged or real. He was about to post something about Swoosh and he got kidnapped. Also, Malfs votes disappeared when he was kidnapped so that may have been an incentive to fake a kidnapping. (He was the leading vote getter)But he made a claim that seems to make sense to those privy to the show, and he essentially confirmed I am town, so I backed off.

Swoosh should be the vote today.

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