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Houston Texans Coronavirus Mafia (Mafia Wins!)


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9 minutes ago, Dome said:

I love your commitment to this standard, even as a host 

I think the MoL might need to add a temporary 3rd person to help host this game... But only because TLO is missing. 

Edited by Matts4313
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1 hour ago, mse326 said:

Can someone explain the mafia and cult aspect. I get that the cult are the town people that become infected. Does that also mean they become part of the mafia and can talk in the discord server? Or are they still a separate entity?

Infected townspeople will not be allowed in the [spam], whether or not they become mafia aligned 

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I think the MoL might need to add a temporary 3rd person to help host this game... But only because TLO is missing. 


@everyone: send me your roles as you get them 

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On 4/17/2020 at 3:25 PM, mission27 said:

Once upon a time in Texas...


It is January 1st 2021.  While most of the world has recovered from the 2020 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic, the city of Houston is the world's last remaining hot spot.  As a vaccine has not yet been developed and therapeutic progress has stalled, Houston is under a strict quarantine order and nobody allowed in or out.

The Coronavirus has infected a large portion of the city's population and ravages the city of Houston.  A team of world leaders has parachuted in to Houston to solve the crisis while more sinister forces are also at work in the city, working to perpetuate the virus and set off a new global outbreak of this horrible disease. 


The town of Houston includes both those who are infected and those who are not, including those who have recovered.  The civs are lead by The Houston Task Force and the virus is led by The Virus.  Each night, the town may choose one player they believe is actively infected to remove from the town. This player will be lynched. 

Every player in town has a Houston Texans role / cover role, including JJ Watt.

The Houston Task Force

The Houston Task Force are Special Civs of this game.  Their goal is to eliminate the virus before the virus wins.  Civs win if everyone who has been infected by the virus has died from the virus or been lynched and there is still at least one civilian who is not currently infected and is alive.  NOTE even if no original mafia remain in the game, if anyone remains infected the game is not over until those players die, recover or are lynched. 

Win condition: Everyone left in the game is not infected and the virus is eradicated. 


President Xi Ever odd night, President Xi can choose to quarantine a player for the night.  That player will be immune to being infected and cannot pass on their infection to anyone else (for example, if that person was infected and recovers, they will not pass on the infection).  President Xi cannot quarantine the same player twice.  President Xi will not become infected by using their role.

President Trump On even nights he can choose to treat any player in the game with Hydrochloroquine with Azythromicin.  If they are part of the core 5 mafia (i.e. not just mafia aligned) there is a 50% chance they will die.  If they are are a civ, mafia aligned, or other there is a 50% chance they will die and a 50% chance they will recover (or be unaffected if they were not infected).  Players who recover using H with A are also immune that night and the following night from reinfection.  Trump wears protective gear and will not pass on the virus or catch the virus by treating. 

Dr. Fauci  Can test a player for Coronavirus antibodies every night, which will show if the player has or is currently immune from the Coronavirus (may have been cured that night or the previous night).  Dr Fauci can choose to pass the information to Trump by PMing the hosts, but there is a 50% chance Trump wont hear him.  Dr. Fauci wears protective gear and will not pass on the virus or catch the virus by testing. 

Dr. Birx If Fauci is incapacitated, Birx takes on his responsibilities.  Dr. Birx can also conduct 3 serology tests at any point during the game which will return how many players have been infected, but will not say whether they are infected still or who they are.

Boris Johnson - Every day, Boris can choose to issue a Coronavirus guideline through the hosts which will be broadcast in the thread.  That message cannot be deemed by the hosts to include any explicitly or implicitly identifying information about who Boris is.  If Boris claims his role he loses this power.  If President Trump is incapacitated, Boris will take his role and retain the ability to issue guidelines (unless he claims his role or otherwise abuses his power).

JJ Watt - Can choose to hold a fundraiser with a player once per night.  That player (not JJ) will receive one minor one time power.  Use of the special power by an infected player, whether civ or mafia aligned, may risk passing on the virus and this may or may not be specified when the player is given their one time power.

The Virus

Goal is to spread the virus until everyone in the game is either actively infected with the virus or dead.

Win condition: EITHER 1) everyone left in the game is actively infected OR 2) the ratio of remaining original mafia to civs is greater than 1:1 AND both both President Trump and Boris Johnson are incapacitated, meaning mafia controls the lynch and can win without infecting anyone else successfully

[spam] power: Each night, mafia can choose 1 player to infect.  There is a one day incubation period before symptoms develop and the player will only be informed if they die or become a carrier after that 1 day.  The following night, there is a:

33% chance they die and are removed from the game

33% chance they pass the virus to another player, but recover (they have antibodies that will protect them from being reinfected on that night, or the next)

33% chance they become a carrier of the virus (mafia aligned) 

If mafia attempts to infect a player who is already infected, nothing happens.  If mafia attempts to infect a player who currently has antibodies, nothing happens. A player is contagious with coronavirus as soon as they are initially infected even during the incubation period. 


The Wuhan Bat -  On night 1 he can infect a second player; this player will IMMEDIATELY either die, become a carrier, or recover and pass on the illness (i.e. one new person will be infected after night 1 no matter what)

Patient Zero - Has a chance to infiltrate the hospital on nights 1 and 3 and investigate any player; results of investigation will come back after nights 2 and 4 if Patient Zero remains in Houston

Rudy Gobert - If Rudy is lynched he will automatically pass the virus to one uninfected player by touching all of the microphones at the press beefing 

OJ Simpson - Every night can protect one of the three other Team Virus from getting treated by Trump; if Fauci tests him he will come back 'never infected'; he will survive a first lynch attempt

Jose Altuve - Can bang on a trash can once per night, which does absolutely nothing.


Bill O'Brien - Goal is to survive the game. First two times he gets coronavirus he will recover and immediately pass it to a random player (if the player is already infected, there is no impact). He has no other powers. If he is lynched, JJ Watt gets a special power. He counts as civ in the ratio.



After consulting with matts, malfatron, and others the MoL has made some tweaks to make the game a little more balanced.  We will be sending out roles tonight or tomorrow AM.  Game will start tomorrow and N1 will likely be Monday.

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10 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

I already know about the setup, so I have to recuse myself

More than this?


On 4/17/2020 at 3:25 PM, mission27 said:

Once upon a time in Texas...


It is January 1st 2021.  While most of the world has recovered from the 2020 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic, the city of Houston is the world's last remaining hot spot.  As a vaccine has not yet been developed and therapeutic progress has stalled, Houston is under a strict quarantine order and nobody allowed in or out.

The Coronavirus has infected a large portion of the city's population and ravages the city of Houston.  A team of world leaders has parachuted in to Houston to solve the crisis while more sinister forces are also at work in the city, working to perpetuate the virus and set off a new global outbreak of this horrible disease. 


The town of Houston includes both those who are infected and those who are not, including those who have recovered.  The civs are lead by The Houston Task Force and the virus is led by The Virus.  Each night, the town may choose one player they believe is actively infected to remove from the town. This player will be lynched. 

Every player in town has a Houston Texans role / cover role, including JJ Watt.

The Houston Task Force

The Houston Task Force are Special Civs of this game.  Their goal is to eliminate the virus before the virus wins.  Civs win if everyone who has been infected by the virus has died from the virus or been lynched and there is still at least one civilian who is not currently infected and is alive.  NOTE even if no original mafia remain in the game, if anyone remains infected the game is not over until those players die, recover or are lynched. 

Win condition: Everyone left in the game is not infected and the virus is eradicated. 


President Xi Ever odd night, President Xi can choose to quarantine a player for the night.  That player will be immune to being infected and cannot pass on their infection to anyone else (for example, if that person was infected and recovers, they will not pass on the infection).  President Xi cannot quarantine the same player twice.  President Xi will not become infected by using their role.

President Trump On even nights he can choose to treat any player in the game with Hydrochloroquine with Azythromicin.  If they are mafia there is a 50% chance they will die.  If they are are a civ there is a 50% chance they will die and a 50% chance they will recover (or be unaffected if they were not infected).  Players who recover using H with A are also immune that night and the following night from reinfection.  Trump wears protective gear and will not pass on the virus or catch the virus by treating. 

Dr. Fauci  Can test a player for Coronavirus antibodies every night, which will show if the player has or is currently immune from the Coronavirus (may have been cured that night or the previous night).  Dr Fauci can choose to pass the information to Trump by PMing the hosts, but there is a 50% chance Trump wont hear him.  Dr. Fauci wears protective gear and will not pass on the virus or catch the virus by testing. 

Dr. Birx If Fauci is incapacitated, Birx takes on his responsibilities 

Boris Johnson - Every day, Boris can choose to issue a Coronavirus guideline through the hosts which will be broadcast in the thread.  That message cannot be deemed by the hosts to include any explicitly or implicitly identifying information about who Boris is.  If Boris claims his role he loses this power.  If President Trump is incapacitated, Boris will take his role.

JJ Watt - Can choose to hold a fundraiser with a player once per night.  That player (not JJ) will receive one minor one time power.  Use of the special power by an infected player, whether civ or mafia aligned, may risk passing on the virus and this may or may not be specified when the player is given their one time power.

The Virus

Goal is to spread the virus until everyone in the game is either actively infected with the virus or dead.

Win condition: EITHER 1) everyone left in the game is actively infected OR 2) the ratio of remaining original mafia to civs is greater than 1:1 AND both both President Trump and Boris Johnson are incapacitated, meaning mafia controls the lynch and can win without infecting anyone else successfully

[spam] power: Each night, mafia can choose 1 player to infect.  There is a one day incubation period before symptoms develop and the player will only be informed if they die or become a carrier after that 1 day.  The following night, there is a:

33% chance they die and are removed from the game

33% chance they pass the virus to another player, but recover (they have antibodies that will protect them from being reinfected on that night, or the next)

33% chance they become a carrier of the virus (mafia aligned) 

If mafia attempts to infect a player who is already infected, nothing happens.  If mafia attempts to infect a player who currently has antibodies, nothing happens. A player is contagious with coronavirus as soon as they are initially infected even during the incubation period. 


The Wuhan Bat -  On night 1 he can infect a second player; this player will IMMEDIATELY either die, become a carrier, or recover and pass on the illness (i.e. one new person will be infected after night 1 no matter what)

Patient Zero - Has a chance to infiltrate the hospital on nights 1 and 3 and investigate any player; results of investigation will come back after nights 2 and 4 if Patient Zero remains in Houston

Rudy Gobert - If Rudy is lynched he will automatically pass the virus to one uninfected player by touching all of the microphones at the press beefing 

OJ Simpson - Every night can protect one of the three other Team Virus from getting treated by Trump; if Fauci tests him he will come back 'never infected'; he will survive a first lynch attempt

Jose Altuve - Can bang on a trash can once per night, which does absolutely nothing.


Bill O'Brien - Goal is to survive the game. First two times he gets coronavirus he will recover and immediately pass it to a random player (if the player is already infected, there is no impact). He has no other powers. If he is lynched, JJ Watt gets a special power. He counts as civ in the ratio.




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21 minutes ago, mission27 said:

After consulting with matts, malfatron, and others the MoL has made some tweaks to make the game a little more balanced.  We will be sending out roles tonight or tomorrow AM.  Game will start tomorrow and N1 will likely be Monday.

Hey, you took a lot of the ideas I mentioned and tweaked them!! This is **MUCH** better. 

Well done missions. 

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