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The QB Thread: Everything Carr, Stidham and beyond...


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Just now, MrOaktown_56 said:

Here you go again. If you paid attention, you’d see that there are very few people implying that he carried us to the playoffs. Just that he did what he needed to do to HELP us win games. But keep going.

Case in point 🙄

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1 hour ago, ronjon1990 said:

I think some folks are overplaying the "familiarity" aspect of Carr and Adams on game day. They spent 2 years together in college, almost a decade ago. Not saying they're complete strangers, just that I hear a lot about their "historical connection" that gets waaaaay overplayed, imo.

They workout together every offseason, lol.

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6 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

Here you go again. If you paid attention, you’d see that there are very few people implying that he carried us to the playoffs. Just that he did what he needed to do to HELP us win games. But keep going.

I’m not gonna take time to bring up the hypocrisy Posts from over a year ago..so you win. But when I see it again…

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1 hour ago, ronjon1990 said:

I'd also add that Adams and Rodgers played together roughly 4x as long as Carr and Adams did. 

I think some folks are overplaying the "familiarity" aspect of Carr and Adams on game day. They spent 2 years together in college, almost a decade ago. Not saying they're complete strangers, just that I hear a lot about their "historical connection" that gets waaaaay overplayed, imo.

I'd disagree. Normally I'd say that makes sense. Except they're best friends, have been vocal about desperately wanting to play together, they get together all the time and practice, and talk about how well they had chemistry together.  Sometimes you just work well with someone and it's abundantly clear you have more chemistry together than others based on various factors. That's what they sound like. Something just clicked between them and they've wanted a chance to do it again. 

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20 minutes ago, bucksavage1 said:

Lol what?

Whenever I brought up Carr’s 2nd worst starting record in NFL history, I was met with “wins and losses” are a team stat.

Now that we made the playoffs, all people is say Carr led us to the winning season and to the playoffs. Which is it? Keep the same energy 


If people don’t understand you make the playoffs or miss the playoffs as a team, I don’t know how to help them. 

football is a team sport. 
megatron is one of the greatest Wrs of all time, but his team was bad. His team being bad doesn’t discredit how good he was. 

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26 minutes ago, bucksavage1 said:

Lol what?

Whenever I brought up Carr’s 2nd worst starting record in NFL history, I was met with “wins and losses” are a team stat.

Now that we made the playoffs, all people is say Carr led us to the winning season and to the playoffs. Which is it? Keep the same energy 


Also, to add you have it backwards.

people bashed carr for us not making playoffs, and some said our team was bad so only say an elite qb could’ve carried us. 
now those people are saying our D carried us to playoffs not Carr. 

so they are the ones who flipped. 

and it’s easy to prove because they were saying for multiple years it was all on Carr for not getting there. 

now we finally made it, and it’s cause of the D.


find me one poster who said we only made it cause of Carr. You can’t it’s hyperbole. 


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5 minutes ago, BackinBlack said:

If people don’t understand you make the playoffs or miss the playoffs as a team, I don’t know how to help them. 

football is a team sport. 
megatron is one of the greatest Wrs of all time, but his team was bad. His team being bad doesn’t discredit how good he was. 

You’re missing the entire point.

What’s Megatron record as a starter? That’s right it isn’t kept as an official NFL statistic like starting records for QBs, coaches and GMs

My entire argument was the NFL recognizes QB records as an official stat. Most people argued against it saying that it isn’t a way to judge a QB and the NFL don’t know what their talking about, wins are a team statistic blah blah blah. 

QBs have the largest impact on a teams record. NFL proves that by recording it as a stat

Edited by bucksavage1
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7 minutes ago, bucksavage1 said:

You’re missing the entire point.

What’s Megatron record as a starter? That’s right it isn’t kept as an official NFL statistic like starting records for QBs, coaches and GMs

My entire argument was the NFL recognizes QB records as an official stat. Most people argued against it saying that it isn’t a way to judge a QB and the NFL don’t know what their talking about, wins are a team statistic blah blah blah. 

QBs have the largest impact on a teams record. NFL proves that by recording it as a stat

Ok so tackle for losses were not important to a DE until what 2 years ago, when stats starting tracking them?

or sacks weren’t important in the early days in the nfl? I’d have argued they impacted games, but it seems like you don’t think they did back then cause they weren’t officially tracked then?

they add new stats all the time, because they realize their tracking system isn’t perfect. 

honestly I believe win loss stat is for media as I agree it draws in views. But to judge a qb off wins losses is meaningless.

in all serious to judge anyone purely off stats is a mistake imo. 


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Posters nitpick about Carr.  But the way I see it is:

-There are 3-6 QB's who can "win" you a superbowl in any given year. 

-There are 5-8 more QB's who you can win a superbowl "with" in any given year. 

There s another category of QB's who can't get you there if they are starting for you. Carr falls into the second category I believe. But people who think Carr isn't in the first group makes arguments against him from that perspective ("But he can't carry the team all the time!"), while arguers of the second group defend him from evidence believing in the 2nd group ("But he does do it sometimes and doesn't prevent us from winning games!"). It's an ongoing cycle. He is who he is, he's good enough where we can win one with him, but have to have a great team and/or great coaching.  

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18 minutes ago, bucksavage1 said:

You’re missing the entire point.

What’s Megatron record as a starter? That’s right it isn’t kept as an official NFL statistic like starting records for QBs, coaches and GMs

My entire argument was the NFL recognizes QB records as an official stat. Most people argued against it saying that it isn’t a way to judge a QB and the NFL don’t know what their talking about, wins are a team statistic blah blah blah. 

QBs have the largest impact on a teams record. NFL proves that by recording it as a stat

This is meaningless.

We are evaluating talent purely on official stats now?

Why did the Rams pay Allen Robinson $$$ when he sucked based on "official NFL statistics"?

Why did we pay Maxx Crosby when he only had 8 sacks?

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The reason Blake Bortles, Tim Tebow and even now with Jimmy G not being traded shows that ;

Actual nfl talent evaluators don’t put wins losses on QBs.

yes the nfl media does as you like to point out. 

I’ll trust the nfl evaluators over talking media all day.

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1 minute ago, BackinBlack said:

The reason Blake Bortles, Tim Tebow and even now with Jimmy G not being traded shows that ;

Actual nfl talent evaluators don’t put wins losses on QBs.

yes the nfl media does as you like to point out. 

I’ll trust the nfl evaluators over talking media all day.

Blake Bortles didn't win much or produce, lol. Tim Tebow was one of the most polarizing players in the league and completed less than 50% of his passes. Jimmy G didn't get traded this offseason because his shoulder is shot.

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1 minute ago, NickButera said:

I'd disagree. Normally I'd say that makes sense. Except they're best friends, have been vocal about desperately wanting to play together, they get together all the time and practice, and talk about how well they had chemistry together.  Sometimes you just work well with someone and it's abundantly clear you have more chemistry together than others based on various factors. That's what they sound like. Something just clicked between them and they've wanted a chance to do it again. 

I clicked with my ex girlfriends once too. 

One, I remain very close friends with. We love meeting up, catching up, I've even watched her kid for her anniversary when she couldn't find a sitter. A few times, we've even joked or opined about how we would be as a couple had we met in adulthood instead of late high school/early college. 

Frankly, we'd probably make a much better couple now, as we've matured and moved into stable careers. Except there's something missing- we're just not interested in being romantic with one another. We've both had moments of "what-if?", I have no problem telling her she's hot, she certainly never avoids sending overt compliments my way. Both single, we'd probably hop right in the sack and have a blast for the heck of it. But at the end of the day, regardless of what we may say or how close we've remained.... it's not exactly the same 

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