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Dark Souls Mafia - GAME OVER - BOSSES WIN!!


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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, Ragnarok is probably scum, is he on your team Malfatron?  Should I not pursue this?  I need information.  Just give me an honest answer, no one will take it seriously.

dont know if rag is on my team


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With the Catacombs area boss clear and the Rite of Kindling obtained, the Chosen Undead made their way back up to the graveyard. Heading across it, they took an elevator up to the Undead Church. Fighting their way through the many Hollow Balder Knights that blocked their way, the Chosen Undead finally found the ladder to the roof.




It was Squire who jumped down onto them from the rooftops, long dormant from lack of challengers. After gaining his footing, he jumped at the Chosen Undead, swinging his massive halberd at them


He followed up with another big swing, this time an overhead one.


But the Chosen Undead were able to block the attacks. They staggered backwards from the blows, but they were otherwise unharmed.

Squire was relentless however, and he took flight once again, using his massive tail axe this time.


But the Chosen Undead had all brought sturdy greatshields, and they continued to block Squire's attacks.

Squire was growing frustrated at his inability to damage his opponents. He took in a deep breath, and began to spray fire.


Unfortunately, this was just the opening that the Chosen Undead needed, as Squire was left trying to recover from expending such stamina. The Chosen Undead moved to surround him, and they made quick work of him from the flanks.


@squire12 has been defeated by the Chosen Undead. He was the Bell Gargoyle [Motion Detector] (Dark Souls Boss aligned)

Squire's drop has been obscured by the Rite of Kindling!


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