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Can a Case be made for Keenum...?

vike daddy

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8 minutes ago, perrynoid said:

Much better?  Peterson was the focus of opposing defenses, so Bridgewater should have had a great deal of success on play-actions, not sure if that was the case or not.  Keenum has kept drives alive, which has really helped with field position and thus with keeping the defense fresh.  Do I think Bridgewater has the higher ceiling?  Yes, undoubtedly; however, he hasn't played a down in an NFL game in quite some time, don't know how long it will be for him to shake off the rust, so to speak.  I would prefer to work him back into games by bringing him in late in the 4th quarter of games in which we have a comfortable lead.  It it's not broken, don't fix it...

I mean, we were losing to the Browns in the third quarter. May not be broken but it's certainly not inspiring either.

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The argument that defense were focused on Peterson, therefor the QB should have had an easier job is a poor one. Primarily, because with peterson on the field the offense was in a strong run formation the majority of the time. Even with 8 in the box, it’s hard to pass the ball when you only have 1-2 receivers on the field with 1-2 tight ends and a fullback. 

Not to mention, running 5-7 step dropbacks, especially play actions, with the o-line that we had from 2014-2016 was never QB friendly. 

Keenum is a good backup quarterback, probably top 5, but he’s still a backup. It’s like getting a flat tire and putting on the spare. The spare is only recommended for 50 miles before you should replace it with a real tire. Sure, you might get more than 50 miles out of the spare. Maybe 100 miles, maybe even 200 miles, but eventually it will show why it’s a spare, and why you should find a real tire to replace it. 

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While I do think Case's offensive supporting cast is better then what Teddy had in 2015, I do not think that one can concretely say that Teddy would get the same (or more) out of the offense as Case is doing now. There's a more logical argument that he could get worse out of this offensive unit, if he is the downgrade, due to inexperience in this offense, time away from the game, injury limitations. 

I think time away from Teddy, has enabled people to forget the limitations of Teddy, which is practically the same as Case. Case to his point, has been winning. Teddy has not shown anything in his playing experience, where he is superior to Case. Teddy's potential factor is not there anymore, and is more clouded with his "unknown" factor.

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Bridgewater didn’t forget how to play quarterback. He suffered a knee injury that slowed down his development, but it didn’t delete it. There’s no reason to think he lost what he had or that he won’t improve on what he was simply because of a knee injury. Especially, from video we’ve seen, the knee injury doesn’t appear to have affected his movement. 

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56 minutes ago, SemperFeist said:

Bridgewater is 24 years old, less than 8 weeks older than Carson Wentz. To say that the potential factor is no longer there is just assinine. 

Still evident, but let's just say the percentages for theoretical success have dramatically diminished. It goes without saying that Teddy has a lot to overcome mentally, as well as physically.

Not to mention he's considerably limited physically in comparison to, as you reference, Carson Wentz.

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54 minutes ago, Purple-Pride07 said:

Still evident, but let's just say the percentages for theoretical success have dramatically diminished. It goes without saying that Teddy has a lot to overcome mentally, as well as physically.

Not to mention he's considerably limited physically in comparison to, as you reference, Carson Wentz.

How's that?

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We can argue all day long, but can any of us really make the claim that Teddy is anything but a marginal improvement over Case at this point?  If he is more than a marginal improvement, what would be the justification for making such a claim be?  Certainly not on past performance, which comparing Case's current stats are very similar to Teddy's from 2015.  If we are talking about "ceiling" then the best time to determine that would be in the off season, one would think, not in the middle of what should be a playoff-aspiring season. 

Further, Case has demonstrated superb athleticism which I doubt Teddy will be able to replicate due to the severity of his injury and lack of action dating back almost 2 football seasons.  Case is healthy, and the best ability, after all, is availability.

One could argue that since Case is healthy and probably could be paid "on the cheap" he should be the starting QB going forward, with Sloter as back-up.  We can draft the QBOTF this upcoming draft and let Teddy and Sam walk, and probably pick up a pair of 3rd round picks as a result.  I just don't have much confidence in Teddy or Sam going forward to overcome their injuries to reach what should be their ceilings.  The cap money we save could be spent on other areas of the team, especially on our top-notch defenders who will be the ones to bring us a championship.

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Thinking today....

Obviously Case is going to look for a starting role and a decent contract. However, I'm not opposed to making him one of the league's highest paid backups. I really think we should.

He got us 5 wins so far. Hasn't turned the ball over much (2 picks in 7 games). And he's respected around the locker room. I wouldn't mind giving him a 2-3 year deal with a nice chunk of change ESPECIALLY with the history behind Tedford Samwaters' knee injuries(s). He'd be one HELL of an insurance piece and would give everyone peace of mind knowing that he can come in at anytime and win.

Plus he already knows the playbook, receivers, locker room, etc.

Do it, Rick. NOW.

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32 minutes ago, vikingsrule said:

I'd honestly look towards bringing back Teddy and Keenum. I don't really care if we spend $20M at the QB position to make it happen realizing that MN won't be active in the FA market. Nor do they really need to be.

I would look forward to bringing both of them back also, but would offer an incentive-laden contract to each of them, based on playtime and performance incentives.  I am just too leery of giving big money to someone who has had such a catastrophic injury as Teddy has had.

For what it's worth, Case currently has the 6th highest total QBR rating in the NFL (64.7), ahead of guys named Smith, Rodgers, Wilson and Ryan.

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