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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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You guys are trippin

I don't know what Snape would be in this set up, but in the books, he is truly scum of the earth

Anyone who somehow things he is a "good guy" because of his final allegiances, you need to re-evaluate your morals

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

You guys are trippin

I don't know what Snape would be in this set up, but in the books, he is truly scum of the earth

Anyone who somehow things he is a "good guy" because of his final allegiances, you need to re-evaluate your morals

Scum of the earth is maybe a bit strong. Indy is a possibility though.

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

You guys are trippin

I don't know what Snape would be in this set up, but in the books, he is truly scum of the earth

Anyone who somehow things he is a "good guy" because of his final allegiances, you need to re-evaluate your morals

I might vote for you just based on this post. Final allegiances? What do you mean by that? I'd say Snape had the greyest vibe mixing between both sides.

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22 minutes ago, Dome said:

I think @Counselor is scum... last game he had so many reads he couldn't settle in on just one, this game he's hesitant to put them out there. He is quick to make bogus claims as town like he says he is, but the way he defended it was odd.

Last game specifically he was quick to call anyone who doubted him scum. But this game when squire called him on it he was quick to fall back on "but i always do that, ask anyone" and didn't question squire's motivations at all, explicitly saying he didn't thing squire was scum.

it felt like counselors fake claim was because he knew he needed a fake claim to appear town like last game, not because he's actually playing the same as last game

Absolutely incorrect 

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Just now, JoshstraDaymus said:

Scum of the earth is maybe a bit strong. Indy is a possibility though.

perhaps poor wording because of the context of the game.. I wasn't talking from a mafia game perspective, although from that view I feel like you could argue Snape for several alignments, including convertible or someone trying to be recruited to either team

I'm just saying, he is a bad due in the series and should not be considered redeemed by a reasonable reader

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Taking into account that this is a SwAg hosted game, which in the two I've played, mean that its' probably somewhat swingy, has some hidden mechanics/roles based upon RNG/Probability or certain stipulations being met, I'd say that the original make-up of the game would be something like:

14:4:1 or 13:4:1:1

...with some twists, potentially conversion mechanic(s) based upon the scum balance, etc. (See: White House Mafia/Burn Notice Season 1 Mafia).

Quirrell and Voldemort would be for sure Mafia, with Voldemort probably being a variation of a GF. Malfoy would likely also be bad in some capacity, and Snape would be very ambiguous, as his true motives aren't revealed until later.

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Just now, Dome said:

Well you’d have to say that either way 

You think Severus Snape would be a fake claim? That’s one of the few names I’ve heard before as someone who has never read a book or seen the series. So if I’ve heard of him I’m sure he is a main character. 

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16 minutes ago, Dome said:

As far as how snape fits into the story as it unfolds, he’d be a perfect cover role 


1 minute ago, Counselor said:

You think Severus Snape would be a fake claim? 


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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

perhaps poor wording because of the context of the game.. I wasn't talking from a mafia game perspective, although from that view I feel like you could argue Snape for several alignments, including convertible or someone trying to be recruited to either team

I'm just saying, he is a bad due in the series and should not be considered redeemed by a reasonable reader

That's why I think Snape would likely be considered more of an "Indy". He's got some major flaws, major gray areas, killed Dumbledore (who asked him to). To be honest, you can absolutely make the argument that Snape was 100% playing BOTH SIDES until the end (Compare and contrast the first Wizard War with the Second), and whether Dumbledore was begging for mercy or begging him to kill him is left largely ambiguous as well.

I can absolutely see the plausibility of some kind of INDY for him in this setup.

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