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26 minutes ago, ReggieCamp said:

Yeah, mobile is brutal. Almost always on a laptop when I come here.

When I’m supposed to be doing work while I am at work I don’t visit this site except on my phone. This place needs to catch up with the 21st-century in that regard. Everything should be mobile friendly anymore. Even when I’m at home. I’m not busting out a laptop. Maybe I’m just a weird one though.

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1 hour ago, NateDawg said:

I hear china can spy on us with those.

I use DuckDuckGo browser on my phone which kills all tracking/cookies that Google and websites put on you when browsing. Because of that it also tremendously lowers the amount of ads you get served.

It's basically like browsing in incognito mode w/ low amount of ads. It even shows you when you visit a webpage how many things it blocks that were trying to track you. You would be amazed how many things it blocks

The only bad part is that since its whole benefit is 'nothing tracks you' the browser doesn't save anything you search and not having autofill or any search history when trying to find something sometimes is a pain

Edited by AkronsWitness
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1 minute ago, sdrawkcab321 said:

Imagine still posting on a computer. Who TF still uses those outside of work and gaming??

My entire life is on my laptop. Plus, by not posting from my phone, it purposely limits the amount of time I spend on here (no offense to all you fine pumpkinheads).

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