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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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40 minutes ago, Daniel said:

That actually reminds me, is there a comparable MWil joke?  Because I'm wondering what to make of squire's first post.

Or is it normal here to just start lynching people day 1 with no explanation?

It might be helpful to think of half the participants in the same manner you think of the President.

They will do something, based on hardly anything, and pound their chest if it’s even close to correct, but also claim it was just to get a reaction when it does not work.

Meanwhile, I am up front that I take responsibility for nothing negative, and all positives are derived almost solely from my efforts.

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Before I forget, I'ma get my required daily vote out of the way for squire.  I don't know if there's a running joke with MWil the same way that there is with Josh, but him voting for MWil with no explanation, then calling the first person to question it scum without ever addressing the actual vote seems like an amateur hour scum move.

Unless this is a joke reference that I don't get.

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8 minutes ago, SwAg said:

It might be helpful to think of half the participants in the same manner you think of the President.

They will do something, based on hardly anything, and pound their chest if it’s even close to correct, but also claim it was just to get a reaction when it does not work.

I also like to think of myself squarely in the "I'm the same as Forge" tier, as the "if in doubt, do what will make the best story" philosophy reigns supreme.

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