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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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6 minutes ago, Blue said:

Look. We can vote for anybody right now, but I think trying to get a train on anyone other than Matts, Malf, Pickle, or Squire is just going to lead to a mislynch. There's too little to go on and it'll be easy for scum to pile on in such a short timeframe.

If we lynch either of Matts or Pickle, the only way we can clear the other is if the one we lynch flips Mafia. If they flip Town, that tells us nothing about the other's alignment; could have been scum voting up two trains they knew were both Town, could be scum voting up the other train to save their buddy. Either way, doesn't help us right now.

If you're Town, you should understand why Malf supposedly having a monster role is sketchy. Could be nothing, it could easily be a red herring. They could be scum trying lolclear each other, but I don't think that's plausible. If we lynch Malf, we can see his flip and if he's Town then we know Matts is clear as well. That doesn't help us with Pickle's alignment, but at least it gets us a surefire clear--and if Malf flips scum, that's a win on its own.

Squire got votes off of him VERY quickly at the end, which either suggests people were looking for reactions or scum just needed an excuse to pile off their teammate on to someone else. Not sure what to make of that given Squire's seeming lack of concern over getting voted.

Arguably, a No Lynch may be our best move here if you believe Matts and Pickle, for the reasons stated in my first three sentences. Potentially, we've already given scum three players' roles, and moving to lynch someone else may end up doing more harm than good. But that doesn't move us any closer to verifying those players' actual alignments. We got 45 minutes, people need to make their thoughts heard.

Where are you leaning on the inactives....KSJ, bcb, daboyle, ET

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Is the herbalist a monster?

If you google it, it doesnt appear so.

2 minutes ago, Dome said:

Why matts?


i only skimmed, but didn’t see much as far as reasoning 




I should not that I have him blocked and cannot see his posts 

Why do you have me blocked? Thats mean. I only had like 3 post, so there was no reason.

2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

3 outs. 3 damn outs!!!

Also matts is claiming mason protector....its crap.  Matts claimed mason and then added to it protector...definitely feels like he is adding things to stay alive 

Its not. Its me not fully explaining and giving mafia additional information. Could you give us additional information about your character? What movie is he from?

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Just now, Counselor said:

If he didn’t need to put the protector part why would he initially? Also if he is scum why would he drag Malf down with him?

He added it bc protector is far more valuable than mason.  I had already claimed protector so why try and add it.  He is trying to survive only right now from what I have seen.  

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

If he didn’t need to put the protector part why would he initially? Also if he is scum why would he drag Malf down with him?

Small game, might need the numbers if their team only has 3 members. I don't think that's a terribly convincing case, though.

If we have to pick between them, I think Pickle has the weaker claim. Can't protect same person twice (in a row? I have to double-check his claim) is a convenient excuse to not target the Cop down the road if he lives that long.

On the other hand, masons + a protection ability feels overpowered in such a small game.

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9 minutes ago, Blue said:

If you're Town, you should understand why Malf supposedly having a monster role is sketchy.

me understand you better now.

me understand squire now.

The villagers dont think of me as a monster

Herbalist is a made up that nobody will ever claim to be. He hides! He Hides!


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