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Black Sails Mafia (S1): Day 5


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Night 4:

MWil was lying in his bed in a weakened state, incapable of his usual demeanor or action, but his keen sense of his surrounding prompted his arousal.  He heard the individual approaching before he saw him.  He loaded his pistol as he peered through his window to gain an idea of where the individual would be coming from.  He looked left and saw nothing, rotated right, and MWil was staring down a barrel.  He fell to the ground with the sound of a gunshot that reverberated through the inland.

MWil is dead.  He was Captain Flint, Fearsome Vigilante, Nassau-Aligned.  @MWil23


bcb was making his way back through the streets of Nassau.  He scans his environment as he makes to retire for the evening, and others seem to falter under his intense gaze as they shy away from it, as though fearful it alone might hurt them.  Bcb rounds a corner and sees a familiar face.

The **** are you doing here?

I want my glasses back, you big bully.

Bcb laughed, but his laughter stopped as the individual pulled a pistol on him and shot.  Bcb fell to the ground bleeding, and the attacker stepped forward to finish what he started.  But, with bcb's last bit of soul, he drew a hidden blade and stabbed the back of Daniel's leg, who crumpled.  The two struggled on the ground, but bcb gained the upper hand as he continued to fade, and used all his might and weight to drive the blade into Daniel's torso.

bcb is dead.  He was Anne Bonny, The Muscle, Vane-Aligned@bcb1213

Daniel is dead.  He was Dufresne, The Book Keeper, Mutiny-Aligned@Daniel


The Nassau residents made to convene for the next day of events, but were greeted with a surprise as they went to do so.  They rubbed their eyes, almost incapable of believing it possible?


You're a thief!  You're a thief!

Yeah...that's Josh alright...

Josh is alive, and has returned to the game! @JoshstraDaymus


Day 5.

Edited by SwAg
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I told you all that BCB and KSJ are definitely aligned, and here’s the actual proof. KSJ pops up CONVENIENTLY to hammer me the very post after the votes are one away to get rid of me. After who, you might ask? BCB. With 4 left, we take this shot at KSJ and get him out right now. We ALL KNOW HES SCUMMY

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